Chapter 26 : Backstory Blue's

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Chapter 26 : Backstory Blue's 

YN's POV - Backstory 

I was pretty lucky when I was born, I was born in space in the illustrious Crystal Palace, Most well known space station.

I was born to two mothers on June 1st 2056, Collectively they were Major Stockholders in Orbital Air, The company that has a majority monopoly in Cargo and Personal in space/low orbit transport. 

The mother who gave birth to me was Elux LN married to Fai LN, Both were exceedingly protective and forced me to live a secluded life which wasn't too hard on the space station.

They were Wonderful Parents, Always making time for me, I don't remember much from between my birth and fourth birthday.

Age 5 - 2061 - Parents purchased high quality shards and even flew teachers up to the Crystal Palace if they were worth it, This was when my education started.

Age 6 - 2062 - Education continued, Advancing farther and at a faster rate then my parents and teachers would have thought. My parents started to teach me about Business fundamentals and so on.

Age - 7 - 2063 - Sheltered Life continued as well as Education, Avian Extermination Act passed in Night City forcing all birds to be executed, Fearing similar issues the European Space Agency issued the same act to happen on the Crystal Palace culling all birds, It causes an uproar among the upper class of the already elite residents of the Crystal Palace, My Parents however did not care about the birds,  They sought to use this as a way to gain power and more standing in the Station electing to lead a Diplomatic force to allow birds to still be allowed up by extensive screening through Orbital Air's Ships. 

Age - 8 - 2064 - First off Crystal Palace Experience toured The Moon/Luna, Also watched the release of Bushidõ X: Fade to black.

Age - 9 to 12 2065 to 2068 - Full scale lockdown, Assassins Target High Profile targets in the Orbital Air Stockholders ours included with my parents owning 37% of the company, Education was taught by Parents and Shards at this time, Also the time i wanted to try to Netrun, Parents denied Saying a deep dive port at this age could stunt growth. 

Age 13 - 2069 - My birth mother Elux was assassinated, That year was dark. My other Mother Fai became much more distant and withdrew from the board while still keeping the 37% shareholding. Got the normal Bioware Highriders get, Enhanced Antibodies, Toxin Binders, Nanosurgoens, Since cyberware is much more likely to malfunction and is highly different in space i kept relatively Chrome free. I stayed away from Fashionware as well, Staying mostly Organic.

Age 14 - 2070 - I started netrunning to escape the Crystal Palace. It became a hell after Elux's death, Fai became much more distant as time went on. 

Age 15 - 2071 -  Finding my Netrunning skills to be exceptional i also wanted to explore earth, I didn't wanna be stuck on this space station anymore, So i asked my mother for permission to leave, She agreed and we hugged and bid each other goodbye promising to call every so often, She was still a busy women even if she withdrew from the board. Visited many parts of the world during this year, Enjoyed Night City more than the rest and met Rogue. We hit it off. It was a mess of everything and I loved its stark contrast to the Crystal Palace which was always perfect, Prim and Proper.

Age 16 - 2072 - Met Hanako of course, Bought the North Oak Property as my first residence in Night City, Laid the foundation of my safehouses, Continued my netrunning escapades increasing my legend already did more Jobs and Databreachs for Rogue and Various other people.

Age - 17 - 2073 - Hanako's friendship grew, So did my legend and Appearances at the afterlife, Relationship with my mother was going well and she continued sending me money I said I didn't need but she insisted.

Age - 18 - 2074 - Again Hanako's friendship grew as a result of her saving my life, In the weeks I took off from fear of netrunning I spent much of the time on the phone with my mother who comforted me the best she could over the Holo. 

Age - 19 -  2075 - Met Hanako as our friendship grew even more, Months later she got controlled i left on my hiatus to form a plan and set in motion what needed to be for said plans to work

Age - 20 - 2076 - Was dark most the year still planning and setting it up, Occasionally meeting Hanako in the Net.

Age : 21 - 2077 -  Brings us to now.

Reliving my history as I head to Rogue in a Delamain was needed, I needed to remember my goal and reaffirm my choices. 

Spending most of the Delamain trip in a haze we arrived much faster than I expected to, Thanking Delamain and leaving their exceptional care. 

Not paying attention to any of my surroundings as I head to Rogue Booth I don't bother looking up as I sit on the corner cushion and just rest looking up at the ceiling.

"Tough Day?" Rogue asks with not well hidden amusement in her voice

"Sorta, Psychically? Nah, Mentally and Emotionally? Probably" 

Looking down I notice that finally my Nanosurgeons are working on my wrist which is already looking better, just slightly swollen.

 "Know where V is?"  

"Nope, Kids gone dark since you left with her" Rogue says 

"Welp, Time to get drunk i guess" 

Laughing Rogue motions for Claire to bring over two bottles 

I immediately thanked her and started drinking.

'I got time

Listening to Rogue talk to clients for a few hours got boring and I knew I needed to do something before I drank myself to an early grave.

I called up V, In hopes to help her with whatever she needed help with, Rather she not die before we take on Smasher to be honest, Plus she's pretty Preem and i'd rather she not die at all to be fair, Standing up to goto the bar to call her there, I head over and order a shot of what else but Centzon before i finally Holo V up.


I greatly dislike this chapter, Please let me know if you think it has fallen in terms of quality.

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