Chapter 42 : Attacked Alt

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Chapter 42 : Attacked Alt

V's POV 

Opening my eyes in the Net, Which looks…. Surprisingly simple, all blue and spots of red all around me as I look around my surroundings and see a bunch of Red Figures who seem to be all the Voodoo Boys who also jumped in with me. 

"This is it? Seriously?"

"This is our BBS. Data fortress. Bridge to the deep Net" Brigitte Explains

"It's… it's all so alive. So real"

"Cyberspace moves, breathes at all times. The interface will adjust the ebb and flow of data to the capabilities of your brain. But you… you are an exceptional case" She says

"Seein' somethin' more than I am?"

"Yes.  In cyberspace, it is always… too nice" She states

"So - what now?"

"We can begin. All is ready. We enhanced your link to Silverhand's neural network for a short time. To grab defragment. We must find the data on Alt. Alt alone. This should only take…" She says 


Johnny's/3RD POV 

Seconds after i utter that my vision glitches into one of Johnny's memories, He's holding a gun screaming lyrics "Will Never Fade away" As he shoots into the crowd which seems to just pump them up more

My Vision glitches again and it's Johnny being dragged away by some man offstage, Kerry walks over and screams "Johnny?! The fuck, holmes? Outta line! Way out! What next? Where are you gonna take it? Gonna drag a corporat on stage, make him kneel, douse him with gas, then light 'im up? It's not your band. You're no solo act. Gonna crash, man, and pull all of us down, too"

"You kinda are, though. Only one to have a problem with me" I say as Johnny 

"'Cause everyone else has had it up to here. They're done thinking they can get through to you. You're fucking whacked!" He says motioning higher 

"You know exactly why I do it"

"No, nuh-uh! To piss Arasaka off enough so they'll give you a case of deep-muscle lead poisoning?" He exclaims 

"But I'm the only one with a vision. So unless you got a better one, like I said - Go Fuck. Your. Self" Johnny/I state as we walk away into some backstage press room.

Walking into the room where I see Alt Cummingham waiting, clearly agitated at Johnny "We're done, Johnny, with it all. I just… couldn't ghost without saving… something"

"So go on - say it"

"You can be such a bastard sometimes, Johnny" She says 

"Man, are you on my ass today"

"Not just today. How does subtlety go so far over your head? Weird for an artist" She taunts

"Things were swimmin’… What, change your mind? Eats at my gut. 'Cause you knew what you were signin' up for"

"Look. If you were just another charismatic, narcissistic douchecanoe running around after his dream with his head up his ass, I couldn't care less" She exclaims standing up 


"It's all a lie. That concert, Samurai, all of it. A ginormous fiction. You're not a rockerboy, Johnny. Face it. Oughta join the wired wackos on the corners, frothing at the mouth as they scream "Death to Arasaka!"" She continues to taunt

"Uh-huh, I get it! Like to fix your men, huh? Not the first to try, believe me" 

"Honestly? I've got better things to do. Just hoped I'd help you realize you're deluding yourself. An' that doing anything about it… that's on you" She says standing up and going to the other side room

"Mh. You're afraid. You and Kerry both - cowards. I alone have the balls to stand up to Arasaka. And boy, that terrifies you - all of you" 

"'Course. Johnny S. - misunderstood by all Night City. That's it, that's the problem" She says as i can basically feel her roll her eyes even a room away

"You're confused. We came here to fuck each other's brains out, not analyze mine, So if you wanna try that we can fuck off" Johnny says as Alt walks in and glares at Johnny/Me

"See, I thought…" Alt starts before Johnny grabs her head and says "That this meant something? That we're close? So close you can give me shit about everything I do? Got quite the imagination, then"

My vision glitches again as I see bits and pieces of a memory Johnny talking to Alt, Some goons walking up, Then it evolves into pure chaos from there as a gun is pulled and Alt is Kidnapped then Johnny is stabbed from behind clear through. 

My Vision glitches once again and i'm met with a blinding light and a man who Johnny says is Milt Nauman a ripperdoc which makes sense, Since we are in what appears to be a Ripperdoc Studio.

"C'mon, rise and shine. Been a while, Johnny boy. How long'd you say? Two weeks since I lost cobbled you up?" Milt says 

"Man, did I miss you. Aargh…"

"Bullshit, you gonk son-of-a-bitch. Didn't even bother to call. You were supposed to be back for your follow-up. Kid's like a son to me" Milt says to another person in the room.

"So I see" The Other Person says 

"How's it look down there?"

"Welp, shoved so many tubes up your ass that you're about two mods off from pissin' espresso and milk froth. Also tossed in a synthetic liver. Old one was lookin' worse than a paper bag full of shit' Milt says, throwing Johnny a thumbs up.

"Great, Now i can live forever, Where's Alt?"

"Who? He brought you in alone, Said his name was Thompson" Milt says motioning to the only other person in the room.

"Arasaka, wasn't it?"

"Urgh, it's always Arasaka with you" Milt Groans

" 'Cause it always is Arasaka" 

Thompson finally says something and says "We gotta talk"

"All right. It's spit 'n glue, but she's holdin' tight. Get some rest. Even a few hours, let the stitches set at least" Milt says going to leave the room to give them privacy.

"So talk"

"They wanted her. You…you was just home" Thompson says 

"And you….. Just stood there, dick in hand, gawking and dreaming of tomorrow" 

"Woulda shredded us both if I'd jumped in. You see that guy's reflexes? 'Course not - he was that fast. Tech like that you don't find in a dumpster" He continues

"So… what're you after? Chasin' down a story? Fresh for the screamsheets? That why you scrape me up off the pavement?"

"Nah. Had my story. But then some cats tossed her in the back of a van and sped off. You, uh, aim to do something about it? She was your output, wasn't she?" Thompson asks 

"Not your fuckin' business"

"Mhh, not sure, huh? Yeah, heard there was tension, assorted goings on. Honestly, I couldn't care less about your fluttering hearts and loins. I wanna know why Arasaka bagged her" Thompson says 

"Alt's kidnapping - It's collateral shit. They swiped her to get at me" 

"You even know what she does for a living? Girl's one of the best runners around" He says 

"So? One of how many? No. Only link to Arasaka is the fact that Johnny Silverhand's boning her" 

"She's been workin' for ITS lately. Wrote some real smooth black ICE for them. Not to be duped in either sense of theterm." Thompson explains

Silverhand Moves off the table and topples over onto the ground, Staying still for a few seconds he finally stands up and stumbles over to where Thompson is to take the Glass of Liquor behind him and take a swig. 

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