Chapter 13 : Vanquishing' V

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Chapter 13 : Vanquishing' V


Slightly grumbling and opening my eyes im met with the green hair of Rebecca an inch or two away from my face and my arm over her, Slowly getting up and over her as to not wake her i check my Holo messages and see i got one from Rogue asking if the Mox thing had a hitch, Replying and telling her i'd be there to talk to her in about 30 minutes, I change back into my clothes and fold the pajamas Rebecca graciously let me use last night and place them on the couch.

Leaving a note instead of a Holo because I'm old fashioned I guess, That simply says "Thank you! Holo me when you wake up - YN" 

Walking out her apartment making sure the door closes on my way out I'm met with a chilly breeze as I head towards the elevator, Noticing a group of Tyger Claws following me I sigh knowing the eventual confrontation this will cause, Getting inside the elevator as the group of Tyger Claw's do the same i just lean against the far wall as they all seem to nod in agreement and pull out something, My Instinctive reflexes kick in and I fire off a gun jam Quick Hack maybe a little too preemptively as they just hold out a card for me to take without saying a word, Taking the card i see it has a name on it that says "Wakako Okada'' and a Holo ID, Looking up from the card they bow slightly? Odd but ok… Deciding to keep them out of Rebecca hair i tell them to stay away from that particular Mox and they hastily agree 'Guess word spread of me being back huh'

Stepping off the Elevator past the Tyger Claw I head to the nearest Metro and get a ride over to the closest station to the Afterlife which happens to be Ellison Street.

Finally at the front of the Afterlife doors i pass past Emmerick giving him a nod as he gives one back while i do the same to Claire as i pass her 'She needs a break i swear' heading to Rogue's booth with Squama guarding it i just stroll right past him sitting next to Rogue not even paying attention to the other people in the booth. 

"Howdy" I say 

"Hello, It all go well?" She asks 

"Yeah, Fuckin, Susie made me update her Subnet security and fix all that shit, In a Tub no less, Made me exhausted, Rebecca was sweet enough to take me to her home though so that was good, She didnt know where mine was" I explain 

"Alright, Are you all good and rested today?" She inquires 

"Yepo, Hear anything on Dex's Crew?" 

"Yep, Dex's Dead, Jackie Welles Too and we already know about T-Bug" she says 

"Damn, Alright" you say as you get a Holo from Rebecca telling Rogue you have to take this and accepting the Holo 

You see her smiling face as she says "Hello! Where'd you run off tah?" 

"Afterlife Rogue wanted to know if everything went all good, told her it did, Oo i gotta go but ill call you soon to hang out and we can do something ok?" You say as you spy V of all people walking over to Rogue's Booth 

"Sure, Thing See ya then YN" she says as the Holo clicks off. 

Seeing an Angry Aldecaldo Girl storm off saying something bout a truck and a delivery? Was not paying attention outside the Holo call unfortunately, You see V walk up and call out for Rogue "Hey Rogue can i get a word" she says as Squama blocks her off, Rogue tells him it's all good and Rogue tells her to sit down and asks "What do you want V?" 

V glances at me and says "Need your services, Gotta track down a guy" 

"Mhm" Rogue Mumbles out 

"Anders Hellman, Hot shot engineer, Worked for Arasaka"

"Millisec" Rogue says as her eyes go red, clearly searching for his data. 

"Anders Hellman, Can you pinpoint him for me" She says 

"Huh, Thanks" V says and you slightly cringe knowing what Rogues gonna say 

"Jumpin' Too Soon, First my helps got a price, Second, and Third, Dexter Deshawn, Jackie Welles and T-Bug, Multiple bells ringing, V, Left a lot of bodies behind, Death walks in your wake, Chalk that up to bad luck? How do we know you didn't sell them out to keep your head?

V freeze's for a second looking towards the corner of the couch for some reason and says "They knew the risk, all sorts of shit happens - to all sorts of people, even to the best, to you too Rogue, Arasaka Tower, 'member? Who'd you lose back then? Johnny something…" 

"Ah, You came prepared. 'Course, Anyway Feelings be damned i've always said, This is pure biz, You need my help, So get those eddies ready" Rogue states 

"This enough?" She says as her eyes go blue for a second and holds her hand out signalling it went through 

"Mhm, Come back tomorrow we'll talk" Rogue says as her eyes go red, Nudging Rogue i tell her im gonna go have a chat with V real quick

Heading over to where she sat down I sat in the stool next to her and swivel to look at her. 

Seemingly not caring she just glances at me and goes back to her drink while asking "Whaddya want?" 

"Wanna know why your ordering water, You just lost a good friend in Jackie i assume and should be drowning in Liquor" 

Laughing she says "Observant aint ya? Just gave the last of my Eddies to your friend back there and i still gotta pay my Ripperdoc, What i owe him" 

"That's it? Here" You say as you send her 20,000 Eddies

She looks at me like I'm psycho and states how she couldn't accept since she doesn't wanna owe me anything and sends them back.

"Cmon, Just accept them, You don't owe me anything, Think of it as a reward for Zeroing Dex, Alright?" 

"Fine, Thank you YN, You seem like a good person" She says, eyes softening as I order her a drink and me a Centzon, And we drink away the night and wait till Rogue has the data.

I don't particularly like this chapter, I think it's sloppy which is why I'm posting 2 today I don't wanna leave y'all with a bad chapter tomorrow

I very much like the next chapter tho hope you all do tomorrow as well.

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now