19- I can't let anyone touch what's mine!!!

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In the car, Venice was playing with Kim for the whole time. They both fall asleep. Vegas stopped the car in front of Kim's condo and woke him up.

Vegas: Kim....Kim.... We're in front of your condo....Kim...

Kim slowly opened his eyes, he looked at Venice

Kim: can I stay with him tonight at your house? I missed him so much. And whatever just happened today.... Let me spend some time with him.

Vegas: ok. Then let's go back.

They went to the minor family and Tankhun and others went major family. Kim took Venice to his room. Vegas was behind him.

Vegas: you can sleep here.

Kim: where are you going?

Vegas: downstairs. If you need anything call me.

Kim didn't say anything. Vegas left. Vegas comes to see them, they are sleeping peacefully. Vegas covered them with blanket. Kim opens his eyes after Vegas left. Kim just smile a little bit, went to sleep.
After that Kim spent few days with Venice also work for the consort. Kinn and Porsche have returned.

Time skip:
........ In the consort__

Kim gets up on the stage. Everyone is here, including all his fans. The fans are screaming. Kim's happy when he saw Vegas, Venice and others. Kim started to sing with all his emotions.

Vegas just lost himself into Kim

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Vegas just lost himself into Kim. His voice, the way he's looking. Vegas' eyes stuck into Kim. Kim is also looking at Vegas with a bright smile, singing. Kim's beauty filled Vegas' mind like a smoke. After singing Kim got down from stage, Vegas is about to go to him but the fans got Kim before. Somehow Vegas is jealous. The consort is finished with photoshoot, giving autographs, taking photos. All fans left, After a long struggle Kim made his way to Vegas, Venice and others.

Porsche: it was nice Kim.

Kinn: well done brother.

Vegas: you did amazing. You got lots of fans more than I thought.

Kim: why?! Are you jealous that I'm more famous then you?

Vegas: no I'm not.

Porchay: you did so well P'Kim.

Macau: your song was very good. This is the first time I heard your singing live. You did great.

Tankhun: oii.... It was beautiful. I like how your fans love you.

Kim: thanks everyone. Let's have dinner. It's already late. Let's go over there, the stuffs already set everything. Vegas.... Give him to me.

Kim take Venice from Vegas.

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