Chapter 24 : Unexpected Unity

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Chapter 24 : Unexpected Unity


Dragging Lucy behind me up to my Netrunning setup as fast as i can, Was notably not a smart idea, Seemed to unfortunately piss her off, Although she seemed to calm down after i showed her my Netrunner setup and all the servers and various OS and Datamines, She seemed in awe, Telling her she can use it anytime she wants she looked quite shocked. Chuckling and Tapping her nose seemed to make her scrunch up her nose and as she got lost in my eyes and I got lost in hers, For various reasons I didn't wanna kiss her here which this would ultimately lead up to I could tell. 

So I did the only thing I could think of to get out of this situation, Bent down and untied her shoes and ran off squealing to hide under the stairs while she angrily stated "You're dead" as I motioned V, Panam and Rebecca who looked logged out already, To not say anything as Lucy walks past my hiding spot beneath the stairs towards the group, Silently getting out from under the stairs heading over to poke her in the back and maybe scare her a bit for some fun, She whirls around and grabs my outstretched wrist that surprisingly hurts forcing me to grimace a bit. 

Clearly taken aback and confused Lucy lets go of my wrist and holds my hand and lowers my sleeve so she can see better, Spotting a nasty bruise and some swelling she looks confused and so do I im sure, Until Panam says "Woah… That the wrist that fucking Raffen grabbed?" V nods and states for me "Yeah, Think so" and they both get up with Rebecca also following all gathering around my hand which is still being held by Lucy, Which i will say is nice.

"Wow, I didn't even notice, Odd, Looks like it's just a small fracture, Raffen probably had strength imlants" 

"They dead?" Lucy asks, oddly ominous with a slight edge to her voice.

"Yeah, Head got blown off by Panam here not a second later" V explains.

"Good!" Rebecca states 

"Let me help you with that  YN" Lucy says not allowing me to say no as it's now her turn to drag me somewhere albeit lightly so as to not hurt my wrist which I oddly don't feel.

Being dragged by Lucy to the kitchen counter she sits me on the stool i was previously sitting on before, She goes to the fridge and grabs an Ice pack, Causing em to chuckle about "I.C.E" We Netrunners use it religiously we have to protects us and now "ICE" is gonna help me 'Maybe i did drink too much'

She holds my hand underneath it and places the Ice pack on my wrists holding it there for me.

"I can hold it Lucy, Don't want your hands getting cold and it's pointless for you to hold it" I state 

"I like the coldness of it though" Lucy states softly, closing her eyes, as I turn to look at where Rebecca, V and Panam went. They seem to have gone to watch TV in the living room, giving us some privacy.

"Reminds me of Netrunning, Peaceful, Nice and Familiar" She again states softly but opens her eyes staring straight into mine as she says "Familiar" 

Looking into her eyes I can see the various emotions she's trying to hide, Longing, Sadness, and pure unbridled Rage, Lucy closes her eyes as a tear slides down her cheek and i pull her into a hug as her head goes into the crook of my neck and her arms slither around me and hug tightly back.

Whispering to her  "It'll be ok, We'll give that bastard… I promise you" I feel my neck and collarbone area getting wet from her tears as she breaks down further. 

"It's not all on you now, If you need anything let me know" I state as she pulls away sniffling slightly and nods.

"Thank you" she whispers fully pulling away 

"Wanna go watch something with the rest of 'em?" I ask 

"Sure" she says as we walk out and around the counter and I lead her to sit on the couch next to me, Noticing it's a shitty Rom Com on the TV I groan as Rebecca looks at me and shushes me, Causing me to chuckle a bit.

Thirty Minutes later Rebecca is passed out half hanging on the couch half off it, Just on that teetering edge of falling off and not.

V went to the farthest bedroom away, I'm assuming as she doesn't wish to wake up anyone with her clearly recurring nightmares.

Panam is just mindlessly changing the channels not knowing what to put on, Lucy however, Fall asleep, On me, First she was asleep on my shoulder then she slowly slid down to my lap, Subconsciously smiling, As i also fell asleep unbeknownst to me. 

Waking up to the sound of someone throwing up next to you is never fun, Looking to my right i see Rebecca puking her guts out into a bucket im assuming Panam got her just before she herself went to sleep, Reminding myself to thank her later, I go to pat her on the back until i noticed Lucy who is still asleep basically has me trapped somehow i ended up on top of her as she had her arm around my waist. 

Slowly but surely untangling myself from Lucy I go and finally comfort Rebecca who just thanks me as Panam comes around the couch with a glass of water for her.

"Thanks for giving her the bucket" I say to Panam quietly.

"No Problem, I gotta go though need to check up on the camp, Holo me for anything" 

Panam says 

"Alright" I say as she takes off

Few minutes later V walks out of her room actually look refreshed and slightly rushed

"Hey, Got a fixer who needs a job done ASAP, Thanks for yesterday, See ya later" V states quickly rushing out the door.

About an hour later, Lucy wakes up and Rebecca says she is feeling better. 

Rebecca also says she needs to go for some Mox Business and she's Lucy's ride as well, Saying goodbye to both not before Lucy gives me an oddly affectionate hug and tells me to be safe, Which i echo back.

When they're gone I clean up a bit and decide and at the same time I get a message from H.A smiling i hastily open it 

"It is safe to meet now, 愛" 

"Perfect timing, Come over"

Closing the Holo I hastily clean up, Take a shower, and overall make myself more presentable.

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