10- VegasPete (first married night)

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Vegas: everyone is waiting for dinner.

Kim: ok. Coming.

Everyone gather around for dinner. After dinner Mr. Korn and others will leave for Bangkok. But suddenly Mr. Korn called Kim for some conversation. He returns in a while. After all the guest left everyone gather around a bone fire. Tankhun stands up for speech.

Tankhun: here everyone attention pls .... (Cough a little to clear the throat)
I'm happy that everyone's happy and got married. But I'm sad that...Pete.... My Pete will left me for that bustard. Peeeteee....ohhh my Pete...how can you leave me....(fake crying as usual)

Come to Pete and hugged him tight.

Vegas: hey... stay away from him. He's my husband. He'll stay with me not with you.

Pulled Pete closer.

Pete: Vegas...stop. let me spend time with Khun no ... I missed him.

Vegas: hey... You're spending time with him since you came here. Now I can't let you stay with him.

Tankhun: shooo....shooo away Vegas. Pete will stay with me tonight. We have planned to watch movies together. You can go back.

Vegas: he's my lawfully wedded husband. Even it's our first night as a wedded couple. You can't ruined it.

Tankhun: yeah I can ...

Both are quarreling like childs. Everyone is laughing and enjoying their fight. They talked about many things. Kim really enjoyed it. Everyone is happy for Kim too because he's attending their party. It's almost late and everyone is going to bed. Kim sit alone again in the beach. Vegas comes to join him.

Kim: hey..why don't you go to bad yet?

Vegas: how can I? My husband is with your crazy brother. He's not gonna left him so easily. I told him to come as soon as possible or otherwise I'm do something bad with that crazy one.

Kim slightly laughed.

Kim: what a pity!!! You still have to wait for your first night. Are you sad Mr. Veggie.

Vegas: you're mocking at me?

Kim: no I'm not.( Still laughing)

Vegas: well it's not that bad because you're accompany me. So it's ok.

Both smiled at each other.

Kim: do you have the gift you prepare for Pete?

Vegas: I have.

Kim: it's not enough. Do something more that makes him happy.

Vegas: what you mean?

Kim: like do some decorations the room or ware casual clothes. I think he'll like it. You're a mafia but don't know how to impress your husband. You still have time.

Vegas: wow... Mr. Kimhan is giving me advice for my honeymoon night. I'm living in this world or not.

Kim: stop it you fool. You're married now. do you forgot that your married now. And it's your first night. Do you have any sense? Go back to your room. It's late too.

Vegas: ok. Ok mr. Kitty. Come on. what are you gonna do here alone? Get up. I'll walk you to your room. You should sleep too, you're already tired.

Kim: ok. I give up.

Vegas gets up and give Kim his hand. Kim didn't hastate to hold his hand. Then Vegas walked Kim to his room and take leave while waving his hand. Kim smiles and then he started doing some research on the computer about something. He's stressed. On the other hand Vegas preparing their bed_

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