Chapter 33 : Gonked Goro

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Chapter 33 : Gonked Goro

V's POV 

Takemura finally called and needed some help and we met where we did last time, Kanzaki St, Japantown. 

Finally reaching the overpass using the Elevator, I paas by the various stalls and Various people all muttering about, I spot a glimpse of some H/C'ed Hair as i walk around the last stall and i spot YN and Takemura, Seems like he called her too surprisingly enough, Takemura is talking to some cops while YN just stands to the side, It appears she using a Daemon on something but i have no clue what.

I stop in between the cops and takemura by stating "He's got the gift of the gab, Can't be denied, But i need to steal your buddy for a sec" As i pull Takemura away.

"What was the point of that?" He Asks as YN wonders over giving me a lazy wave 

"You're a wanted man, What were you doing?" 

"Distracting them so they didn't notice me in the Camera's" YN replies for him 

"Oh shit, My bad" 

"All Good got the info we needed" 

I nod and we walk a bit further away from the cops

"Goro, Good to see you, You too YN" 

"As it is to see you V" Goro respondes 

"Ditto" YN says

"We acquired some information. Do you know who most wished to honor Arasaka-Sama with the Parade? His murderer. The irony makes me sick" Goro says as he leans on the railing

"Who woulda thought, Mr.Father Issues wants to honor him, Change of heart? Nah" YN says 

"What's in it for Yorinobu? Doesn't seem like the kind who'd care to honor tradition" 

"That is so, Japanese Heritage is one element, Yorinobu will also put on a display of power, The floats are sure to be Beautiful, But the wizened eye will see in then a hidden message to his foes" Takemura explains

"What message would that be?" 

""I am here, gumin-domo, Watch your backs"" Takemura says 

"Not one for subtlety is he? Still don't see how this gets us anywhere" 

"I had an idea and YN expanded upon such, Look to the sky, The dashi floats will pass precisely this way, If i could just get on Hanako-Sama's Float, I could speak with her in private" Takemura explains as YN lets out a noticeable sigh of frustration

"Get there how?" 

"Why, Jump of course" Takemura states like it isn't humanly impossible.

"Your, Granshit crazy, In front of a crowd? What about security…?" 

"You need not worry, While you were occupied with your shady dealings, I learned more about the floats, They are all kept in one place - Arasaka Industrial Park, It is there that they prepare them, We need only to break into the compound, Find the right float and Inject a virus into its system, You will then be able to disable any security before i sneak inside" Takemura explains 

"Lots of ways to skin this particular cat you know" 

"I know what you need, It is taken care of, I have an infected shard Courtesy of YN" Takemura says 

"Yeah, So i gotta get going Rogue's upset. I went here instead of to the Afterlife. I'm making her wait, Lucky you caught me before I actually made it to the Afterlife Goro, See ya later, Stay safe" YN states as she sprints off.


Rushing towards the Delamain i told to wait for me, I keep getting angry messages from rogue Ranging from "Where are you" to "I will make your life a living hell" Laughing at that one i get into the Delamain and respectfully and politely request it takes me to the Afterlife once again.

Finally reaching the Afterlife i go straight towards Rogue's booth to find her there clearly agitated

"Finally" She huffs 

"Miss me that much?"

"Missed the eddies you brought in" She replies without missing a beat 

"What's the Job" i ask as i sit on the booth 

"Biotechnica, Want their info on future expansion into the Badlands got plenty o Nomads who wanna know" Rogue Explains

"...ok…. Sounds, How do i put this, Way to easy for someone of my Level" 

"True, But how do I know you're not Rusty after all that time? How do I know you're still deserving of that legendary Status? Gotta start out small kid" Rogue says with a smirk

"Cut the bullshit, What's the real job?"

"I really do want that info, Although what i would really like, Is the Biotechnica Net Codes and their Master Code for their ID pads, They also want you to not leave a trace in or out" She says

"That's what i thought, You know the master codes are different for each section right? One's in Italy will be different from the ones in Night City. Which do you want? Id assume Night City, But alas can never tell with you Fixers" 

"Actually i want Italy's got someone who wants in their HQ, Paying good money for this" Rogue says

"Smells like an inside job, But alright i'll jump, Let ya know when i got the Detes" 

"Alright, Don't do anything stupid" Is all rogue Respondes with as i walk out of her booth giving Claire a wave and a friendly smile.

Calling another Delamain which is fortunately right around the corner I hop in and tell it to take me to my North Oaks property which it nicely does so.

'I'm using Delamain too much, Gonna have to cull my information from its servers soon

Passing the Vibrant lights of the City I think about who would want some Mastercode in Rome, Couldn't be anyone in Night City, Means they would have had to come for me Specifically since they could have gotten someone from Italy itself, They want the Big shots, Scouting me maybe? Nah my reputation is impeccable no reason to. 

I'm broken from my thoughts as the car pulls to a stop and i get out and head towards my Netrunning setup thinking "Alright, In and Out no traces, Easy enough"


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