Chapter 41 : Alt's Ambience

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Chapter 41 : Alt's Ambience


Walking back to wear the big haitian guy - Placide interrogated us and we were met with a Haitian Women who I'd bet is Brigitte.

"You must be Brigitte. Hard woman to find" V says

"You have something for me" She replies

"You know about the biochip, don't you? You recognized the biochip 'cause you were lookin' for it" V states

"We must examine you" She says turning away from us and walking towards the back room that's set up for netrunning and other various activities

"We make offer on the chip," Brigitte says

"Heh, biochip's not for sale. And you're not rippin' It outta me. Things were in shit shape already before I strolled into the GIM, Gets worse as time goes on" V says

"It does not function?" Brigitte asks

"Not that bad. Problem is, no one I've talked to tan yank it out without risk of death. Seein' as you commissioned the things theft, figured you might know on way to help" V says

"How do you know all this? How did you find us?" She asks clearly confused

"Evelyn Parker - name ring a bell?" V asks

"Ah, the doll... the whore. You found us because she led you to us. She has proved not completely useless after all" Brigitte Reponds

"Lets not call her a whore"

"And who are you?" Brigitte asks clearly not impressed

"YN, So lets keep the name calling Civil yeah?"

"Listen, can you help me or not?" V interrupts our petty argument as Brigitte stares at me a few seconds more before stating "Yes, of course. But not here. We will go to the crypt... where you must give us access to the chip. Once we have the data we need, we will do our best to help you"

"How can we trust you?"

"I have been honest with you all along. You cannot fault me for Placide's actions, his decisions while I was trapped in the Net, Now follow me" She says motioning for us to follow her as she walks on, Leading us to a church and down underground below it.

"You guys sure seem to love this place. But, honestly, you don't give off a strong religious vibe" V drawls out

"We left our gods on Haiti. Yet we are strong here without them" She responds

Just as were crossing a makeshift bridge V starts coughing and nearly doubles over in pain, Rubbing her back slightly i ask if she needs anything and she just replies with "a minute" to which I nod and stay by her side.

As we enter a new room Brigitte says "We take you into the cyberspace. No better place for you to interact with the construct"

"Guess all this means you got your own SynthTech interface"

"We all have our own versions. We do not use anything from the city" Brigitte explains

"How do I know I'll come back? Do I get some guarantee?" V asks

"Yeah, Got it from me don't worry V, I'm not hopping in, Don't trust them to not Plant something or possibly Scav me" I say rolling my eyes

Nodding V looks back at Brigitte as she says "You will be inside our data fortress, under watch"

"Under your watch" V reinstates

"If you knew what is out there in the cyberspace, you would not be so choosy" Brigitte responds

"How's all this any different from plain or netrunning?" V asks

"The interface shows you the data layers direct from de Net. Readable, of course. What basic runners see is only a map. They cannot see beneath the surface. Their tech, it is too weak" Brigitte Explains

"OK, hang on. I wanna know what you need Silverhand for first" V says

"We wish to contact Alt Cunningham. We know she and Silverhand were close" Brigitte says

"Oooooo, Tell her i said hi"

Brigitte looks at me like I'm crazy while V does the same.

"You met Alt?" V asks first

"Mhm, Why?"

"That's who I've been trying to contact" V huffs

"Well you never said anything! Not my Fault, I only know her because her soul killer has

no effect on me after Hanako gave me the biocode"

"Anyway Little is known of how an engram might exist within a human's neural network" Brigitte explains

"Tell ya one thing - it doesn't shake out well for the human. What's your plan to contact Alt?" V says

"We try to cut out a unique piece of Silverhand's engram from the biochip. Alt will know it. If something of the human is left after years beyond de Blackwall, She will answer" Brigitte responds

"Whoa, what? You said nothin' 'bout breakin' through the Blackwall, "exclaims V

"Its not that big of a deal, Pretty fun sometimes, Dodging the Rogue A.Is and Deadly Viruses are a nice distraction"

"Yeah, Says the 'O-So Legendary Netrunner'" V drasls


"When the Blackwall was built, everyone thought the ICE would be enough, keep wild A.Is out, away. But as technology advances, it cannot be stopped. And now catastrophe, come again. This is true. And soon. De corporations, they do not see danger. But we - we will be ready" Brigitte says

"The Blackwall - what is it, exactly? I mean, I know..." V says uncertain

"You know only what NetWatch tells you. The final bastion against postwar A.Is. the great victory of humanity over chaos" Brigitte continues.

"That would be your Saturday morning NetWatch propaganda" V says

"But the Blackwall is an A.l itself. The boundary conditions let nothing pass through, either way. If the AIs thought like people, they would call it a traitor. We must prepare you to dive into cyberspace. You are not accustomed to the neural demand" Brigitte continues

Noticing a tub full of ice, I shiver as V groans and says "Oh, Come on, Not the Tub" as Brigitte just stares at her expectantly, Until V gives up and says "Ok, Fine, Lets get this over with" as she Slides into the tub and i lean against it watching over everything.

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