Chapter 1: Afterlife Antics

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Chapter 1:  Afterlife Antics 

Running your hand across the walls that lead up to the afterlife, That seems to just be littered with graffiti. You can't help but think about how everyone will react to your arrival, would it be a shock to them? To see you still alive after 2 years of nothing but silence from your end. How about anger? You saw them as friends and you'd rightly be angry at them for doing the same to you but you could understand where they are coming from.

Finally getting to the metal checkpoint at the stairs, You spot two afterlife Mercs sitting down just drinking and smoking seemingly as lookouts. You can't help but grin as you walk to the main afterlife door to see everyone in the hall stop conversing and very clearly Gawk at you. What makes you grin even more is the fact that Emmerick Bronson, the one you dubbed "The Afterlife Guardian" stands up straighter and almost hastily moves to the side not wanting to block your presence. 

You slow to a stop as you see the brilliant 'Afterlife' logo atop the bar, Sure it's out in the hallway but it looks amazing above the bar ethereal almost. And you know damn well Rogue loves watching all the awestruck Green Horns walk in and stare at it the same way you are right now but you could care less.

Moving to a stool near the edge of the bar you silently watch Claire rush to and fro taking orders and giving drinks. Already having in mind what you want, A Centzon Totochtin, Claire makes em a Special way you swear by it, You also argued about it with her as well fun two hours you'll never get back. 

Nevertheless you sigh contentedly as you watch the number of patrons at the bar die down and rest your cheek on your hand patiently waiting for her to notice you. Of course you just call her out and she'd serve you right away but you don't wanna interrupt her clear concentration and you know you'll find it more fun when she either drops something or knocks something over startled when she notices you. 

Much to your dismay she does neither as she catches wind of you, She does however do a double take not seeming to believe her eyes at first. You just give a lazy wave and a grin as she strides over. 

"Well, Well, Well Seems like you finally decided to take a night off from cybersurfing" She Jokingly Says.

"Pfft, That's the first thing you say?!?! What's it been like…. 2 years? Oh my,  Anyway, how is life Claire? Anything Interestin?" You 

"Mmmm, Pretty Alright, how abou-" 

"Better now that i'm here right??" You weasel your way into her sentence and give her a wink.

She Chuckles and responds with "Of Course YN always good to see ya" 

"Sooooo, What's Rogue been up to?" 

"Bein 'Queen of Fixers' what else?" 

"Miss Bartender, could I get a Centzon Totochtin? Need em the special way you make em!" You Exclaim

"Fine, But stop calling me 'Miss Bartender' you know my name use it, Else ill get Emmerick to throw you out" She Retorts 

"Nah, No way big guys scared of me for some reason" 

"Really? 'Some Reason' someone of your stature walks in and everyone's afraid of ya, Till they meet ya and realize your just annoying" She Says as she slides you your drinks which you happily accept 

"Hey! I'm not annoying" You Huff as you gingerly swirl the drink round n' round getting lost in the swirls occasionally sipping.

"Good to cya again Claire, I really missed you" 

"Same, YN missed you too glad to have you back, Know rogue will be happy to have you back as well"

"Speakin of her where is she needa talk to her" 

"Busy, Dealin with the return of Dex stirred up a lot of shit, She had to fix" 

"Eh, i'll just Holo her in a bit, Thanks for this Claire, Lets catch up more later" you state as you down the rest of your drink and give her a mock salute as you drop off the chair.

"Sure thing YN, Stay safe" 

Walking towards Rogues little Hidey Hole which no one seems to be guarding surprisingly, You decide to just wait for her while sitting down exactly where she usually does, Just to annoy her when she gets back of course. 

To kill time you just search the web and make sure your Cyberdeck and ICE are all good, still a paranoid action you seem to catch yourself doing more and more, Not that you mind too much can never be too safe in Night City. 

2 Hours… 2 goddamn hours and Rogue still hasn't shown its 2:03 AM and you're about to leave when you hear some heavy set footsteps coming towards the booth so you just lean back, spread your arms on the back head rest and wait. 

You're not surprised to see Dexter DeShawn standing there with his hired Muscle, Both of whom are clearly looking for Rogue. The Hired Muscle frowns upon seeing you but Dex on the other hand seems to be entirely joyous as he sees you here. You already know he has an 'Saka job lined up; he hasn't been the most discreet along with that Doll. You haven't decided if you wanted to help or not yet. Doesn't matter if he hasn't asked you, you know he will and you also know no one sane would turn down you offering your services. 

"Ms.LN, A true pleasure and surprise, welcome back to night city"

"Thanks Dex, nice seeing you too, Know where rogue is?" 

"No Ma'am, but i'll be sure to let you know when i do, Got a Business proposition for ya, Now that i know your back no need to get some second rate talent, If you accept that is, Need a runner to get through and lead some Mercs through 'Saka's hotel, I know your a busy woman, Holo me if you want in Ms.LN i gotta go meet the new talent" 

"Cya Dex"

You watch as he walks out of the Afterlife as his Hired Muscle follows slowly behind, you groan as you can't make up your mind about it. You usually have no issue declining or accepting Jobs, nothing really tested your skills but your own Jobs.

'Don't know why i can't make up my mind, Idiots gonna get someone killed, Dex is gonna go in with a ragtag team for no reason and fuck it all up, But do i really wanna deal with this? Screw it, i'll sleep over it'

Before you get up to leave you leave a little friendly message on a sticky note for Rogue that reads "How's Life? - Your Favorite Netrunner" groaning about wasting more hours of your life as your stride past Claire, Shoulders slumped. You give her a slight nod and lazy wave and do the same to Emmerick as you head back to one of your safehouses passing the same Graffiti on the way out.

Gingerly crossing the street you put your Jackets hood on to hide anyone better from anyone who may be following you, You take a left as you reach the corner and you put on some music for yourself as you take another left and head for the stairs going up, Making your way across until you're at the Metro, You just amber on ahead getting a Preem Seat and waiting for your stop which just so happens to be the closest Metro to LeLe Park a place with a nice Cafe for tomorrow morning if you feel like it, You keep it in mind for later and continue on towards the 'Rindo Hotel' 

You wouldnt be stupid enough to stay in a hotel witn your rep, You know 'Saka and nearly every other corp is hunting you down luckily scrambler tech isnt hard to use nor make, Stepping left past the hotel, past the Eden Plaza, Crossing the street you hop the railing and cross over to the former Tiger Claw den youve made a nice little safehouse you open the hatch drop in and close it. 

The Turrets all act as if your not there and scan for threats as you scan the layout of your room Netrunner setup in the right corner opposite where you came in a divider between it and the bed towards its left a bathroom to its right down the hall and a simple couch to your right with a TV and small kitchen Bar all you could ask for. 

You check over the defenses one more time, Just to be say you tell yourself, Before heading over to take a shower and a bite to eat before your off to bed, No cybernet for you tonight, You think sadly don't wanna put to much strain on your body and mind or Cyberware for that fact. 

After your shower you do get a bite to eat a burrito you shoved in the small microwave you have before sitting down on the couch watching some snarky late night host talk about night city before falling asleep then and there on the couch, So much for the bed.

Howdy let me know how that was and if you spotted any errors and i hope your enjoyed till next time will update at least weekly.

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now