Chapter 10

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Hey!!! sorry for such a late update! i was really busy with babysitting and working plus homework :( i hate school! anyways this is a short chapter so i am sorry for that! its also kind of like a filler, i had this chapter all done and then it got earased :( anywayssss...

read on :)                          

  -Emily  :)

Chapter 8

After twenty minutes had gone by, they finally found me. It may have taken them awhile but I’d rather be in that small hiding place instead of in a corner with Harry, and Niall. The others had us trapped in a corner, I honestly don’t know why we ran into a corner, and I mean how more stupid can we get?

They all had smirks on their faces, and they were making fists, what were they gonna do punch us? I’m sure the three of us were about to shit our pants, that’s how scared we were.

No one moved they just kept standing there like they were going to fight, after 10 minutes of this I got bored, and kind of hungry. I loosened up a bit, so now I wasn’t as tense as I was before.

“Well I don’t know about you guys but I’m bored and kind of hungry.” I said, walking past Liam and Louis towards the kitchen. I felt their eyes on my back, probably confused as to why I had to ruin their moment of getting us back, but we all know that’s not going to happen.

Once I got into the kitchen I went into the pantry to grab some crackers, and just started to dig in, eating like the pig I am. Once I finished the crackers, I went back into the living room where they had us cornered.

“So uh what now?” I asked them, they all looked and shrugged there should and just sat on the couch and turned on the TV, I walked on over and sat beside Zayn.

They turned on a show about clothes and stuff, it was really boring if you ask me, I’d rather be in that corner getting beaten up… not literally.

“Well I got to go home and do some work, so uh I’ll see you guys later, thanks for having us over it was real fun we should do this again sometime.” I said, getting up to collect my things, which wasn’t very much.

“You’re leaving already?” Louis asked me, standing up to walk me to the door, awe what a gentleman.

“Yeah I have to do some work and unpack a bit more, Amanda and Keera can stay.” I said while putting on my coat, and grabbing my purse.

“Oh ok well thanks for pranking us, it was fun, and we’ll see you soon yeah?” Liam came up behind Louis with a smile on his face.

“Yeah that was fun! And of course! You can’t get rid of me that easily.” I replied a smile on my face as well.

We talked for a couple of minutes longer, after I hugged everyone goodbye, I left their flat, and went to my own house.


It was around eight o’clock when the girls came back home, I finished unpacking the whole kitchen and half of the basement, I was working extra hard to get it all done.

The girls went up to their rooms right away, I’m guessing to either change or go shower. I was busy in the kitchen cooking some chicken and potatoes for dinner.

Once I finished the dinner, the girls had come down, and started to eat. We all sat down at the table just having the normal conversation that most young adults have, hah not really we were talking about One Direction, and how we actually met them.

We talked and ate dinner for about an hour when I actually got up to do the dishes with Amanda. I turned up the music on full blast and just started singing like an idiot not even trying, I sounded horrendous, Amanda soon joined in with me, if people saw how immature we acted sometimes, they’d think we were younger than we appear to be even though I already am younger than the two girls.   

“You know I wish that this night would never be over

There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die

 So let’s just stay awake until we grow older

 If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never

Ooooh, yeah

 Ooooh, yeah, yeah”  

We were singing at the top of our lungs not giving a care in the world, Keera was standing in the doorway, shaking her head at us, if we did this in public she’d probably get embarrassed by us, but we’re in our house so nobody can see us.

Once the song finished, Amanda and I were killing ourselves with laughter, we were laughing so hard that we had actual tears in our eyes; we didn’t even know what we were laughing about. Everything just seemed funny and care free at that moment.

Once we settled down, and finished the kitchen and dishes, we sat down in the lounge with either our laptops or phones in our hands. I was on both, I was on Facebook messaging my brother, and on my phone I was texting some friends from Canada.

Nothing really new happening n Facebook just the same statuses that are pointless and stupid. Talking to Tyler was really nice, I haven’t actually talked or uh texted him for so long, seeing how I was busy with getting everything set up here, and he’s just a lazy bum and never texted me, or called me.

An hour passed and I logged out of Facebook and just stared up at the ceiling, just staring at it like its something amazing that never happens. I was so into the roof that when my phone vibrated on my lap I jumped at least a foot.

Nialler: Hey! Today and last nite was so fun! Xx

Emma: Heyy! It deff was!

Nialler: it got borin once u left L

Emma: Hah knew that would happen

Nialler: Meanie.

Emma: Ik J

Nialler: well I thought id tell ya that so nite! Xx

Emma: lol night Niall

I rolled my eyes at Niall, even though he couldn’t see it, I still did it. I got up from my spot and went into my room to get ready for bed, today has been quite a day, but it was pretty fun.

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