Chapter 7 : Johnny's Jamboree

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Chapter 7: Johnny's Jamboree

??? POV

Swirling Doors are all i see as my vision regains and I'm met with a.. Silver? And a Gun in that hand and a 'ganic hand with tattoos on the wrist, Then the doors push open and i hear some old rock blaring throughout this dingy and desolate hallway, Seemingly not in control of my actions i stop and say "Hey" to the only person i see a girl with a backward cap a punk t shirt and a metal arm as well, She asks if i'm ok and once again i respond unbeknownst to myself a "Never been better" 

"Sure don't look it" She States as she leans against the wall once more, Moving on towards a door that says "BackStage" a random guy tells me he cant let me on? 

'On what? Am I Dead?' 

Moving towards the man I push him against the wall with my silverarm and see into the mirror that… I'm Johnny Silverhand?? 

Pushing open the door past multiple instruments, I can hear the song better, Its "Chippin' In" by that old rock band Samurai 

Some Muscle speaks to himself as he moves to the side all the while you can hear "Chippin In, Got my back to the wall" in the background moving past him seemingly onto a stage the music grows louder as they stop playing and look towards me as the fans cheers 

And i grab the mic and I, no, Silverhand states he's here to say goodnight to all of you seemingly stating it to the fans 

Then my vision glitches and im near some groupies, Silverhand tells their wasting their lives following them around, Just as Johnny's about to open the door he hears a voice and turns around to Kerry fucking Eurodyne a way younger one then i know of, Telling him he can still think this over and it doesnt have to be this way, All while Johnny replies with a "Wanna see me give up? Sounds like somethin' you'd do, Know why? Cause you've always been a fucking pussy Kerry, Offer you one piece of advice for old times sake - stop being one, Time to bring on the future" As he stabs Kerry in the chest with his metal fingers tapping against him cigarette still in hand.

Finally outside the door he can see a helicopter and… a younger Rogue? Waiting for him. 

"You're Late" Rogue states 

"My Op, i decide whos late and who's not" 

Seemingly shaking that comment off Rogue goes "Get in, 'Fore i Change my mind" as they both walk towards the open helicopter bay door. 

Someone says Silverhands name a person named Shaitan considering that's what johnny addresses him as, Just before Rogue yells to get them in the air and hands Johnny a headset and tell him to put it on,

'This is so weird, im seeing through his eyes but im recalling it as it's my own memory' 

They lift off as Johnny takes a drag of his cigarette and flicks it down toward Kerry whos standing at the door looking up towards them, Then the scene changes again, To them in the helicopter circling Arasaka Tower as the hover above and the guy to Johnny's right gets shot dead in the head and Johnny takes over on the Gun for him and mows down the 'Saka Agents on the rooftop with scary accuracy. 

Just as they touch down on the roof, Johnny grabs a fucking nuclear device and takes it with him while him and rogue talk about putting it in the elevator to take down the tower. 

Waiting by the door for a runner to open the door they finally do and they rush down the stairs as Saka Agents go down in mass quantities, As they reach the elevator shaft which opens just in time for Johnny to place it down, set it up, step back and shoot the cable down. 

Apparently not satisfied Johnny wants to hook something into their Subnet as Rogue telling him all she can do is wait four minutes,

Rushing through the double doors adjacent to the elevator shaft popping 'Saka Agents heads like water balloons he rushes up stairs into what seems to be a small meeting room, He slots the device into Arasaka's Access Point, As the TV is reporting on the very thing their doing, As the Virus they slotted into the Subnet finishes Johnny rushes out towards the double doors on the opposite end, As he opens it he gets blasted back by some explosion though the wooden railing and onto the ground below, Looking up he sees a considerably less Borged out Adam Smasher then she's used to, At least he doesn't look anything like the one who smacked the Delamain when they were escaping.

Once again the vision glitches, Somehow now on the roof as Johnny holds onto Rogue for dear life as the Helicopter floats up only to be hit by some bullets and a small rocket causing her to drop him, Now laying the floor as he reaches for his gun Smasher seemingly taunts Silverhand as he states "Told ya Johnny boy, Told you id end you someday" as he shoots Johnny's Metallic hand as it bends back unusable now. 

The vision glitches again but not like before as Johnny seems to of passed out from it and on a stretcher,  As he looks up and see the explosion he set off just before he passes out again, Only to be awoken to a slap to the face by some 'Saka Scum as he sees the Mushroom Cloud in the distance as the interrogation goes on with him barely paying attention to the jackass in front of him who slaps him twice more asking a question Johnny couldn't give two shits about.

Then walks in Saburo Fucking Arasaka definitely looking way younger and way more alive from when she saw him just hours ago laying cold and dead on the floor, Moments later a lady walks in and fiddles with a computer sitting next to Johnny as she states her husband died in that tower and also adds there are fates worse then death and she adjusts a odd looking wreath onto his head as Saburo continues to look to the massive Mushroom Cloud, And just a second later he's hit with a warning of "Soul Killer Primed" display as his vision gives out for what seems like the final time. 

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