Chapter 40 : Voodoo Venture's

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Chapter 40 : Voodoo Venture's

V's POV 

Mr.Hands was a good lead,Lead me to a Job that should let me see the Voodoo Boys leader. Now I'm following behind some Big Haitian guy named 'Placide' as we head up some stairs to god knows where. 

I messaged YN that I had an in and she responded that she would head over soon.

"You know Pacifica well?" Placide asks

"Nah. You guys aren't exactly great at rollin' out the welcome mat for outsiders" 

"Was to be its own city, where suits would burn their eddies. A closed circle. De corps feed their sheep, they split the cash back out. All toys here are grown from corp cash. Our interest is now in de GIM - de Grand Imperial Mall. Pacifica's biggest, ugliest temple to greed….. but never finished. Until last week it was deserted, empty" He says 


"The Animals they walk in" He states as we reach a long hallway and he takes a seat at a table with a laptop. 

"We talk here, Do Job and you see Brigite" He says trying to take my Jack and put it in the Uploader as i yank it back. 

"Tell me the Job First" 

"Will, Jack in,  Tell then" He said as he snapped his head up to behind me as I turned to look. I spotted YN walking with two people behind her escorting her.

"What is the meaning of this?" Placide asks as he stands up

"Hello" She says waving at me 

"Hi?" I ask slightly confused 

"So, Whatchu they have you doing?" She asks me completely disregarding the Angry Haitian Man

"No Clue, Wont tell me"

"Who are you and What Business do you have here?!" Placide demands

"Someone your boss wants to talk to" Is all YN says looking boredly at Placide which seems to infuriate him as the two escorting YN walk away, Leaving just YN, Placide and Me.

"I doubt it, Who are you? I will not ask again" He states moving around the Desk as i move in front of YN 

"Cmon, Let me have my fun" YN whispers into my ear clearly on her tippy toes to reach, Raising an eyebrow I step back and let her Smile at Placide as he glares at her. 

"Heard you're looking for YN, What for?" YN asks 

"That is none of your business, What are you here for and Who are you?" He asks once again aggressively.

Smirking YN says "You just asked again! Anyway I'm YN so it is my Business now what?" 

He looks at YN clearly thinking about something and says "How you prove?" 

"Why would I have to? Let me and V here talk to your leader" She responds

"Prove you are who you say you are" He Says

"Ok, This is pissing me off" She says as her eyes go blue and Placide and the rest of the Voodoo Boys near all grab their heads and fall to their Knees.

"That good enough for you? Good enough for me" YN taunts as i just watch this scene unfold 

"You're all linked to the same Neural Network like a bunch of Gonks, One skilled netrunner and you're all fried, Luckily I'm not one to kill simply on a whim, Now let me and V talk to your Leader" She says as she stops whatever Daemon she used on them. 

One of the guards points his gun at YN as I pull out my gun and point it back at him while stepping in front of YN and holding out my arm protectively in front of her.

"Lets not" I say to the guard as he looks between Me and Placide whos just barely standing up

"Gun down" He says looking at the guard 

I put my gun down but not away as he says "Fine, But we cannot allow you to see Brigitte, Issue has arisen from GIM, We need this merc to take care of issue" 

"What's the Issue?" 

"Netwatch has trapped Brigette and some others in Subnet, They cannot leave, We need you to free them" He says sitting down as i stay standing with YN 

"Still need me to Jack in?" I ask as he shakes his head no and looks at YN 

"Go meet my people, they will tell you what to do" He says as he motions to the door on his right 

Meeting his 'people' they tell us to reach inside the movie theater as a Netwatch Agent is there we need to eliminate.

Reaching inside we sneak around past all the Animals in the place patrolling, We reach a wide open area as a Massive Animal launches towards Me and YN's Eyes Go Blue and the Animal drops almost immediately.

Confused, I turn to her as she says "Wow, They just tried to flatline ya, I redirected it towards your friend there" She says motioning to the now dead Animal presumed leader.

Walking into the Theater we see the Netwatch Agent turn and Exclaim "Whoa, Hey, Easy now, Let's talk about this" as he holds his hands up.

"Just a second ago you tried to flatline me. And now you wanna talk?"

"Flatline? No, just discourage, but it looks like I underestimated you" He says 

"Nope, Underestimated my friend here" I say nodding to YN 

"And who would you be?" He asks 

"YN" Is all she says 

The Netwatch Agents eyes widen as he takes a small step backwards

"Heard of me?" YN asks with a smirk 

"Who hasn't, Living Legend among The Underground and Living Nightmare among the people I work for and with" He states 

"Mhm, So who are you?" I intervene 

The Netwatch agent shows his badge and says "Bryce Mosley, NetWatch special agent. Can we talk? Had a specter on you, didn't you? Soawand heard all you did. Did You follow his orders? No idea what the Voodoo Boys are payin' you, but our pockets are deeper"

"Sorry, don't work with corps"

"Come on, everyone does. I bet you have, too. Could verify that right away, actually, But we don't need any distractions, do we?" He says looking at YN

"What she says goes" YN says nodding towards me making the Netwatch Agent nod as well

"Not interested. Not a money job for me, just need to be in with Maman Brigitte, Voodoo chieftain"

"Brigitte and her lapdog Ti Neptune have been frozen several days now ever since we shrouded their subnet with ICE. And you? Well…… you were sent here to free them. Do you know why they didn't tell you everything? 'Cause you're a 'ranynon' That's what they call outsiders brought in for special jobs - floor rags. When you're no longer needed, they chuck you. A fate for all 'Ranyons' Though, with YN im sure they wont just throw you away" He says 

"How'd you manage to I.C.E them?" YN asks 

"When we took the mall, we knew the VDBS'd send runners. Ti Neptune breached first - to see what was goin' on. When we ICEd him, Brigitte dove in after him, using him to shield herself. Tough cookie, that one, but still finds herself stuck" He states 

Humming YN nods right before the NetWatch Agent drops seemingly Dead.

"Was trying to call backup to come and Flatline us, Mostly me, Now lets free them and head back" YN says as she pushes some buttons on the NetWatch Agents computers and grabs my arm to lead me out. 

Hope you all have a great day.

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now