Chapter 22 : Extreme Explanation's

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Chapter 22 : Extreme Explanations


The drive to my Dark Oak property didnt take too long thankfully, Panam however didn't seem to believe i lived here, It's where the richest of the rich live, Who would expect the #1 Most Wanted Netrunner to live here, Especially considering how close it is to The  Arasaka Estate, Like seriously if you had some strength implants you could legitimately throw a rock and hit their wall, You also live just up the hill from Denny Legendary Drummer for Samurai. 

Pulling into the lit driveway, Panam parks right in front of the door as I just waltz inside, Panam however seems in awe of the sheer scope of the house.. Or Mansion some would call it.  

Holding the door open for her as she walks in and see the comfy layout i spent hours trying to achieve a few years ago, Glad it had the effect i wanted she comfily sat down on my couch, Which i in response smacked her and told her to go take a shower while i make check if i have anything good to eat for us.

Searching around the kitchen i quickly spot some handmade Onigiri in the fridge, Smiling at the thought 'She's so thoughtful' before hearing a knock on the counter next to, Freaking me the fuck out and glad i wasnt holding the tray of Onigiri as it would have definitely fallen, Im met with Panam who bluntly states "Where the fuck, Is your bathroom, House is huge and you gave me Zero directions Jackass" 

Deadpanning I walk past her and point down the hall to the 2nd door on the right and final door in that hallway and stating "You scared the fuck outta me"

Laughing Panam says "My bad, Thought you heard me come in" shaking her head as she walks towards the bathroom.

"Oh Yeah! Can use any clothes you want in closet closest to the door, Please don't open the farther one" I yell

She shouts back a quiet "Alright, Thanks!"

Pulling the Onigiri out of the fridge i set it on the kitchen island as the fridge automatically closes 

Deciding to call V then Rebecca who's hopefully still with Lucy so i don't have to make three separate calls, The Holo rings as a picture of a V with a simple black background.

Takes a while for her to actually pick up, First thing I notice when she does is she looks worse for wear, Dark circles under her eyes, Clearly sweating and Looking disoriented. She just says "Hey YN, Ready to talk?" 

"No, We should talk face to face. If that's ok with you, I plan on gathering Becca and Lucy and Panam's already here. Maybe a little celebration, You got your guy, Plus this… Seems more like a face to face talk V, 

"Yeah, Send me your address, Be there in a few" She says sounding weak? And hangs the Holo up.

Calling Lucy, As i know Rebecca is probably absolutely shitfaced right now, Her Holo doesn't ring for long in fact she answers almost immediately.

"Yes?" She says

"What? No "Hello" or "Hi" or even a "Howdy"?" 

"Not in the mood YN, I had to deal with a drunk Rebecca" She states 

"Yikes, Well if you're down to talk now I'll send you my address and you can come over and bring the short one to discuss this 'Job',  Ok?" 

"Yeah, Sounds good" Is all she says before she closes the Holo 

Deciding to not call Rebecca as Lucy will handle wrangling that one in, As you finish your calls Panam comes out hair messy, clearly just dried with a towel.

"Wanna stay and Celebrate? Got V and others coming over to Celebrate and Discuss some things, Free to stay over after got more than enough bedrooms for that" 

"Absolutely" She exclaims 

"Hell yeah!" I cheer before looking back down at the Onigiri. Looking back up to Panam I offer her one, She graciously accepts as I also eat one, The flavours tasting perfectly are almost heavenly.

Sighing contently look to Panam who seems to be having the same experience as me.

"Woah, Who made this?" She says as she stuffs her face with another bite as I smile and take another bite of mine.

"Really good and important….. Erm, Friend of mine" I stutter out

"Damn, Should give me their number" She says finishing her Onigiri 

"No can do, Miss Nomad, Anominitnity for them is key, Gotta respect it" 

"Fair enough" She says as we hear the doorbell ring

Checking the door camera really quick. I see that it's V. Heading around the kitchen island and going to open the door, I'm greeted by a clearly worn down V. 

"Nice house, Legends live nice it seems' ' She says as I nod her in towards the kitchen island where Panam is sitting on a stool leaning back on her elbows looking towards us.

Before V can go over I grab her sleeve and pull her down to whisper "Can we talk about it infront of her or not?" 

"Yeah, Its fine" She says 

Nodding and letting go I closed the door and went to where I was before I opened the door.

"Alright, I'll start, What's wrong V?" 

Panam raises an eyebrow at this and looks at V 

"Long story short, I klept a prototype 'Saka Chip and it had Johnny Silverhands Engram on it got doublecrossed by a fixer and shot, Chip saved me and It's killing me, That's why i needed Hellman, Fucker made the damn thing" V states 

"It's killing you? How? Why?" Panam Asks

"Its rewriting my brain, Turning me into Johnny basically, Don't know why ask the 'Saka scum" V says 

"So one day you might wake up and just be Johnny?' Panam Asks

"Yep, Can't wait" She drawls 

"I'm assuming Hellman only gave you schematics?" I ask

"Oddly specific and spot on, There YN…" V says skeptically 

"You'd be surprised with what i know, Netrunning and gaining Info are one in the same" 

Nodding V just sits down with hands covering her face as she rests her elbows on the kitchen island, Sliding a Onigiri to her and smiling when she looks up and tilting her head clearly confused.

"Try it" I say 

She does so and is clearly loving it, Chuckling we chat until we hear the Doorbell again were met with a inebriated Rebecca and a Scowling Lucy half heartedly holding up Rebecca who states "Alright, Let's talk Business now" as she walks in practically dragging Rebecca to the kitchen island.


Ty for 4k

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