(Special Chapter) - Happily ever after for Lifetime 🌻❤️☺️

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After that within few months, Vegas and Kim went to UK with Venice, Macau and Porchay. They started a new life. They both adopt a little girl as Venice's sister. He's very happy. It's almost 3 years, Venice now go to school. He has lots of friends. Vegas and Kim are watching their two childs growing up. Macau and Porchay is also happy with their life. Kinn ,Porsche and others are in Thailand.

It's winter _

Everyone is in the hall. Venice is playing with Macau , Porchay and his little sister VIYENA. Vegas is sitting near the fireplace. Kim is standing by the window, watching the snowfall . Suddenly Vegas comes and hugged him from behind.

Vegas: what are you thinking, honey? (in English)

Kim: ohh.... What's with that new one?

Vegas: why? Can't I call you that?

Kim: ok... Whatever you want.

Vegas: so... What are you thinking about?

Kim: nothing...babe... Can we visit Thailand? I'm kinda missing home.

Vegas: really?... Yeah we'll visit. Of course it's my babe's wish. I was also thinking to visit. It's holiday. Let's visit our home.

Kim smiles, Vegas give a soft pick at Kim's cheek.

they reached to Bangkok After few days.
Kinn and Porsche is surprised. Everyone is very happy. Everyone plans for Vegas and Kim's wedding to surprise them. They went to the beach. Everything is arranged. Then Kim and Vegas got to know that it's their wedding.

It's evening, everyone is waiting for the couple. Vegas and Kim dressed up. Vegas stand in front of the mirror, looking at himself without blinking. Kim hugged him.

Kim: are you ok?

Vegas: yeah...just some old memories popped up in my mind.

Kim: I understand. If you're not ok then we.....

Vegas: it's not that Kim. I'm fine.

Kim: babe.... You don't need to push yourself too hard. It's natural. I know everything will remind you of Pete. Don't worry. I'm ok. And remember Pete is always here, with you.

Kim places his hand into Vegas's chest.

– he's in your heart. Don't need to torn it apart. I know you love me and that's enough.

Vegas smiles and hugged him tight. Macau and Porchay comes to take the grooms. They hold their hands and walks side by side. Now it's time for them to recite the lines. They hold hands,

Vegas: I... VEGAS KORNWIT THEERAPANYAKUL,take you, KIMHAN KORNWIT THEERAPANYAKUL as my  wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us apart. According to God's holy ordinance, and there for, I pledge thee my faith.

Kim: I... KIMHAN KORNWIT THEERAPANYAKUL, take you, VEGAS KORNWIT THEERAPANYAKUL as my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us apart. According to God's holy ordinance, and there for, I pledge thee my faith.

Vegas can't hold his tears, still running down. Kim wipes away slightly. They now about to exchange the rings. Vegas put one in Kim's finger, a little bit hesitating because the ring Pete put for him is still in his finger. Kim understands and smiles a bit. Kim hold his hand and put the ring in the same finger.

Kim: it's a symbol that you hold both of us in your heart. Never let go anyone of it.

Vegas nodded and they kissed. Everyone wishes them congrats, throwing flower Patels. Venice is so happy. Everyone is now in the dinner table. Vegas sit in the beach. Kim followed him.

Kim: sitting in the same place again.

Vegas: yeah... there's lots of memories in here.

Vegas keeps looking at the two rings in his finger.

Kim: what happened?

Vegas: nothing.

Vegas turns his head to Kim and noticed a pendent.

– hey.....this pendant...

Kim: you give it to me when I went with you for shopping.

Vegas: it was years ago. You still have this.

Kim: yeah. It's from you. How can I lost it?

Vegas hold the pendant and kissed it.

Vegas: thanks.

Kim: are you ready to stay with me forever. Because I'm not gonna let you go.

Vegas: so... Are you gonna keep me forever?

Kim: forever, for Lifetime. And you?

Vegas: forever, for Lifetime.

They kiss each other.

Time stoped for a while. The moon giving it's shine. Two broken angel's now fulfill each other with love. For Happily ever after, FOR LIFETIME.

–––––––––––––THE END–––––––———

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