3- The First Kiss

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Next morning__

Everyone gets up and come down for breakfast. Pete already made breakfast and also placed it in the table. Everyone sit on their chair.

Vegas:- Macau!! How's your study is going? You sleep well last night?

Macau:- it's all good hia. Why you suddenly ask?

Vegas:- Well.. I saw light in your room till late night. Are you studying hard lately?

Macau:- ohhhh... I was doing my homework. It took a little long time to finish.

Vegas:- ohh... Ok then. Study hard but make sure to take rest too.

Macau:- yeah! Sure. Don't need to worry.

Porsche:- What about you Porchay? You look a little bit tensed. Is everything alright?

Porchay:- yes P'. Everything's fine.

Porsche:- ok then.... Oh! Vegas did you tell Macau and Porchay about that?

Vegas;- No. I forgot.

Macau:- what is it hia? Is anything serious?

Porchay:- what happened P'?

Porsche:- well... Khun no called us yesterday to discuss about our wedding. I mean Kinn and me, also Vegas and Pete's wedding. He's going to arrange everything. Khun Korn also gave the permission. Two weddings are going to hold within a few months. So... Are you okay with it Porchay and you too Macau?

Porchay:- of course P'. Congrats to you also P'Vegas and P'Pete. I'm really happy.

Macau:- ohhhh.... Congrats to all of you. Now all of you are going to be together for life time. That's awesome. I'm happy too.

Porsche:- thanks to you guys for being understanding.

Porchay:- I'm happy if you're happy P'.

Vegas:- it's not enough. You guys have to help for the wedding preparation. It's our crazy cousin's order. I don't know why he can't hire manager for it. He want us to shopping and do other things by ourselves. I've lots of work.

Pete:- weeding is a very special event in everyone's life. And you are taking it slightly. If you're not interested then we shouldn't get married.

Vegas:- it's not that Pete. I didn't mean that. I'm sorry. Pls baby... Pls forgive me na..
* Pete still sulking, Porsche start talking to change the situation. Because if Pete got mad no one can eat breakfast today.*

Porsche:- it's ok Pete. Vegas you have to do all the shopping by yourself. You'll chose all of ours wedding dress. You have to pick up Pete's dress. Ok?

Pete:- Don't tell him Porsche. I'm not gonna wear anything.

Vegas:- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Actually I never do this kind of shopping. That's why. Don't worry everyone. I'll do the shopping by myself. Are you happy my little bunny* touching Pete's cheeks*

Pete:- you're not joking right? I'm serious about our wedding.

Vegas:- I'm also damn serious. You know I love you.* Vegas close his face to Pete's ear* I also love you very much in bed.
*Vegas smirks and Pete slightly pushed him*

Porsche:- ohhhh... Vegas, Kim will come to help you choose as Khun no said. You better call him to meet. I think he has a good sense of outfit more than you.

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