Chapter 40 -Bored, Hyper, and Well in The Air-

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I hate how long this story is, aha but it's almost done :( anyways sorry for not posting a whole bunch, I probably wont update until next Friday or Saturday when my exams are over! so please bare with me. anyways this chapter is more of a filler so please enjoy! I bet none of you guys read this but whatever :)

Chapter 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Emma’s POV-

I was seated on the plane, it was first class, and everybody was asleep, except for me, and maybe some random people. I was beyond bored! Niall fell asleep as soon as we got onto this stupid plane! How am I supposed to do anything when it’s like 3 in the morning?!

I already listened to all of my songs on my IPod, so that was out of things to do. There was no food being served at this hour, seeing how everybody was basically asleep. I hate planes, did you know that? If not, you know now.

They are just really small and cramped, like there is no room and I have to be on this plane for another five freaking hours! How am I ever going to last, I looked over across from me, where Amanda and Liam was seated. Liam was passed out on the window side, and Amanda was… wait, she was gone!

Oh know somebody kidnapped poor Amanda! What will we ever do? Ah I’m just kidding she went to the washroom a few seconds ago, so I guess I’m not the only one awake on our little group. Sweet deal brah.

Well now that I know I’m not the only awake, I can have my annoying buddy with me! Hurray!

I waited patiently for Amanda to return to her seat, which only took a few minutes, thank goodness! I think I would’ve died if I had waited any longer!

“Oh Amanda your back! Thank the lord!” I praised, the flight attendant gave me a dirty look from where she was standing to check on all of the people placed in first class. Yeah fishes I’m in first class… again.

“Yeah I went to the loo, aha who’s British now?” she smiled, making a ‘come at me bro!’ face and hand gesture, if you can imagine that… it’s pretty funny seeing how she’s doing it to Liam, who is sleeping like I said before.

“Well that’s just rubbish.” I said in a posh tone of voice, we both killed ourselves laughing, I don’t even know what’s so funny.

“Pass me the crumpet and tea dear; don’t forget to put your pinkies up!” Amanda said also in a British voice, I laughed some more, then went back to professional.

“Why of course dear, now remember to smile and wave boys.” At first I was doing a British accent, but then I decided on taking the line from the penguins on the movie Madagascar.

“I can’t top that…” Amanda awkwardly said, letting out an awkward laugh.

“I knew it.” I smiled sheepishly, I rule at everything life.

That was a lie, I really don’t I actually fail at a lot of things but who cares right? We got to live while we’re young and remember all those little things while we stay up all night.

I really do need to reevaluate my life.

“Yo Manda what is the time?” I asked trying to sound like a gangster.

“Three in the morning.” She shrugged her shoulders. Oh geez I was going to have one hell of a day tomorrow, but as long as I have coffee, or tea I should be a-o-k.

“Awesome!” I exclaimed, trying to figure out what to do with my life while on this plane.

There were a few minutes of silence that went by, Amanda was sitting there staring at nothing and I was just awkwardly fiddling with my thumbs. This plane ride was going to take forever! And I ain’t even tired!

I started to get antsy, I couldn’t find a comfy spot on the leather seats, and I couldn’t just sit still, it was like I had ADHD. I turned to look over at Amanda; who was staring at Liam with a mischievous look on her face.

“Hey Manda.” I whispered for the first time since I got into this plane. 

“Hey Emma?” she whispered back, taking her eyes off of a sleeping Liam.

“Let’s wake up the boys.” I said with a smirk on my face.

“No! Just Louis he’s the fun one.” Amanda said, I agreed 100% seeing how with him awake, this plane ride will be ten times more fun.

We both got up from our seat and headed to the row that Louis was seated in. the flight attendant gave us a dirty look, but continued to star at us, yeah that’s right be jealous.

I looked over at Amanda who was looking at Louis, I started to poke his cheek, and Amanda started to poke his stomach. He stirred a bit but didn’t wake up. He’s one tough cookie. Amanda kept poking his stomach while I moved on to whispering at him about space ships.

“This is impossible.” Amanda groaned in frustration.

“I know.” I said, and then I looked at Lou who had a smile on his face, so he was awake! “Yo Louis the plane stopped! It’s about to crash!” I yelled. He jumped out of his seat with a look of horror on his face.

I looked around to see some other people awake too, oops. The flight attendant charged over towards me with an angry look on her face. She was fuming!

“Excuse me miss, but you have to be quite you are disturbing everyone!” she hissed at me.

“I am not! It’s not my fault this plane ride is boring! I’m just trying to have fun!” I argued with her.

“Just be quite and don’t yell lies!” she gave me another glare than walked over to the other passengers.

“So we aren’t really dying?” Louis asked me, I laughed then shook my head no.

“We need you LouBear.” I said dramatically and seriously.


“Fun, we’re so bored.” Amanda answered this time.

“Alright well let’s get this show on the road, how much longer till we land?” he asked us, I looked at my phone and counted the hours left.

“About three and a half.” He nodded his head, we Amanda and I sat on the floor while Louis was telling us the plane on how to annoy the other boys, oh this was going to be fun.

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