Chapter 15 : Nomad's Normality

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Chapter 15 : Nomad's Normality 

V's POV 

(Some Time Later)

Telling everyone i'm gonna go see if Rogue has the info i bought. YN who's surprisingly just fine after her excessive drinking says "She definitely does, She had that shit before you walked outta the booth, It was just a power play" 

"Bitch Move" i mutter 

YN just laughs and agrees 

Hopping off the stool and heading over, I notice YN does the same not before saying something to Rebecca which causes her to laugh and Lucy to shyly look away before downing another sip of her bottle, YN paid for, She paid for drinks all night, Which was nice of her.

'Seriously how much money does she have' 

Heading to Rogue's Booth with YN in tow I wave at Rebecca and Lucy signalling my goodbye.

Reaching the booth Im met with Squama, While YN just walks past him, I Explain

"Here to see Rogue, Expectin' Me" 

He just moves to the side as YN sits down leaving room for me to sit between her and Rogue so i do 

"Hey Rogue, Im back, What about hellman? Hope ya found him"

"Don't see that often, Determination like yours, Must really need this guy" She says as Johnny Materializes on sitting on the table 

"Matter of life and Death" 

"Heh, Haven't heard that in a while, Either" 

In walks a man I've seen around the bar before and slides a shard to Rogue, Noticing his stares behind me I turn my head slightly to see YN with a smile, Looking back at him he looks shocked. 

"That'll be it Nix thanks" Rogue says curtly 

"Queen of the Afterlife, Who woulda thunk.." Johnny mumbles 

"Got a shard for you - intel, Interesting stuff" 

Taking the shard "Let's have a look" slotting it in. 

Rogue explains "Your hellmans not on any payroll, not officially anyway, But he does pop up in QianT's confidential stacks" as Red overlays appear and info about Hellman and Kang Tao pop up 

"It's a Kang Tao subsidiary, Chinese Corp, Kang Tao's been using them as a fig leaf for years,  Their mask for more "sensitive" Operations, Are that clear?"

"Prolly Keeping him hidden from Arasaka, Must've worked on a top-secret project" 

"Mhm- Hidden from Arasaka and any other Megacorp that wants him or what he knows, Decrypted Map of upcoming Kang Tao convoy routes" She explains and the shard shows 

"Think Hellman might be on one of em? Thing is, Which one"

"Take a look at the specs on this one - A lone AV, No ground support, No linked Cargo manifests, Either" as the Shard zooms in to a specific one heading over a good portion of the badlands 

"Weird" Johnny says 

"Sure Kang Tao sometimes transports stuff unregulated if they wanna skip by the customs, Catch the load on this AV, Already approved in the system, But too low so definitely no cargo on board" Rogue explains as the shard still focuses on the AV 

"Huh" Johnny says 

'Lotta input, thanks Johnny

"No problem" He states with a shit eating grin

"BUT There's a passenger list - Kang Tao security detail plus one VIP, Transfer from QianT" Rogue says as she leans back into the couch 

"Our boy hellman" 

"That was the good news"  She says 

"There it is" Comes Johnny's amazing input once again

"So what's the bad news"

"Bad news is the extraction site, Look - Night City airspace, all this" as the shard shows a bubble around night City 

"Mhm, No way to 'jack the transport without the NCPD picking up on it" 

"And here, Were too close to Kang Tao, We even give that AV a dirty look their backup will huscle will be on us, But right here's Jackson Plains, Narrow Corridor just outside the city limits and just outside Kang Tao's reach"  She says

"Guess today's your lucky day" Johnny says 

Ignoring him i say "A dead zone, I'll grab him there" 

"Gonna need a native to the area, Someone who'll set up the op, Cobble together the gear" Rogue Explains

"So a Native, Know any Hick Mercs?" 

"Just one, Panam Palmer, She cant count on her clan anymore, But she's a true Nomad, She knows those lands, And she will help you, Won't have a choice" 

""Won't have a choice" Does not sound enticing - not for her not for me" 

"Enticing comes at a price you can't possibly afford" She explains 

"Can't possibly afford to blow this chance at nabbing Hellman" I retort

"Your Operation, Your Call" Rogue says as Johnny states "Got a bad feeling V" 

"Why's Panam gotta help me? I sense a catch, Pretty big one" 

Explaining she says "Occasionally, Panam moves merch for me, Last Job…. Well, Wasn't a good day for her" 

"She run into a hitch?" 

"Complete bust, Actually, Lost the goods and her Ride, Panam'll do anything to get the load back, Mean's her dignity - I know her" she finishes

"Ok, Guess I can try to help her. But if we don't know where to look, i mean…" 

"We do, I do" she says 

"Fine, Lemme hear what you know" 

"Rocky Ridge, Ghost town just outside Night City, Panam knows where, You go there, get the merch back, Wheels, Too, Naturally you'll call her first. Sending you her detes" She states as her eyes go blue 

"Ugh, Finally, Let's get outta here" Johnny grumbles as i stand up and say "All Clear, Thanks" 

"Good Luck" is all Rogue says and I see a new contact get added as well as Rogue's, Deciding to wait just a bit I go sit back down next to Rebecca and Lucy who both are getting hit on by a Tyger Claw of all people.

'He's Blind if he doesn't see Rebecca's Mox Tattoos, Prolly tryna lead em to a spot to ambush em and turn em into forced dolls or worse' Shivering at that thought I go to push him away but he just falls to the ground while Rebecca smiles and pats Lucy on the shoulder, Thinking YN did it i turn around to see her walking towards us with a knowing smile on her lips as her E/C eyes shine with mischief.

"Nice Daemon Lucy, Fast response too" She states

"That was Lucy??" 

All three look at me as if i was crazy, Laughing YN says "Yeah, Was impressive Quick Hacking Control by her too, Did Not allow even one Byte to spread outside where she sent it" 

"Damn, you're a netrunner too, Lucy? No offense but i thought you were a doll" Expecting her to get mad at that statement she just smiles and states "So you think im good enough looking to be one?" 

Without missing a beat, YN says "Yep! Very Expensive one though, Not even i could afford ya'' While we all laugh, Almost desperately needing to call Panam, I say goodbye and we all agree to meet up again and do something similar as this was fun.

'Time to Call Panam'

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