Chapter 30 : Corporate Cacodemons

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Chapter 30 : Corporate Cacodemons


After that 'nap' Lucy called and wanted to meet up to discuss the Smasher plan with me and Rebecca so I agreed and we said we'd all meet at Corpo Plaza right under the giant holographic Koi fish that circle around.

(One Long Car Ride Later)

Waiting for Lucy and supposedly Rebecca as well. I'm just standing in the middle of the glass in the middle of corpo plaza looking at the sprawling monoliths of Mega Corporations and the Bright Neon signs.

It's all so much, Arasaka's Building standing tall above the others like it admittedly should its the number one corp for a reason, Its ominous black unnatural design not meant to appeal to or make people feel at peace, its built to impose and strike fear and to show how small you are compared to it.

Looking to the Right I see a small 'Orbital Air' logo just spinning and skip over it, Looking further right I see the big Petrochem building with their two moving ads just flowing up the wall.

Nearly touching the Petrochem building is the Mighty and Stout Kang Tao building, no ads on this building to showcase they can stand on their own and up to the likes of Militech and Arasaka.

Speaking of Militech, looking to the right of the Kang Tao building is the Glowing Almost Fortress-like Corporate building, Hues of red just flowing from left to right of it. You can tell it's trying so desperately to stand up to Arasaka but everyone knows it just can't.

No one can, From the outside its just no possible, It is quite literally a Hydra cut off one head - Sabura, Two More grow back in its place - Yorinobu and Hanako, Cutting off the heads will never work, Changing the Head in charge to a better more reasonable and more compassionate head, Will work.

That's what I want to convince Lucy and Rebecca of, I know they only want Revenge on Smasher, But the only way to get to Smasher is to try to cut of the Hydra's head who he so desperately protects, He is quite literally Arasaka's Lapdog, More precisely Yorinobus.

Turning around as I hear footsteps on the glass I see both Lucy and Rebecca, Lucy seems locked in and ready, While Rebecca seems carefree.

"Enjoy your sightseeing?" Lucy asks


"Why are we standing here and not like.. On the walkways?" Rebecca asks

"Cause, Better view from the middle, Duh"

Rolling her eyes and shaking her head Lucy plainly asks "So, Any Ideas?"

"Plenty, Just gotta promise me one thing"

Raising her eyebrow she asks "..What?"

"Help me kill Yorinobu and Free Hanako Arasaka"

Rebecca who was looking at the buildings with an almost Glee like expression turns her head so fast you'd think it'd give her whiplash and says "Are you insane?"

While Lucy practically glares at me

"Free Hanako Arasaka from what? She has more freedom than 99.9% of humanity, Are you fucking gonked? Zeroing Smasher is one thing, Zeroing the new fuckinh Emperor - Yorinobu Fucking Arasaka is another" Lucy Exclaims

"Only way to Yorinobu is through Smasher, Plus who gets the Corporation after Yorinobu? His younger sister who i happen to know wont ruin shit, She has no emotional ties to her father or brother now, She's basically been a hostage all her life, Trust me when i saw Hanako will make Arasaka a company that isn't making this shithole of a planet worse"

"You think you can trust an Arasaka? Not even just the company an actual fucking Arasaka? Your death wish, But whatever, I just want to see Smashers Life choke on his own blood or fucking motor oil, I dont know" Lucy huffs as Rebecca pats her back.

"I'm in, You helped me i'll help you YN" Rebecca says

"Thank you Rebecca, Won't regret it i promise"

"Smasher First, Yorinobu Last" Lucy declares

"Gotta be"

"Now that, That's outta the way, Let's discuss a plan, I need you to run Diagnostics while i netrun into Saka's Subnet, Soulkiller can't get me but other runners can and we both know Arasaka has platoons of Netrunners guarding their Data Fortresses, I'll need you watching incase we get flagged by the system i won't be able to tell inside they're running a new

Masking OS, If i do get flagged you'll us the monitor to send me a Data encrypted code, Nothing will be on the code just a signal, If we get flagged i'll probably have around 10 Minutes before i'm surrounded and even i can't fight off that many Elite netrunners, Not to mention if were flagged, Door will be busted down by Saka Assassins"

"...ok...." Lucy says cutely turning her head clearly confused

"Since there's a chance of tracking, No chance am i doing this at my house nor any of yours, I have a location but its in a scummy part of Night City Maelstorms all over, Need Rebecca in case anything happens outta that, I'll be searching for Smashers Bio ID, We get that and Smashers I.C.E will, Well be smashed by any Quick Hack or Daemon we use, Got that?"

"Erm, Yes?" Lucy says

"Yepo, Shoot people if they come close!" Rebecca cheers

"Close enough, Sooooo, Now that, That's over, Wanna go grab something to eat? I'm paying!"

"I'd be gonk to not accept" Rebecca says

Lucy just Nods clearly still dazed from the previous conversation we just had.

"Ok we should probably move before we get yelled at by security or worse recognized by a Saka Drone"

"Agreed" They both say

Following them back I notice they mustve of taken Rebecca's Truck as I see no other cars parked nearby. Deciding to really treat them I take them to the Hometown Deli, Best and Most Expensive dive bar around.

Heading inside I tell both of them to order whatever they want, They both nod and thank me while sitting at the bar and start ordering.

(3 Hours and 1 Drunk Rebecca Later)

We all head out as I tell them I'll call when it's all set up.

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