2- "Can You Be My Fake BF?"

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Kim is shocked when he sees Vegas holds his hand.

Kim: What are you doing, Vegas?

Vegas: Ohh.... I'm your elder. Show some respect. Why you're being so angry. Huh! Don't be mad.* Vegas put his arm on Kim's shoulder * You have to arrange everything for our wedding. And also prepare a song for us.

Vegas chuckled.

Kim: I can't prepare anything for anyone. I've lots of things to do. Don't try to get on my nerves.

Vegas: Why? Are you angry Mr. Heart broken? Don't worry. We'll try to find someone for you. Just help us with our wedding.

Pete: Hey!!! Stop Vegas. Don't tease Khun Kim.

Pete says with a little annoyed.

Tankhun: Stop Vegas and you too Kim. Papa want you to attend their wedding. Don't be stubborn.

Kim: But hia....

Tankhun : I don't want to hear anything. Tomorrow we'll plan everything. You must join us and that's final.

Kim: Ok.

Kim nodded and left the mention as soon as possible.

Kim's POV:-

Why do all those things have to happen to me! They pretend like they don't know about me and Chay. Chay is also ignoring me. How should I explain him. He's also in a good relationship with Macau. Don't know why it doesn't seems right to me. I'm already messed up with my problems and my crazy brother is giving me more pain in my ass.

But why suddenly Vegas has to do that. We rarely meet each other, never get along, suddenly he wants my help for his wedding. Oh gosh.... Am I look like a manager of their wedding? Or... He's planning something. But everyone says that he's change, even Porsche and Porchay also stay with them. Maybe I'm overthinking. Ummm.... But still, I should be careful. He's still a psycho.

Main while__

Porchay and Macau are heading home.

Porchay POV:-

P'Kim suddenly showed up in front of me a while ago. Though I didn't let him say anything. If I did, maybe he could manipulate me to get back with him. Thank God that P'Macau was with me.
I dragged him quickly. He asked if I was ok. I know I'm not, I lied.

I know that he also knows about it. P'Macau took me to a park to refresh my mind. After that he didn't say anything, he looked at me for few times. All the ride to home was silent. Now we're entering in the minor family mention. Everyone is waiting for us.

Porsche:- Ohhhh... Porchay!!! Macau!!!
Why are you late? I'm worried about you. Why didn't you pick up my phone?

Porchay:- Sorry P'. My phone was in silence. After finished our class we went to a park. That's why we're late. This won't happen next. Sorry for made you worried.

Vegas:- Macau... Why you didn't pick up the phone? You should be more careful.

Macau:- I'm sorry P'. I forgot to text you. I'll be more careful.

Pete:- Ohhhh..... Give them break both of you. They're not child anyone. Let them take care of themselves. They won't be late from next. Porchay... Macau! Go wash up yourselves, dinner is ready.

Both of them went to their rooms.

Vegas:- Pete.... They're still child to us. They're not that much capable enough to take care of themselves. Why you say something like that in front of them?

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