Chapter 3 ~Planes, Goodbyes, and Tears~

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so i dont know if this story is any good, so comment of it sucks and i should stop because i will, or comment and tell to me to continue? so its all up to you, it gets better i think, One Direction will be in the next chapter! umm yeah so read on :)

Chapter 3

Emma’s POV

Today was the day, the day I would be moving to London, England with my two best friends, starting a new life, and a new job. Right now I was standing in the airport, saying my goodbyes. I was always bad at saying goodbyes I always cry and get upset. First I said bye to my friend’s parents, then my grandparents, now my it’s time for my mom and siblings.

“Bye mom, I’m going to miss you, make sure you text, and call me, maybe Skype.” She nodded her head, “I love you momma.”

“I love you too sweetie call me as soon as you land and get home, your stuff should be there, have a good time, be safe, and get good grades, love you.” She told me, when she said all of that, I just let the tears come pouring down, god I’m going to miss her niceness.

Next were my younger sisters, “Bye guys, be good for mom, alright? Love you guys, I know I don’t show it, but I do, text me sometime, when you get cell phones anyways.” I hugged all of them, now the hardest part, saying goodbye to my older brother. I already said a short goodbye to my dad, he couldn’t come because of stupid work, I think that was a stupid excuse, his daughter was leaving across that world and he couldn’t say goodbye? Oh well.

I stood in front of Tyler and just hugged him without saying anything, I was crying like a baby, I hate it when I cry it makes me feel weak, “Goodbye Tyler, I’m going to miss you a ton, I love you more than you think I do, make sure you  text, call, Skype, anything to keep contact.” I said after I calmed down from crying.

“I’m going to miss you a ton too, and don’t worry I will every single day, I’ll get money to visit you every once in a while. Love you Emma, I always have and always will, good luck in London.” He pulled me into another hug, after I hugged everyone else once more, Amanda, Keera, and I all walked to wait for our plane to come, I looked back one last time, I gave a wave to my family, and mouthed goodbye. I sure was going to miss Canada, but I’m going to also love London.

We waited another forty-five minutes till they called our plane; we all stood up, walking to the plane thing. Once we all seated me by the window, Amanda in the window, and Keera on the end. I looked out the window silently saying goodbye to Canada. I think the other girls were too, but I couldn’t tell.

“Well guys, this is it, goodbye Canada and in 13 hours hello London.”I said sniffling, I wasn’t crying about leaving Canada, I was kind of glad for that, I need somewhere new to live, but I was crying because I was going to miss Tyler a lot, he always helped me with my problems.

“Yeah, it’s exciting, and don’t worry, Tyler said he would come and visit you, plus we’ll be with you the whole time, so at lease you have some part of Canada with you.” Amanda said giggling a bit, Keera was laughing too, so then I started laughing, and well we were all laughing really loud. This plane ride was going to be fun!

5 hours later, 8 more to go, and this plane ride has been a blast, even though we’ve gotten in trouble a few times because ‘people were trying to sleep’ even though people were laughing either with, or at us. I think I ate the whole entire free menu, the girls just laughed, I also went on twitter, tweeted a bit, and then Facebook, making a status about leaving and whatnot, then I slept for 5 minutes before I realized I wasn’t tired one bit. I don’t know if I can sit still for any longer, some people think I have ADHD but I don’t I just need to be active and doing things not sitting down, ugh this last little bit is going to be a pain, because now everyone on the plane is asleep, including Keera and Amanda.

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