Chapter 26~Dream come true?~

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Ello people! so i havent updated in awhile hoping to get some votes but whatever, anyways thought i'd update seeing how its first day of Take Me Home Tour!! weooo how exciting?! anyway... carry on! and thats a song! i just rhymed omg! :O okokok now read on!!!

Chapter 26

~Emma’s POV~

I Woke up around eleven in the morning, I knew I had to get up and go back to get my paper work, I can’t believe I’m going to be touring with One Direction, this is like a dream come true, I know I’ll miss the girls a ton, but hopefully they can come and visit every once in a while.

I got up from my sleeping position, which was sprawled across the floor with the popcorn bowl by my face. I looked around to see the other girls still asleep. I quietly got up, and headed upstairs to take a shower and get ready.

-Half hour later-

I finished my shower, and getting dressed, I decided on wearing black skinny jeans, a long sleeved lose shirt that was purple, and some black high boots to pull off the look.

Once I was dressed I decided on curling my hair, once I finished a half hour later, I moved onto make-up only making it look natural, but with a little bit of cover-up.

I checked myself in my  mirror making sure I looked decent, once happy with my look, I headed back into my room to put my necklace, and bracelet on. Finally finished I headed to the kitchen to grab a muffin.

I noticed the girls weren’t awake so I thought I’d write a note, because I’m one awesome friend.

-AmandaBear, Keerabear, And Eleabear(Made you a nick name too don’t worry!)

I have to go back to the studio place thing to get papers, and just to figure out the dates and such!! I’ll be home later I don’t know when but yah don’t miss me to much! ;) love ya!


-At the Studio-

We were all sitting around the table, nobody dared to speak a single word, I don’t know why it’s so quiet, as soon as I got into the room, they rushed me to a seat, I know I wasn’t late, in fact I was early. Everybody was looking around the room, curious to whats going on.

The boys sat at the end of the table, trying their hardest not to talk, which I can tell for Louis and Niall was a hard thing to do. I saw them all looking at each other to see who will crack first. I rolled my eyes at them, and turned to look the other way.

“Why is it so quiet in here?” I jumped a bit at the sound of someone talking, I turned to see Simon standing there with a very confused look on his face.

“Well sure, we just got bad news.” Paul told him, the other tour workers, and band workers, nodding with them. I looked very confused at what the bad news was, I turned to see if the boys knew, and they just shrugged their shoulders.

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