My Heart's glory

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Oh my dear daughter
Oh my dear darling daughter

Parting is hellish ;

If it were in my hands, I did break the rules


Oh my dear daughter
Oh my dear darling daughter

I would wrap you in my bosom,

Let no harm evade you ever


You are my angel;
My dissertation in gloom

Your tiny hands my strength,
Your proximity my profound Peace


We permeate each other's Void

You're  my delightful reliance in anguish and noise


You my darling daughter --
My heart's Angel ;

Together we withstood every hurdle


I love you and will do so till eternity,

Guard you against every adversity


But alas I'm counting my numbered days;

Time doesn't obey our command,
Neither does it make it a tapestry of hopeful future


I cry not;
Stifled gasps and wandering sigh overlaps me


Tears are freedom,
they bring the mind liberty,

But I have never been in truce with them


My heart a burdened spirit of hefty melancholia ,

Oh but there you are my eternal placate,
My closest companion and friend


Since you came in my life;
There was no sorrow but iridescent Light


Our mind and Soul are one music and more;

Fear not my sweetheart,
Let no sadness cross your heart


Together we had the most memorable time;

Granted few years more,
we would have been each other's sunshine


But unfortunate as we are,
God's mercy has not  been with us


I am here, I'll always be;
When I am not my love will cuddle thee


Be happy and merry in life;
For I'll be waiting for you at the other side--;

And that's a promise my darling child.



As you can well assume, this is a mother's heartfelt plea and thoughts for her darling daughter.

It's about love, pain and parting with the promise to meet again.


Love and Kisses ❤
--- Isa

Stay Safe 💛

Approbation of an Irrational  Heart ( Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now