Chapter 46

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Two more chapters and I Wish... is complete!! i'm working on another Fanfic of One Direction but I feel it's going to be a good one, so fan me so you know when it comes out! enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 46

The tour was almost finished, the shows were great, the fans were loud, and the time has been amazing. Touring around the world has been super great! Everybody has been amazing on this tour, and knowing that in less than a week this will all be over.

No more concerts, no more interviews (for a while at least), no more meet and greets, and well no travelling. But at least I get to go home and see Keera, she came out twice during the whole tour with Eleanor and it was a blast! We hung out whenever we got the chance. We four girls were having the time of our lives.

I could tell it was a bit awkward for Harry and Keera, but they managed to have a good time around each other for the sake of everyone else. Overall I had a blast making outfits for the boys, helping Lou with everything and her helping me with ideas, it was great and I’m going to miss it until the next tour!

Amanda had finished her book on the boys, got some really awesome shots, from photo shoots, random pictures of the boys on stage, and when we all just hung out. Overall the book will be successful.

Thinking back at everything has happened in the last four months was surreal, knowing that everybody in the world knew Niall and I were dating was crazy, but the best thing out of it all was not a lot of fans hated me, sure at first they wanted me dead but once they realized I was right for him, they learned to love me for who I am.

Just kidding, I still have haters but hey I have Niall to make me smile, nothing could get any better than having Nialler as my boyfriend.

I looked around my surroundings, only two more concerts, three interviews and three meet and greets in five days. It’s going to be bizarre but I know at the end of it all it will be sad just to leave everyone that I grew so close too.

I walked out of the dressing room, Amanda and the boys went to one of the three interviews an hour before, but I decided to stay back and just organize everything for tonight, this concert was second to last so the outfits have to be better, well so does the show of course.

I walked around the arena for a bit, just going for an adventure seeing how I still had about thirty minutes until the boys and Amanda would be back. Your probably wondering what happened to Perrie, well she left two weeks after she came, she too had to get ready to release her album or seeing how it was already release it, she had to promote it.

I walked past the food table, grabbing a smoothie and a doughnut on the way. Have to even it out with healthy and non-healthy, have to keep the ‘figure’ going.

Once I walked the perimeter of the arena I went back into the dressing room, the doughnut was finished and the smoothie was half done. And yet I still had ten minutes until the boys came back.

This was going to be a long ten minutes. I kicked back into one of the lounging chairs that I got in the room so when I had to wait for the boys it wasn’t a pain to just stand up the whole entire time.

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