Chapter 6 : V's Vendetta

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Chapter 6 : V's Vendetta 


"Mr.Welles Condition seems critical" rings through my ears over and over until i hear Delamain speak again "Mr.Welles Has passed, Where shall i take his remains?" 


"The Excelsior Package provides for the disposal of passenger remains for free of charge, I merely require a destination" Delamain Explains 

"He'd wanna be with his family" 

"Mr.Welles' closest blood relative is Guadalupe Alejandra Welles, Proprietress of the El Coyote Cojo Bar, I will make sure to deliver him safely, Mr.Deshawn awaits you in room number two-oh-four"

I look towards Jackie and gently touch his shoulder "See ya in the major leagues, Jack" my voice nearly cracking from the grief and tears threatening to spill from my eyes. 

Getting out of the car I can see it's also been put through a tough time riddled with bullet holes, Dented all over, And a blood soaked backseat.

Looking towards the dingy door i see a fluorescent Pink light with some yellow bulbs below it, As i near i rest a minute with my hand atop the "Notice: Do Not Block Door" Sign, After a few minutes i steel myself and venture forth through the clear but turn to look back where Delamain was as i hear an engine revving and tires screeching to go take Jackie home, Turning back to the task at hand i move forward to the shotty looking gate past it and into the No Tell Motels main room, Pushing up the stairs following the stained red carpet past the pay Booth and motel sign finally reaching room 204.

I give the door a solid three knocks and wait a second before knocking again and proclaiming its me before being startled by the hired muscle whose name i learned was Oleg pushes me back and looks around checking if i was followed or not  and says in his thick accent i can't quite make out "He Waiting" as he steps to the side seemingly certain i wasn't followed. 

I head inside to see Dex with a cigar in hand and leaning over the TV.

"WNS… N54 Even the pirate networks… You Blowin' up everywhere! And the Jackster? He out in the car?"  He says seemingly excited as i hold back the urge to punch him

"Don't care to know how Jackie is?"

"Tone - You best watch it" I stop myself from lunging at him, Don't know if Oleg has a gun to my head or not..

"Bled out in the back seat. Dead" i respond 

"Well I'm sorry to hear that" He replies in a fucking nonchant tone.

"And the Relic?" he draws out 

I don't see a point in lying, nothing to gain, nothing to lose. 

"Got it right here" I say , pointing to my neural port.

"Hmm… I was afraid o' that'' He states 

"What?!" I Exclaim 

"Saburo Arasaka? Dead…?! You got any notion of the shit you pulled me into?!" He says as he paces around the room 

"You offed the fucking emperor! HIS MAJESTY! Anyone with so much as a pinky toe dipped in this mess is as good as dead!" 

'Shit he's so fucking right'

"You're the one who got us into this mess! Let's start with your prep work? You had no idea Saburo Arasaka'd be at the hotel?" 

"I dont have access to his personal fucking schedule! And besides, nobody asked you to kill the old man!" 

"That wasn't us!"

"No shit?! Tell that to the 'Saka Ninjas they send after you! A'ight settle down, Gotta be tactical about this" He states while sitting down at the end of the couch

Parker, Eddies, Then we leave the city limits behind, But first… Your face… got blood all over it, Bathrooms there, Go get yourself cleaned up" He says motioning to the only other door in the room.

'Don't trust this rat for a second, Turn me in to save his hide as soon as he could, I'll wait him out and see'

Out of the corner of my eye i see oleg move from behind me to the bathroom door, So i just wait for them to move first now, As Dex who's clearly on a Holo call with someone states "It's Me, Yeah Shuttle i booked, Today, No can't wait till dawn, One seat, i'll pay the premium, Spaceport terminal four, Got it" 

'Fuckin, Knew it, Knew Dex was pulling one over on us why the fuck didnt i convince Jackie to step away from this job like i wanted'

Waiting a few more moments he looks over and says "V, Get yourself cleaned up, Your a mess"

I simply respond with a "Thanks, im Fine" 

"Aight Then.." He skeptically states 

"So what's the plan" I lowly ask and I slowly grab the new gun i klept from Yorinobu dubbingly named "Kongou" out from the back of my pants, Before i can react i feel Oleg grab my hand holding the gun as i fire wildly in retaliation, I hear him grunt seemingly hit before he turns me around and hit me square in the face, my vision going red as fall and hear Dex state "Suit Yourself" as Oleg holding his stomach which has blooding dripping from it, kicks my head causing me to blackout for a moment, i awake to see Oleg handing Dex a gun, As i scramble to get my bearings, wildly looking for my gun which seems to be on the couch past Dex and i slowly just accept my fate hoping for some miracle.

I hear a solid two steps before he states "Can't Risk it V, Member our First convo? Seems i choose the quiet life after all, No blaze of glory for me" 

Letting my anger loosee i scream "ill fucking kill you" as i finish that he fires and im hit with lights seemingly blaring around my eyelids and the sound of popping in my eardrums all the while a red overlay stating "Critical System Failure" pops up and the light gets darker and darker till its black and silent.  

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