Chapter 4 : Revenge Reconciliation

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Chapter 4 : Revenge Reconciliation


Well, After catching up with Rogue and Claire a bit whilst learning about Squama whos actually a pretty fun guy once he drops his act, I decided to go see what the hell this job Dex has, Better Late than never you think before stepping through the doors to be met with a gun barrel surprisingly, Peeking around the barrel you see that its Jackie Welles who you called the "Big Valentino Guy" earlier.

Looking past him you see T-Bug, Dexter Deshawn and V whose name you learned from Claire after a bit of bribing, Calmly walking past Jackie who exclaims a quick "My Bad Chica" as he lower his gun your met with a grinning Dex and a seemingly awestruck T-Bug and a relaxed V sitting next to a Prototype Militech Flathead.

"Wonder what I'm missing in here, Nice Flathead who'd ya steal it from?" You ask Dex as you sit between him and T-Bug.

Surprisingly its V who talks and not Dex shifting your eyes to hers while leaning back on the couch "Klept it from some Maelstroms, Dum Dum and Royce, If i remember correctly" 

"They change the operating system from its native one? Bet you'd rather not have it tell Militech where you are at all times" You Ask 

"Yeah, Cyber-Rat from Maelstrom already changed it out for their own brand" 

"Preem" you turn to Dex 

"Why you trying to recruit me into this if you got T? She's more than capable of breachin 'Saka" You turn to give T-Bug a cheeky wink and turn back to Dex

"Well shit Miss. LN, No offense to T but if you can get the best you get the best just ask Rogue who guards you like your some sacred tree from other fixers, Don't like letting good ones go ya know?" Chuckling Dex says and takes a drag of his cigar.

"Fair enough Dex, Fair enough, Well wanted to wish yall luck and to tell T to not use 'Saka's back door in the subnet, Shits armed with traps it's just a choke point gets alot of people be find a crack in the wall if that makes sense alrighty?"

"Yes Ma'am" 

"Ugh don't be so formal, Creeps me out, Anyway i'll get outta yalls briefing, Good luck to you all, If you make it back i'll buy ya some drinks Kay, Don't do anything stupid and dont bring heat back to the Afterlife" 

Y'all should be getting my details, Call me if you require my assistant, It's not cheap though keep that in mind" You state as you hear four simultaneous Holo beeps and leave the room. 

Heading back to Rogue's Booth, Stretching your arms behind your back and release a nearly silent sigh of content, When you finally reach the booth you hear rogue discussing something with someone, Turning the Corner you see that it looks to be a really Short Mox girl, Being used to being the shortest in the room this comes as a pleasant surprise as you barely look taller than her which makes you smile as you sit done on the edge of the booths waiting for them to finish you almost don't see the other girl there who has Pastel Rainbow and white hair.

Rogue doesn't seem to mind that you interrupted their meeting, Giving them all a bright smile you just turn around and look out to the afterlife while they seemingly get back to talking. You notice out of the corner of your eye the Rainbow haired girl keeps looking at you.

You give Claire a wave signaling for your usual Centzon and finally relent and turn slightly and ask "Got something to ask?" Rogue and The short mox girl both stop yapping about some mox business on whether or not the short mox can go back and look at you and this mysterious lady.

Claire comes over and hands you a bottle of Centzon, You mutter a quick "Thank you" and raise an eyebrow at the now seemingly zoned out lady.

'Weird' you think

Turning back to gaze at the bar you notice Dex and his crew starting walking out V and Jackie seemingly in some corpo suits which you can't help but snicker at the Valentino, Nevertheless you give them all a wave and a nod and of course V another wink. A smile comes to your face when you think you see red dusting the mercs face, Mentally high fiving yourself you turn when they leave and see Rogue staring at you with an unreadable expression, So you give her a cheeky smile and ask "So what's the point of this secret meetin? Crashed the one Dex held i wanna crash this one too" 

"Well" Rogue Starts "This one here" she nods to the small mox "Wants to know if i had an in at the Mox's, She skipped town for a bit after some heat and wants to know if she'll be welcomed back or not, and that one" she nods to the Rainbow haired girl, along for the ride now it seems" 

"Oooooh, Fun, Ya know shortstack, I could help ya with the Mox's"  You quip with a grin as you see her face distort into a scowl as she basically screams "Whaddya mean shortstack your barely taller than me?!?!"

Not expecting your eye drum to almost be blown out you recoil slightly and cover your ears while Rogue laughs and states "Wow Rebecca, never seen someone tame YN so fast" Her laugh grows as your scowl deepens and Rebecca's face contorts into confusion and then surprise "Wait your YN?!?" She states still screamin, 

 "God, Yes, Please stop screaming and i'll help you for free Jeez" you remark still covering your ears

"Oh, My bad, Didn't expect to see Someone of your calibre here, Heard ya got zeroed or something, So you'll help me get back in with the Mox's??" She Questions pleadingly with big eyes 

"Yeah, Yeah just because you stop yelling like a gonk, Nearly blew me eardrum out, Susie Q owes me a few favors anyway"

"Ok that's Preem, Thanks Lady!" 

"No problem, meet me here tomorrow i'm gonna go sleep off this oncoming headache, Sending ya my Detes, You too Rogue, Forgot to earlier my bad" You finish the rest of your bottle and put it down on the table and spin it for no reason, The bottle lands on the rainbow haired girl who has said nothing all eyes are on you and you know it so when she scowls at you, You wink at her and Nod at Rogue while standing up stretching nearly exposing your chest from the crop top hoodie, 'Thank God i actually wore a Bra today' and walk out of the Afterlife, Not before you a hear a "Thanks, Choomba!" From Rebecca as you do

heading the same way you went when you entered, Making sure to put your hood up you take the now familiar path back to your little safe house to wind down for the day.

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