Chapter 55

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Chapter 55
Please, Shut Up

Davina was a mess.

She was more lost than ever, feeling she had no purpose anymore since she had been shunned by the Coven she had relied on, for her whole life.

And Marcel had the audacity to give her a call, after, betraying her family. She wasn't very impressed that he thought, he had any right to summon her, to do, absolutely anything, these days.

She kicked the door open, breaking its bottom hinge. "Marcel!" she yelled, throwing her bag down on his sofa. But he was nowhere to be seen. "Come on, you called me here!" she called her, waiting impatiently.

"You didn't need to break my door," he said, appearing around the corner with a grin she knew all too well. "And I called you here, to help you," he said, offering her a glass of blood, which she swiftly accepted. "By the way -"

"If you're about to say, something you think is funny, I will bite you" she snapped. She had no time for patience, today. She wasn't playing games, with Marcel anymore, She was sick of it. "And if what you're going to say, is going to piss me off, get on with it" she prompted, handing him the empty glass.

"Thanks" he tutted, putting it down, on the side. "Now, I know this is going to annoy you -"

"Get on with it" she hummed.

"Vincent's activated the Serratura" he confessed.

That got her attention, quickly. She didn't notice, the blood drip down her hand, into the floor, or the nails digging into her palm. "So what you're saying is, Vincent wants me to kill him, noted" she declared, heading for the door but Marcel grabbed her wrist quickly.

"Hey, hey, hey, before you go and do something rash, just think a second," he asked, no he pleaded with her. "You could talk to him, like a normal person" he suggested.

"Your right" she sighed, giving him a smile and nodding slightly. "Shame, I'm a vampire" she replied, her smile dropping when she grabbed his throat and snapped his neck back, in two. She didn't give him a second before dropping his dead body, into a crumbled pile. "And you're a dickhead" she cursed, grabbing her bag and rushing through the now-broken door.


To give him credit, Vincent held his own rather well against the witch. However, when a vampire grabbed him, taking him by surprise, he fell from his advantage. She let Vincent lose for a moment, his worry over taking him, before ripping the vampire's heart out, and throwing him onto the floor.

Looking at the bloody heart, before dropping it to the grown. The witch sighed in relief but she still had plenty to say. "Vincent. We should talk about your long-running saga of betrayals" she declared, hearing his heart skip a beat.

A blue twinkling light reflected in the corner of her eyes and she found Freya's pendant. With, of course, a charming Mikaelson's soul, trapped inside. "And two out of two" she murmured to herself, looking over her shoulder to Vincent, who had finally dragged himself off the ground.

He cleared his throat, looking down at the ground. "Good to see you" he declared, trying to break through the tension.

"Are we acting like you destroy Davina's life, which I haven't even killed you for, yet" she reminded him, her voice sombre, just like her mind. "Not even after a charming little, gold, hell device, that I've been told you were stupid enough to activate."

"Look, I don't know what to tell you, man. You want your big, bad Serratura, you gonna have to go after Tristina because he took it with him after he forced me to activate it" he rambled, a slight shake hanging under his voice.

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