Chapter 9 : Mox's Meeting

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Chapter 9 : Mox's Meeting


You'd think someone who needs help from you would pick up their Holo a lot faster, Turns out Rebecca does not agree on that sentiment, Took seven calls for her to even answer the call, You don't even know if she has a valid excuse like "I was Sleeping" because she looks wide awake.

"Hey Pipsqueak, Ready to go sort out your Mox Business?" You ask as she scowls at the nickname but says nothing about it instead opting to say "Yeah, meet at Lizzie's Bar in an hour?" 

"Works for me! Cya then" you exclaim before closing the Holo, Only seconds later you get a message from Rebecca complaining on how it's unfair you how to say goodbye but she didn't, Chuckling over that fact you start making your way towards the metro once on the metro you wait for your stop Kabuki: Central, Finally on the street you walk towards Lizzie's passing the various japanese style signs and street vendors on your way, Going up a flight of stairs with a few people leaning on the railing staring at you as you pass, Taking a right as you reach the street you make your ways towards the foot bridge, Passing a van you do a double take as it seems like shits about to turn into a gang war, You see some Tyger Claws all move forwards towards a group of Mox's that are just chatting on the basketball court, Favoring the Mox's you decide to help them out ny Quick hacking the Tyger Claws guns to short circuit and yelling "watch out" while flailing your hands like a drowning person, That's when you think 'Oh, shit" as not only does that catch the Mox's Attention is catches the Tyger Claws as well. 

Thankfully One mox recovers faster then the others and pulls out her 'DS1 Pulsar' and mows the Tyger Claws down, Thankfully you hid behind the van as you saw her pulling it out, Peeking out from behind the van you see four Tyger Claws dead on the ground as two Mox's check over them and the one with the Pulsar and another one with a Beanie walk over to you as you step around the van. 

"Hey!" The one with the Pulsar screams even though you're definitely close enough to just talk to. 

"Thank, For that, Really saved our Asses there-" she says as she gets cut off by the Beanie girl "You're a cute little thing aint ya? Looking to Join? Think you just got your recommendation if ya are" she finishes by walking around you in a circle not once taking her eyes off of you with a grin plastered on her face. 

"Erm, no thanks! Thought about that when I was younger, Wasn't for me. Thanks for the offer though, I gotta go to Lizzie's to meet a friend now, So have a good day and stay alert!" You say as you turn to continue walking down the foot bridge, Just Before you do your grabbed by the gun touting one who says "Well, we gotta go report this to our boss anyway, We'll escort ya, Least' we can do" She then yells at the other two to stay alert and not do anything stupid and they just nod.

"Ooookay Thanks" you say

"Whatchu going to Lizzie's for some BD's?" 

The one with beanie asks 

"Nope! Gotta talk to someone" You explain as you continue walking down the footbridge and down the stairs and crossing the street when it very clearly doesn't want you as it flashes "Wait" at the ends almost getting hit by a car in the process as the beanie one on your right just flips the driver off as you cross the street and walk along the sidewalk, Stopping for a second to admire the "Dont fuck with the Mox" graffiti thats right under a "Caliente" sign, Not paying attention you step back to admire the graffiti some more just as your pulled closer to it by the Beanie girl who simply nods back towards the barricade you nearly touched that has fucking Razor wire on it in the middle of a sidewalk. 

Thanking her, She cheekily responds with "Ya, know if you like art so much, I got some on me i can show you, if you want" she finishes that sentence by Winking ,Knowing she's not joking as her Shirt doesn't cover much and you can see the "Moxe's" Tattoo on what you assume is Realskin due to the nice glossy texture, And you realize you've accidentally been staring at her chest this entire time as they both wait for you to follow them, Beanie Girl however seems even happy at that fact and grins even wider as she leans over you pushing her chest out so her shirt covers nothing and you can see her in all her glory she is definitely not wearing a bra, She pushes a stray piece of hair behind your ear before stating "Maybe, I should thank you for warning us personally" she husks lowly, Snapping your eyes to her eyes  you gulp then steady yourself, Before calmly stating "Maybe, Later, Although i would prefer if you took me out to dinner first you cheekily add" It's definitely not the first time you've been hit on and usually you'd shut them down with some shitty excuse but youve never been hit on by someone so forward before and its quite exciting to you. 

She steps back and seemingly thinks about it before yapping off a quick "Ok! I'll send you my Detes, You send me yours and I'll let you know when I'm free, Name's Rita by the way, Yours?" 

"YN" You say as you send her you contact information and get hers in return

Continuing the walk to Lizzie's you pass a clearly drunk couple making out under the 'Cyberbabes' Sign as you turn you see Rita take her Beanie off and begin making her hair into what seems to be space buns as the other girl helps as you three all wait by the edge of the parking lot for them to get done with that, Looking around said parking lot you see Rebecca chilling on the hood of a car you'd never expect to see her have a Emperor G20 Ragnar, Big Car for a small girl you think as they finish making her hairstyle right, You all three head over and you thank them for their escort and time and tell Rita you're expecting a call soon before you bid goodbye and head to Rebecca.

Reaching her, Just as she looks up and smiles at you.

"You Ready?" 

"Yep" She Chirps 

Rebecca's Car is the one up top
Decided to post two today as well since last 3 havent been in YNs POV

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