Chapter 8 : Takemura's Tactics

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Chapter 8 : Takemura's Tactics


Seemingly back into my own skin, i glance around and it seems like were in the net as a another person stands nearby and glitches away as i walk towards them repeating that again and again till we meet at a long hallway and i grab his shoulder as he questions me "And you, Who're you?" As his voice echoes, my vision gives out again.

As the red startup screen of my cyberware and neural ware boot up and i get my vision back i remove the metal sheet from atop me along with a TV and look down at my shaking hands and glitching vision before i crawl to what i hope it safety, Just before i reach the broken down beaten up car in front of me i see Dexter Deshawn walk behind it, My vision glitching so bad i nearly see too, Then i see another man holding a gun to him as they rush over to me, I black out again just before they reach me, I awake to myself being dragged and placed down before the mysterious man in the black suit who looks like Sabura Arasaka's Bodyguard? Takemura I think his name was, As they talk and I can barely hear them but I can tell Dex is begging for his life just before Takemura kills him before he can blink. 

As Takemura contacts Yorinobu Arasaka to tell him he found me just before he smacks me and i black out…. Again…

Waking up in a car as my vision continues to glitch as we head out of the landfill my eyes close whether from exhaustion or blacking out i don't know, Only to be woken up with a warning on my digital display that says "Relic Malfunction" and Takemura is asking for my help as he seems bloody and hurt, He hands me an Airhypo surprisingly and don't waste a second in using it and throw it out the window as an Arasaka branded Biker zooms next to the car then ahead as two move follow his lead spraying bullets into the car just before Takemura hits the gas and crashes one and hands me a gun to dispatch them.

Taking the one on the right out with heavy difficulty leads to the other bumping us as we spin out near the dam and Takemura tries to drive backwards and i continue to try to shoot him just as his bike finally explodes another one comes out of nowhere jumps his bike over a car and lands on the back of our car with mantis drawn and swinging them at us as i continue to fire upon him as he leaps to the front of the car and climbs up using the blades and narrowly misses us just before Takemura takes a hard left and swings one of his arms off the car hood, and slamming into an Arasaka Billboard to finish him off funnily enough which causes me to once again black out.  

Coming too once more, And i'm being dragged from the burning car as i lift the gun up and finish off the 'Saka Assassin, As Takemura tells me to not faint again and we both need medical attention and if i know a ripperdoc i can trust, I tell him about Viktor and he tells me to call someone so i call the last person i did - Delamain who surprisingly answers and he says hell come pick us up and i faint… again… 

I wake to hear Delamain and Takemura bantering or something i don't know as im hit by another Relic Malfunction before i pass out, I then wake to see and hear Viktor moving me and Takemura falling on the ground as Vik calls for Misty then its in and out of consciousness flickering between Vik doing surgery on me and me just laying there on his bed as various people come and go for what seems and feels like days. 

Only to finally wake up when Vik is next to me with a killer headache as I describe what it feels and looks like to Vik. He somberly sits down and tells me that they weren't just dreams they were real memories as the chip has a personality construct of Johnny Silverhand and also tells me that the chip is also killing me and i don't have much time left a few weeks he says and explains how the nanites on the chip saved me and are ending me at the same time. 

He calls for misty as she states "Your Asking too much from an Old-Timer like Vik, Cmon V lets get you home" 

As we get home she wheels me in through the door on the wheelchair as i retell her what i saw when i was apparently remembering Silverhand's memories and banter with her a bit about sleep having a hint of death in reference to the Soulkiller Program, She changes subjects as she tells me she has some Meds for me one from Vik, One from Her, The one from Vik are omega blockers they'll stop it from progressing to fast and they'll keep Silverhand quiet, The one from Misty is Pseudoendotrizine it'll do the opposite speed it up make him come out instead of put him to sleep. 

As i move to lie down Misty hands me the bullet that was in my skull and she sweetly made it into a lucky charm for me as she pleads for me to get some sleep, I tell her she's lovely as i lay down and try to go to sleep only to be awoken by a banging sound sound which appears to be Johnny Silverhand banging his head on a wall.

"Gotta get outta here, Understand? And i'll kill anyone who gets in my way, You included" He threatens 

"Need a Smoke, Where'd you stash yours" He asks 

As I get up and a Relic Malfunction happens I respond with "I Don't Smoke, How are we even talking?" 

"How the fuck should i know, The fuck kinda Joytoy are you supposed to be? He drawls out 

"Fuckin' Ghost Off" i scream 

As i go to leave the apartment he seemingly pushes me onto the ground and interrogates me

"Who you work for? Start Talkin!"  

"Fuck" i groan

We mirror each others actions as he seems like he came to the conclusion that we now share a body due to the chip as he tries to rip it out himself and my vision glitches out as i try to steady myself near the window, And somehow i'm not in control of my body anymore, Johnny starts smashing my head against the window stating he'll find a way as blood splatters on the window.

Seemingly back in control I try to take an Omega Blocker as Johnny smacks it away and tells me to "Stick some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger, I can feel our minds touching, I'm like mold on fruit… creepin into you…. Nothing I can do about it, You hear me? Id puke if i fucking could! It's just a copy of the engram - i'm out there somewhere, gotta be" He finishes while pacing around my apartment as i crawl towards the pills i spilled and take one looking up into the fan as he disappears and sleeps finally overtakes me peacefully for a little bit, After waking up i decide to take a shower and not sit and pity myself all day.


Writing gets better chapter 14ish imo

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