Chapter 16 : Aldecaldo's Adage

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Chapter 16 : Aldecaldo's Adage


(Few Minutes After V says Goodbye)

Telling Rogue I'm probably gonna help V, I bid her goodbye and she tells me to stay safe. Walking out of the booth I see V in a conversation on her Holo since her eyes are shining blue. 

Walking over to stand next to her patiently waiting for her to finish her call I listen in because why not i got nothing better to do waiting for her, Plus she's doing it in the middle of the afterlife not like she'll care nor is it confidential.

'Im overthinking that

"With the merch and your car? Want em back? I can help with that" she states 

This 'Panam' seemingly agreed 

V's eyes turn to her normal color as she begins to cough violently.

"Woah, You all good? Claire! A water please"

Claire nods and places one on the counter in front of us a few steps away next to where Lucy and Rebecca were about ten minutes ago.

Patting V's back slightly and moving her towards the counter, I thank Claire as V takes a tentative sip before taking another. She slowly sips the water down for a good three minutes before she thanks me.

"You alright"

"Yeah, Thanks Again, But i gotta go for now"

She states 

"Actually I was wondering if I could go with ya? Haven't actually seen much of the badlands and I wanna, I'll also help ya" 

"Fine by me, Gotta run it by Panam when we get there though, You got a gun? Know your netrunning and Quick Hacking is Preem but badlands a tad different" she asks

"Nope! Rogue told me i was a danger to everyone near me when i hold a gun, She tried to teach me" 

"That's…. Concerning but ok, No gun for you i guess" She states skeptically 

Grinning, I state "So shall we?" And gesture towards the door.

Walking out the Afterlife side by side we get into V's car a "Hella EC-D I36D" 

One small detail about V: She drives like a complete fucking lunatic, One possibly the only time i wished the Police did something.

Making it to the meetin spot I see that same Aldecaldos Girl who stormed outta Rogue's booth Yesterday, V walks up and says Hey and they chat a little while about helping each other as i zone until i hear "So that your output or something?" As i notice them both looking towards me 

"Maybe in time" I state winking at V "Could be yours too if ya want" Grinning i walk a few steps closer and offer my hand "YN Im a netrunner, Nice to meet you Panam" 

"You were all zoned out yesterday in Rogue's booth Yesterday weren't ya?" She States and shakes my hand

"Mhm - Holo call, I'm here to help" 

"Don't know how much a netrunner can help in the badlands but alright, Try not to get shot" She says 

"You must've never met a netrunner worth anything then" 

"Maybe, Hard to when your moving all the time, Ya know Nomad Life" she explains

"Glad to be your first" I slyly say as she smiles and shakes her head 

"Think, I'll like you" She states before getting into the car as i slide in behind V's seat and V gets in. 

A few minutes into the ride i ask "Sooo, Where are we going? I wasn't paying attention to your guys conversation zoned out" 

"Aldecaldos Camp, Need some backup and gear" Panam Explains

"Ooooh, Get to see my first real live Nomad Camp" 

"Glad to be your first" Panam replies without missing a beat causing me and V to burst out laughing. 

"Think i already like you" i state 

"Good, Good let's keep it that way" she says as the laughing dies down. 

Panam and V chat while I lay on the back seat and stare at the ceiling.

Good thirty minutes later we pulled up in front of two people outside the apparent camp.

Getting out behind V i hear one of the people say "Who's this?" To Panam 

"My Babysitter, And Her Babysitter it seems" 

"Am i a Hot Babysitter at least" I ask tilting my head slightly 

Laughing Panam says "Of Course" 

"V, YN this is scorpion and mitch, Two Old friends" 

"Hey guys" Is the only greeting V gives while i give a more enthusiastic "Howdy" 

"What brings you to these parts, City Girl?" Mitch asks

"Big City got too small for her. Do you have any idea how angry the old man is going to be when he sees you?" Scorpion asks 

"Just came by for a spell, Saul Need'nt know a thing" Panam says 

V looks like she wants to say something but doesn't oddly enough, Hasn't held her tongue with me. 

"The Raffens screwed me over, I'll get them back, But i'll need your help, Come with me, Well Thrash em' The five of us" Panam says to Mitch and Scorpion 

"You know we would do anything for you sister" Mitch starts "But now - nows hard" Scorpion finishes 

"Seriously - you won't help?" Panam asks

"Ah well, the old man told us to sit tight and get those generators back up after the batteries went kaput" Mitch's say seeming genuinely upset about not being able to help Panam

"Generators?  You wont help because of some god damn generators? This another Joke?" Panam Exclaims 

"Not this time were needed here" Mitch states 

"Fuck, i dont believe this, So youll stay put because saul told you too? You couldn't care less about me?" Panam says while pacing 

Breaking her silence V simply says "Panam…" 

"This isn't about saul, It's about the clan, You know that" Scorpion explains 

"Listen we can't leave camp, No chance, But… but saul never said a thing about gear" 

Mitch says with a smile hoping to appease Panam 

Panam relents and says "Ok well… I'll need that rifle of yours, And some of my own stuff" 

"Take whatever you want" Mitch says 

"And take care of yourself out there" Scorpion Adds

"Yeah… Thanks guys, I'll grab the gear then get out of your hair" Panam says 

"V come with me seems like you can actually lift something, YN wait by the car, Don't want ya to chip a nail"  Panam says before walking off with a smile "Bitch" i call after her causing her to just Flip me off without looking back 

Looking over to where scorpion and mitch are sitting, I see them fiddling with a generator like they said, Trying to charge it with the Van they are sitting next to. Walking over I think I see the problem "Y'Know that Van doesn't generate enough power to charge that right? Try a more powerful car or Buggy, Those vans barely generate enough for them to run" 

"No shit?" Scorpion asks 


"Fuckin' Hell thanks, Had us stumped"

As V and Panam get back with a sniper and a box of various items putting them in the back we all get inside not before Scorpion says "Take care of her, YN, You too V"

Onto Rocky Ridge

Decided to tweak somethings
Will make Separate Endings for each pairing. If you wish to have a certain ending for a character not listed let me know and ill put it on a list it can include multiple people like 'Rebecca x YN x Lucy' and more and so on

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