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chapter seventy five.

'  𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝟐𝟑, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔

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' 𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝟐𝟑, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔. '
deathrow records ━━━ beverly hills, california !

"THANK YOU FOR making this instrumental for me, Dre. I truly appreciate it." Milani beamed, watching as Dre spun his chair around post his fixation to the soft ballad she was yet to record on upon the soundboard, before he adverted his attention onto her.

"It ain't no problem, I needed something to do. Plus, I realized that as much as we hang out in the studio, we don't have a single track where I produced for you." The two laughed, before she shook her head. "Well I mean . . . we did Lose My Breath and Cater 2 U." She pointed out.

"True, but they're not solo ones of just the Milani Haynes, or Blake might I add — now that you're getting married and shit. I see Quik finally out a ring on it, congratulations, Mil. How you feelin', man?" He congratulated, Milani beamed of joy at the mention of her engagement like she did every other time it was brought up.

"Thank you, Dre. I'm feeling amazing, I still can't prosper the fact that I'm actually becoming a married woman within the next eight months." Milani spoke, Dre nodding along with her words. "I pray for the best between y'all two. You seem to be much happier in this state than the last time you had gotten engaged, no shade to DeVante, although— that's my nigga."

"I was happy . . . there was just many stuff that piled on top of that, it didn't allow me to express what I felt with others besides myself and DeVante." She told him, ninety four was most indeed one of the most hectic years in Milani's life, she hadn't experience so much stuff within a span of a year. She still questioned how she bared managed to bear through it in the way she had.

"Are you still thinking about leaving DeathRow?" Milani questioned, she noticed he hadn't been around often, or at the least whenever she was over, which was odd since she'd seen him before all the time, producing and making beats with others or by himself in a secluded studio from others.

"Yeah, it's been trailing my mind even more now than before since DeathRow is falling apart. This beef between the East Coast is really fucking up the business around here. There's never a time where the entire place is peaceful and quiet, there's always something, some fight, some party, just something. I can't be surrounding myself around that if I wanna continue to make music." He shook his head, Milani agreed with him.

"I understand, where are gonna go if or when you do leave from here?" She asked, Dre instantly formed a slight smile on his face. "I'm starting my own label . . . I've been meeting with some people, I might distribute and partner up with UMG. I've got a small lil' headquarter secluded already in Santa Monica and I've got a few artists up my sleeve. You can't tell a soul, just one more string needs to be made to this label, and I'm through."

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