Chapter 33 -Going Home-

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i'm so so so so sorry for not posting in like forever! I just felt like nobody actually read my story so I kind of just had a break from writing! but i'm back! I hope you like this chapter, it's like a filler in a way I guess.

i'm going to start something new so

commenter gets a dedication!

so comment

now read on!

Chapter 33

-Emma’s POV-


“Ok well here goes nothing,” he let out a deep breath, “Emma, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.

I swear I felt my eyes bug out, did Niall Horan really just ask me the question I’ve been waiting for since well ever? Guess my wish did come true.

Niall looked at me with sad eyes; I guess I have been staring at him for the past five minutes. But he caught be off guard. Maybe I should answer him… yeah that might be smart.

“I’d love too Niall.” I smiled at him; he let out a deep breath, and his eyes shining bright like the ocean after a storm. It was a good look on him.

“Great, now I can do this.” He cupped my cheeks in his large hands and kissed my lips. I kissed back a few seconds after, my first real kiss with my new boyfriend. The girls are going to flip once they find out!

After our sweet first kiss, we got up off of the bench and heading to the car, well I’m assuming that’s where we were heading. It’s pretty late out now, maybe around midnight or eleven. I could care less because I’m dating the guy I've been crushing on since I first laid eyes on him.

We were walking hand in hand till I stopped in realization.

“What is it love?” Niall asked, giving me butterflies in my tummy.

“We don’t have a car Niall.” I giggled, he slapped his forehead with his hand in frustration, which made me giggle some more.

“Shit, well we can call a taxi.” He offered I shook my head and pulled out my phone.

“I’ll call Ty I’m sure he won’t mind.” I smiled at Niall, I didn’t want him paying for another taxi ride, it gets expensive after awhile.

After sending a text to Tyler, and him confirming to give us a ride, we waited by the restaurant that we ate at, I smirked at the building, I probably look like a freak because it’s a building but if you knew why I as smirking you’d get the whole thing.

I looked over at Niall who had on a smile, I don’t know if it’s the same reason as mine but who knows with Niall these days. I looked back at the building, still wondering if the waitress had read the note that we left her, and I bet she felt dumb. Asking a girls boyfriend to have a night out… well I guess I wasn’t his girlfriend a few hours back, but still.

I turned my head to see a red car pull up, and a window rolled down, “You two kids need a ride?” Tyler said, in an ‘I’m-so-cool’ voice.

“Sure do!” Niall and I said at the same time, we looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

We got into the car, I got shotgun. Tyler turned down the music for us to all have a friendly conversation. Just kidding it involved Tyler asking us all these questions about our date, and then once we told him we were now a couple he almost swerved off into the other lane.

“Well Niall you better treat my little Emma like she’s a princess, because if you don’t I wi-“ 

“Tyler!” I yelled, cutting him off, I knew where this was going, it happened to one ex of mine back in grade 9, the guy dumped me the next day because he couldn’t handle the pressure my brother was giving him.  

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