Chapter 2: Rogues Response

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Chapter 2: Rogue's Response

Rogues POV 

After running the Afterlife for sometime you just tell when something is different just by stepping inside. Walking past Emmerick, I see him shift uncomfortably out of the corner of my eye, Making a beeline for Claire knowing she'll tell me what's up, Whether she wants to or not.

She's wiping down the counter when i saunter up and lean on the counter catching her attention, I simply raise my eyebrow at her and she just nods towards the booth i usually sit in, Giving her a curt nod back i walk over to find not a single soul in there just a small note that says "How's Life - Your Favorite Netrunner" 

'Little Shit finally decided to show up, Knew she wasn't dead in a ditch too resourceful and smart

Walking back to Claire, note in hand she slides it to her and asks "How long ago did she leave?" 

"Hmmm, Bout three hours ago, Seems to of been waitin for ya, Dex caught sight of her and offered that Job he has been touting around to everyone, Don't know if she accepted or not, Have to ask her yourself" 

"Alright, thanks" 

Rogue's seems lost in thought, First time Claire's seen her at a loss of words, Rogue simply taps the table twice and leaves to her Booth, Her eyes go orange as she seemingly scans around the Web, In reality she's just doing that to look like she's not spacing out while thinking about her next course of action

'This shit with Dex needs to either happen or he needs to stop yappin about it too much heat, Corps gonna come sniffin soon' She thinks bitterly  

She calls Nix over seeing if he has any info about her.

No one heard from her when disappeared nor heard about any of her exploits from wherever she disappeared to, Felt like 'Saka grew in power when she left not many left to stand up to em, She's just glad now it feels like the looming force of Arasaka shrunk back just from her presence, Like a slight weight lifted from her shoulders, She'll be glad when they talk and can catch up, Maybe find out where the hell she left too.

Maybe even give her a good smack for basically ghostin her for two years, Knowing the lil shit, She changed her Holo ID and all that shit, She understands though 'Saka can be ruthless in their pursuit maybe she just wanted a break can't be fun running and dodging cyber attacks all the time. Hell she has a bigger bounty then Rogue herself does. 

Sighing and she switches off the Web and signals Claire to give her a drink, She'll have a headache soon enough from all this shitty drama, First Dex now YN.  

Claire walks over with a bottle of vodka and just leaves it, She knows Rogue's had a tough few days. Cleaning up Dex's shitshow can't be fun, Rogue knows she should put him in his place but he brings in too much money and customers for her to really care too much a headache for heaps of eddies is worth it in her mind plus it'll all settle down when the shock of him coming back dies down.

Sipping the bottle she says screw it and tries to Holo her, The ringing starts and she sees a X type logo appear and goes off twice more before flashing unavailable and switching off. 

'Shoulda Known' she sighs 

She finishes off the bottle and gets up to leave its around 7AM and she just wants to sleep this headache off, Leaving the booth she thanks claire once again, Smacks Emmerick lightly as encouragement as she leaves unknowingly eyeing the same Graffiti YN touched yesterday as she heads to her custom made Quadra Type-66 "Mistral" 

Pulling out from the Afterlife parking lot she takes a sharp right and gives the gas a good push to add some thrill and decides to drive around for a bit before heading home to sleep.

Claire's POV

It's no surprise Rogue seemed a little odd after the news Claire knows Rogue pretty well she'd like to think and know very few things could make her act differently, 

Returning to her Job as she starts paying attention again, She starts fulfilling drink orders and wiping down the bar cause' some people can't keep the drink either in their cup or mouth somehow. 

Hearing a commotion outside in the hallway she looks up to see Dex and his trusty muscle, Oleg she thinks is the guys name, Knows damn well he has one loyalty and it's too Dex and she'd rather not deal with the dirty looks from him if she gets on Dex's Bad side.

"Yoo Miss Claire, Is the back room free? Looking to rent it for a bit" 

"All yours, Just don't trash it, Don't wanna clean it up, Alright?"

"Sure thing Miss Claire, Have a good day now" 

"You too Dex" 

She knows the big job he has is about to go down, Doesn't know what ragtag bunch he's gotten together now

'Hope its good if they really Kleppin from Arasaka, Better not be a bunch of Gonk's that'll bring corpo heat onto the Afterlife, don't feel like dealing with that' She Thinks

She spots T-Bug walk in and gives her a nod as she walks to the back room, clearly part of the so-called 'Ragtag Crew'.

"Least know the runner will be Preem" She Jokes as T-Bug smiles at her. 

"Rest will be too, You just wait" She Responds

"Take your word for it T" 

The Conversation draws to a close at T-Bug rounds the corner to head back, Filling some more drinks for the regulars and making sure Dex has what he wants back their in terms of refreshments she just chills back and waits for the rest to show up knowing it won't be long now till the rest of the crew shows up. 


Heist Part 1 starts next chapter V will meet YN. If you notice any typos and errors let me know please and thank you. 

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now