Chapter 38 : Jaded Judy

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Chapter 38 : Jaded Judy


Jacking into the Jig-Jig street terminal i remind myself to scan myself and get myself checked for any Bugs or anything that could of came from it, Breaking into the Site's Code i see what i need and goto the location provided to find V already there talking to, Who i presume is the XDB Dealer, So i just want for V to finish, I'm just far enough away to hear their conversation.

"Now listen, just sell whatever sells. Nice, calm job. Lemme see some eddies, you can pick one, parse it, an' I won't care a hair" The dealer says

"Where do you get these scrolls?" V asks 

"Said you weren't a pig" The dealer Huffs 

"Just curious, that's all" V says 

"Once you've booted up your virtu, dare say your curiosity will be satisfied. People that make these? Obsessed with privacy. Never even occurred to me to ask where they're from. To which caution, I prolly owe the fact that I'm still alive, talkin' to you" The Dealer Mumbles to V skeptically looking around thankfully just skimming over me 

V sends him some Eddies and he hands over a BD Shard to her, She walks towards where i am calling Judy who didn't get sleep like i recommend was just waiting in her Van nearby, So we head on over i get in the back as V sits up front and slides a Braindance Wreath on and Slots the Shard in. 

V's POV 

The Blue from my vision fades and I see myself being dragged by a scarily big man, He's dragging me to a chair as I struggle to escape. Entering editing mode i scan around for some things for some clues and i see just that in the form of a Buck-a-Slice Pizza box and a Electric Corp power plant Suit, I also see in the visual mode the radio is all the way up.

"Can't beat that rich synth aroma - cheap shit. Cold, too. Mmmhm. Buck-A-Slice. Scav woman. Huh, who knew that 'sides choppin' people up they were scrollin' XBD… Poor fucker. Electric Corp patch on the coveralls. Scav - gotta be. No one else with that kind of fashion sense. Ordered recently. Coffee was cold… like, from the day before. Pizza looked fresh, though"

"Soo?" i hear Judy ask from my left 

"Means someone's grabbing Buck-A-Slice regularly. Which is not something one does for the flavor and fresh ingredients. Pizza shares its DNA with styrofoam, nobody's gonna schlep across town for it. OK, we're lookin' for an Electric Corp power plant located near a Buck-A-Slice" 

"EC used to have a big ol' complex in Charter Hill. Buck-A-Slice checks out, too. How can you be sure, though?" Judy asks 

"Radio's turned way up. Probably to drown out the screamin. Heard shit like that before. Sounds like scavs to me. Here we go. Old Electric Corp power plant in Charter Hill. Gotta make do with that for now. Nothin' else to garner from this scroll" 

"Quick search suggests they have an active subnet too" YN adds 

Judy drives us over to the Charter Hill Electric Corp Power Plant.


Me and V head out to go save Evelyn while Judy stays back to get some Building plans.

I immediately cull all the Camera's and make sure to have the feed loop on the Monitors so they can't tell,  While V silently takes out the Scav's, We head below to the underground floor and Judy joins us down there. 

V tells us to wait for her Signal while I go through the Camera's and cause as much Chaos as possible for V to capitalize on. 

About Ten Minutes and A lot of gunshots Later she tells us it's clear so we rush in past the countless Bodies, Till we reach a recording room with V waiting for us and a Doll Judy rushes in and says "That's Evelyn. Just don't touch her! If she's recording, you'll scramble her brain. Wait until I cut her link. Grab it and tell me when you're gonna yank it, I'll break the link at my end at the same time"

"Make sure to slow down the flow, not just shut it off completely so it Stabilizes her Neural Port and not make her braindead, Ok!" I tell her as i slide down next to Evelyn to spot her Face all bloody and clothes in taters 'Poor Girl, Wouldn't wish this on anyone'

They pull out the Cord as V picks her up and Judy states she sealed the doors and powered up the Elevators to escape. 

(Some time later) 

At Judy's place V enters as Judy says "She's sleeping. At least, I think she is. Her eyes are closed and she's not shaking anymore. I would've already killed her by now if I didn't feel so bad for her" 

"Here" I say holding out another Behavioral chip to her, "Do what i said earlier, Should help her be at peace at least a little bit" 

Judy Nods and places the chip on the table next to her 

"How's she feeling?" V stupidly asks 

"Use your imagination. That place sucked every last drop of humanity from her. It's not enough she already gave up everything she had, they just kept taking more, and more. She's in some kind of trance - like she's folded into herself. No reaction to her surroundings whatsoever. I really, really didn't want to poke around in her head. I did it for you. I just want you to know that" Judy says 

"She's Shell Shocked, give her a few days and don't let her out of your sight at all, If you need someone to watch her Call me, I'll gladly do it alright?" 

"Alright, Thank you YN, Cmon V i show you the Virtu's while we let Eveyln get some rest" I go sit at her kitchen island while V and Judy go inside Judy's little cove to search the Virtu's. Almost forgetting i stand up and get a glass of water and put it beside Evelyn just in case and go back to wait for them to get done with their Virtu's.

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