Chapter 43 : Alt's Anarchy

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Chapter 43 : Alt's Anarchy 

Johnnys/3RD POV

Standing Johnny looks at Thompson expectedly as Thompson says "Arasaka wants her. Abduction was a standard intercorp extraction, nothin' more" 

"Hang on. Alt was gonna meet you tonight?"

Nodding Thompson states "Mhm. Said she could use my help. Wasn't kidding. 'Saka tried this before, you know. 'Cept Alt got lucky. Slipped through their mantis blades"

"Tellin' me she was afraid…and she went to you?"

"Yep. And frankly, I'm startin' to see why" Thompson states

"OK, so what're they after?"

"Soulkiller, an AI - sound familiar at all?" Thompson says 

"‘Course. Urban legend with the shittiest name ever"

"It is no legend. Soulkiller's real. And your choombas at Arasaka just "hired '' therunner who wrote it. Take that in - 'Saka with Soulkiller to do with as it pleases. Grim, my man. You even imagine that, rocker? Arasaka'll be unstoppable. Soulkiller flatline any 'runner who comes close to even trying' to scratch its ICE. Seen it happen. Not an iota of physical damage - nervous system anywhere else. No sound, no fury, no stench. Just all the sudden, brain waves cut out. As if someone pulled the plug. Or ripped the soul from the body in question" Thompson says as he pushes himself off the table he was leaning on.

"Cool. Tell me the rest on the way" Johnny says moving towards the door 

"Do I hear extreme doubt?" Thompson says 

"Oldest, tritest tale in the world. Arasaka was out to provoke me. And it worked. So what'll it be? Comin' with?" Johnny says walking out the door as the Vision glitches again.

Slowly color starts appearing and it shows Johnny sitting next to a younger Rogue and a Aldecaldo who said his name was Santiago

"We're waiting for a client. One who values discretion" She says motioning towards the door

"Mhm. So much so, he himself didn't show" Johnny says looking at the empty bottles on the table 

"No point in sitting here, then. Pick it up, OK?" She says

"You still mad about that thing?"

"What thing, Johnny? That you fucking lied to my face, put my peeps on the line? Or that you were fucking three other women behind my back before we were through?" She sighs out 

"Look, our history, I know. But we don't really have time for… feelings"

"You're wasting my time. Gotta say, that famed charm of yours - overhyped. Or maybe just dulling with age" Rogue says 

"You have a job for us, rocker? Or are you mainly here to run your mouth?" Santiago buds in

"I got a job. That's it. Urgent, but I got the cash"

"Don't you get it? He's not here for any damn job. He's fucking with me. Last time, he-" Rogue starts but gets cut off by Santiago who says  "So this time you'll be smarter. Take your eddies up front. So - how much, rocker?"

"It's Arasaka. I'll understand if you'd rather not"

"If you wanted my attention, you just earned it. But if you're almin' for a friends 'n’ family discount - I'm not your man" Santiago says 

"It's important. Name your price"

"Ah. So you're either made of money….…or you think we won't live to collect. Either way, rocker, you're comin' with us" He says 

"Deal" Johnny says as two guys with guns rush the room.

Johnny immediately grabs a bottle and smashes the guy standing closest to him with it as Santiago uses the others own guns against them, They continue to systematically take down the Intruders as they advance outside to Thompson, Reaching Thompson he says "This gonna take much longer?" The Vision cuts again and it shows everyone gathered around deciding how to get Alt out, They decide on a concert right in front of Arasaka Tower.

Once again the vision cuts to Johnny on stage and Rocking out as a bunch of Samurai fans party on and start throwing things at the Arasaka Tower security as Johnny listens in on a radio as a news anchor says "We do not as yet know the exact amount of people hurt in the riot. But our reporters are on the scene, at Arasaka Tower... And they all agree - psychoactive agent has been dispersed at the site affecting those in the crowd"

The Vision glitches in and out as pieces of Johnny's memory are shown going up an elevator, blowing through a door and finally seeing Alt on a deep dive chair and pulling her out to find out that she died. 

V's POV 

I open my eyes to see Johnny standing in front of me in the net as i Simply as "What Happened ro Thompson?" 

"Guy was a vulture. Out to use Alt from the start. When Arasaka flatlined 'er, man, for him that was sprinkles... with a cherry on top. Fuck, he woulda killed 'er himself if they hadn't just for his cockrot story." He simply states 

"Alt. You always treat her like shit?"

"Don't you fuckin' mention Alt. Shit, you must've been watching some other flick! I took down Arasaka-fuckin'-Tower for her" He exlcaims

"And I'm wondering why. I mean, you told her you two were nothin'. You told you cared about her as far as the end of your cock" 

"Didn't you fucking hear what she said to me? Coulda just left, but no, had to break my balls first" He says

"Just tryin' to wrap my head around it. You went to rescue her 'cause you actually cared about her? Felt you had unfinished biz? Or was it just another excuse to go at Arasaka?"

"No. But this is a bit of a deja vu. You're as bad as she was. Can't understand why you can't just fuckin' drop it" He says 

"Cause you're planning a reunion. You wanna ask Alt for help And you're no solo act, Johnny. Could've told me earlier, about Alt" 

"What the hell for? I didn't know how to find ‘er, neither did you" He exclaims 

"Woulda made things just a little easier, knowing who we were lookin’ for. So how the hell do you expect Alt to help us? I saw her get decommed" I state as i sit on the ground and Johnny does the same 


This chapter is terrible, Sorry about that, But i wanted one out.

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