Chapter 17 : Panam's Plan

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Chapter 17 : Panam's Plan


"Ok, We are here" Panam announces as we pull up to a desolate and deserted town.

"What do we do?" V asks 

"We get ready to greet the Raffens, And we've little time for that, Well need to improvise, We should scout first, To look for anything useful" Panam explains 

Wandering around while V scans various items seeing if its powered i head to the obvious transformer 

"No dice, Nothing's up, All cut off" V Says

"Raffens will roll in after dusk, Well have a surprise ready for them, We just need to get some power flowing" Panam says 

Calling out to inform them of the transformer they both look over as V walks over and Panam drives the car over.

Meeting up Panam explains as she gets out and leans on the car "Right, So - that intersection is powered by that transformer and substation up there right? The switchgear on the roof - we'll flip the switch there and everything will light up like Christmas, Understood?" 

I just nod as V states "So classic route - Good ol' Diversion?" 

"You know it, First we don't know how many are coming, My thinking is it'll be a sizable crew, Second, We have to create an opening to get to my car. If they are bunched together we won't stand a chance"  Panam remarks 

"Wrong, If they are bunched together, It'll be way easier, I can just use a Deamon and bam it'll jump from one to another and so on"

"Fair enough didn't know how those worked all too well" Panam says 

Telling V to grab the Jumper cables from the trunk V does so as i open the hood for her, Putting the cables on the car short circuits out but powers the transformer serving its purpose. 

Getting into my position which is the Garage across from where Panam and V are and where they presumably will pull up, We all wait and I scrounge around the garage for anything to mess with. 

(A Few hours later)

"They're rolling up in my Thorne, You see her?" Panam asks excited 

"Really, Really hard to miss" V says 


"Let's take em by surprise, Well try to do this quietly, If anything happens i'll start picking them off, Sounds good?" Panam Asks

"Sounds Great" V says as i just Hum 

As they pull upon and an obnoxious sounding woman tells her subordinated to wait for 'them' here 

"Get Good and Ready, Show Starts now" Panam says through the Holo as V turns the lights on and I use a Daemon to ping one of their cars which makes it sound like it's in panic mode as the lights go off on it and so does the horn. 

Sneaking out while they check out the car I sneak behind the Leader and try to take the shard from her silently, It doesn't go as hoped as she twists around extremely fast and grabs my wrist that was reaching towards her with surprising force that will probably leave a bruise, Not even a second later Panam's sniper goes off and so does the leaders head.

Grabbing the shard quickly and rushing into the truck I shortcuited the closest person next to me as that Daemon jumped from Raffen to Raffen dropping them like flies as i get into the back seat, V slides up front while I pray to god, Panam does not allow her to drive, And to my utter delight Panam almost immediately asks for V to move over as she says "Move, I'll drive" and V reponses with "Leave the driving to the pro gotcha" 

Breathing a sigh of relief at her not driving, I take a good look around the Thorne and i gotta say it looks fuckin Preem, Modded to high hell with some top quality stuff. The turret on top looked Preem to, and looked like an Arasaka Crime Prevention Turret. 

'Crime Prevention' i think as i chuckle

"And? She's Prime wheels isn't she?" Panam Asks

"Dreamy indeed, No Surprise you wanted her back" V says 

"Preem to a 'nother level, Damn Panam, Almost as fine as you '' I state leaning between the gap in the front seats as I give them both a smile. 

"She Completes me" Panam says as I see the tension drop from her shoulders and she leans back. 

"See? Managed just fine without Mitch and Scorpion" V says 

"Listen, It's not over yet" Panam says 

I stay quiet while V says "It's not? You got the cargo, You got your Car…"

"I did not get Nash, Who was not in Rocky Ridge, The fucker didnt show" Panam Explains 

"Panam…" V murmurs 

"Listen, I have a plan" Panam states 

"And I don't care, The Car and the Merch - that's what we were after, We got em, Sixth Street awaits word and i…" V gets cut off by Panam slamming the wheel with her hands as she says "Just listen to me, For fucks sake… I know where their little hidey hole is, We'll take the old unfinished freeway nearby, They will not be expecting us, Im sure of it"

"Ugh, All right…. So where's this hideout?" V asks 

"A Hop and skip away" Panam Remarks 

Both turn to look at me seemingly asking for my opinion on the matter

"Even if i said no that'd be Two against One majority wins, That being said, Lets go fuck up some more Raffens" 

"Thanks you two, What Nash did… I placed my trust in him, He was the first person i worked with after leaving the Aldecaldos, After i came to Night City, And i granted him my trust" Panam says 

"I get it, Know how you feel, Had someone betray me, Just like that, Once" V says 

"And did you make them pay?" Panam asks

"Never got the chance, Someone else got to em first" V explains 

"But if they hadn't? Would you of done it" Panam asks 

I interject "If that person hadn't i Guarantee V wouldn't be the only one waiting in that line, Fucker had a whole colony of enemies" 

"No doubt" V says, agreeing to my statement and answering her question at the same time.

"Let's get this over with" Panam says as we head to the hideout 


Question: Longer Chapters for longer wait times or Keep it to 1kish a day chapters?

Also 2x chapter release is for the 3k reads thanks everyone!

Elusive (Various Female Cyberpunk2077/Edgerunners x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now