8- Thank You

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Vegas: may I have a sit?

Kim looked up and saw Vegas.

Kim: sure.

Vegas sat down beside Kim saw the beers.

Vegas: you just recovered from fever. You shouldn't drunk.

Kim: no need to tell me . Don't know why this night is so lonely like me. I'm already stressed. I need to clam down my mind.

Vegas: you are sad about Porchay but do you think this will help you to clam down your mind? I already know everything. Macau already told me what happened between you guys. But I want to hear it from you. What's bothering you ? If you don't tell me how can I help you?....

Kim started drinking. He already finished 5 bottles.

(looking at Kim and he's also looking at Vegas)

-Kim stop. Stop drinking. You're drunk. Why are you behaving like this?.... Kim, I really do care about you. You can share with me. If you think of me as a friend you can tell me. I'm here to listen ,ok.

Kim's eyes got down. He doesn't know why he can't keep looking at Vegas. Vegas cupped Kim's face in his hands and made Kim look at him. Kim is shocked and also nervous. The sadness inside him is trying to come out. He wants to tell everything. The cold wind of the sea hitting their whole body. The moonlight made it more magical. Kim can feel the warmth of Vegas's hands in his cold face. The moonlight falls on both of their faces. Both eyes got stuck for few moments. Kim can't look away form the beauty in front of him. Kim's heart is beating faster. Blood running through the veins as fast as it can.
So as Vegas. Kim's hair falls in his forehead, shiny eyes and that beauty of his face also made Vegas heart beating fast. After few moments _

-Kim.... don't keep everything in yourself. Just let it out. You'll feel better. I'm here to listen. You're not alone.

Tears running down from Kim's eyes. Vegas is shocked. Vegas is wiping away this tears with his thumbs. Caressing Kim's cheeks. Suddenly Kim hugged Vegas tight. Vegas slowly holds on to Kim and tighten up his hug. Kim is crying so hard . Vegas's shirt is already wet with his tears. Under the moonlight one broken soul is begging for some care and love.

Kim: I'm all...a.. alone..Vegas. I'm all...alone. no one...no one love me...

Kim's voice is breaking from crying. Vegas is still holding him tight. Running his fingers through Kim's hair to make him clam down.

- I'm all alone for all this years. Everyone thought that I'm happy from staying away from everyone. But it was not true. I'm... Always alone. I walk away from this family....I never wanted fighting between us. I thought I'm happy. But I don't know if I'm happy or not. I have no one to share my happiness, my sadness. I have no one Vegas. I have no one.... (Still crying, can't speak) I have no one...mom left me, pa let me go, even my brother's never try to find me if I'm ok or not.... I think it's not their fault... it's my fault. I made myself like this.... Vegas do you think I'm wrong? I'm wrong Vegas. I don't deserve love.

Vegas sighed heavily. He never know that Kim who looks so mysterious, clever and Sharp in everything can have this much pain inside him. Vegas can feel Kim's pain. Vegas know this feeling because he also went through the same situation. Vegas let him talk out everything. Vegas didn't realize that he's also crying. Tears also running down from his eyes.

Kim: I try to love Porchay but he misunderstood. I hurt him. It's my fault that I made him cry because of this family. I never want him to be hurt.... I still don't know if I really love him or not. I don't have the courage to apologies to him.

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