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well this is officially the end of I Wish... it was amazing to write this even though it kind of sucked but whatever i'm getting better. so thank you to the votes, and comments even though there weren't many but its the reads that count. so i hope you like this last chapter of the book and fan me for when my new story comes out which will be soon hopefully. carry one


-7 years later-

-Emma’s POV-

I looked down at my dress, trying to find something wrong with it, but for once I couldn’t. It was a white ball gown that had a sparkly corset and a poufy bottom; it was honestly a dream dress to me.

I looked around the room; my daughter was in a purple dress while holding a basket of flowers. Amanda, Eleanor, Keera, Hannah and Perrie were wearing the same color dress but in a different style that flowed perfectly with each of their figures. My sister Jessica was wearing a darker purple but same style as the three other girls seeing as she was my maid of honor.  

I took a deep breath as my mom was fixing my hair while Eleanor and Hannah were playing with the bottom of my dress, trying to make it look right.

I was the second one in the group of friends to get married. Eleanor and Louis got married two years ago and had a baby boy and a girl on the way. Amanda and Liam were engaged but wanted a wedding sometime in the fall while I’m having mine in the mid-summer. Keera found a boyfriend who is not Harry but she’s currently taking it slow, Perrie and Zayn were still just dating but had some rough patches in the last couple years with both their careers. And the newest member in our group was Hannah who is currently dating Harry.

Niall and I had some tough times where we had taken a break for less than a year but once we reunited we kind of regretted ever separating for that time being. And now we were getting married, we had gotten engaged two years ago but because of an early pregnancy of twins we had to reschedule the wedding a year later.

My son Daniel who was named after my father was the ring barrier while my daughter Amber was the flower girl. The best men of the wedding were the four boys and my brother who got along excellent with the five boys.

“You look amazing.” Keera gushed; I blushed and looked at her skeptically.

“Are you sure?” I asked, looking into the giant mirror. My hair was curled half way down my back with a vale flowing down, my dress was a traditional white and made to perfection.

“You wook pretty mumma.” My two year old daughter said, I smiled at the girl and bent down to give her a hug.

“Do you think daddy will like it?” I asked her, which she excitedly nodded her head to. I kissed her forehead and stood back up, “How much longer?” I groaned in frustration.

“Five minutes.” The wedding planner called, I nodded my head and looked into the mirror again. We had to get a wedding planner because I mean let’s be honest we’re talking about Niall and I, last time I checked we weren’t able to plan anything without something being missing.

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