14- I'm here to comfort you

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They keep hugging each other for so long in The rain. Then Kim slightly pulls up Vegas and lead to the car. The drive was silent.vegas was looking outside through the window. Kim drive to the minor family. Vegas went inside silently. Porsche and Macau wanted to talk but Vegas went to his room. Kim followed him. Vegas put off his wet coat on the floor. He sit down at the edge of the bed. Vegas looked at the bedsheet, he grab the bedsheet and recalling all the memories of Pete. Vegas hold it with his hand and trying to smell.

Vegas: I'm sorry Pete. I'm sorry. I couldn't save you. Your Vegas couldn't save you.... I couldn't hear what you wanted to say. I couldn't stay in the last time of yours. I couldn't say how much I love you.....Can you forgive me?

Kim suddenly hugged him from behind. Vegas is still crying. In a while, Vegas clam down a bit .

Kim: Vegas .... you're wet. Go get a shower. Otherwise you'll get sick.

Vegas: I don't want to take shower right now.

Kim kinda force him to go to. Vegas took a while so kim went to see him. Vegas sit down in the shower. Kim helped Vegas to come out and get dressed. Kim also dry Vegas hair. Then Kim went downstairs and bring soup for Vegas.

Kim: eat this. You didn't eat anything since last night.

Vegas: I don't feel like eating.

Kim: pls... Only one sip... For me.... Pls.

Vegas didn't argue, Kim feed him. Vegas eat a little and drink water. Kim wipes away his mouth.

Vegas: you should change the clothes. You'll get sick too.

Kim nodded. Macau comes to their room with Venice.

Macau: Hia... Venice is crying. He wants to...

Macau stopped, can't finish the sentence.

Vegas: give him to me .

Vegas hold Venice, who's smiling at Vegas.

Venice: pa...pa .... Mamma ...Mamma

Vegas: you wanna go to mamma.

Venice nodded and smiles brightly. Vegas's heart hurts more. He signed heavily and smiles at Venice.

Vegas: mamma will come soon. Don't be sad.ok...

Vegas touch Venice nose tip to make him laugh.

- Kim you should change. I'll take care of Venice. Macau help him .

Macau nodded and Kim waves his hand to Venice and left. Macau give Kim clothes to change. Then they went downstairs where Porsche and Porchay waiting for them. Porsche nodded to Porchay and Macau to go inside.

Porsche: have a sit Kim. How's Vegas? Did he eat something?

Kim: Humm but he eat a little. Venice is with him. He's not ok. He's feeling guilty. Can you tell me how all this things happened all of a sudden? How Pete died?

Porsche: Pete...fell down from terrace.

Kim: what!!!? PETE one of the most trained bodyguard of major family...he fell from terrace.... Something is wrong. It's not possible. How could he fell from terrace?

Porsche: we're also shocked Kim. But it's true. We were inside. Suddenly heard a sound like something fell down. When we went outside saw someone was laying on the floor, I turned him and it was Pete. Blood was everywhere. I called Vegas but he didn't picked up. Actually I forgot they you guys were out. My mind wasn't working. We hurriedly took Pete to the hospital but.... It was to late. Pete lost a lot of blood, it's group O and we couldn't find enough blood for him.... He died before you guys reached at the hospital..... I think I saw someone in the terrace when Pete fall but I'm still not sure..... Even Pete was also a bit tensed about something for few days but he didn't tell us. He was about to talk with Vegas about this. Don't know if Vegas know anything about this or not....Everything just happened like in a blink... I can't believe that .... Pete is not with us anymore.

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