EPILOGUE - Starting a new life

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Vegas also aims his gun. But kinn and Kim stand Infront of them.

Porsche: hey kinn!! Get out of the way. He's a monster. He doesn't deserve to live. You're still protecting him after all of that.

Kinn: Porsche Clam down.... I know it's very complicated, we need to solve this but not this way. We should talk it out.

Porsche: is there anything left to talk it out?

Kim: clam down Porsche. I know everything that happened was not right but....

Vegas: Kim! Are you serious?! Will you still stand for this monster who took away everything from me, who took away my Pete from me, who took away your own mother. He must die. I'll kill him.

Kim: Vegas .... Please clam down. For my sake please...

Vegas: I can't. Get out of the way Kim. He must die.

Kim: Vegas, please listen to me... please... I know he did wrong but I still can't see him die Infront of me. He's still my father.... Vegas... If you kill him right now... It won't change whatever just happened. Pete, my mom, your father no one's gonna come back.

Kim slowly went to Vegas and hold Vegas's hand in which Vegas is holding his gun. Both tearing up. Everyone is silent. Vegas Put down the gun. Kim hugged him.

- thanks....I know you're gonna listen to me. We'll go far away from here....

Kim turned around to his father

- pa...I really don't know if I did right or wrong by stopping Vegas from killing you. You know what.... I also want to kill you right now, on the other hand I really love and respect you too. I can't be cruel as you who can kill his own father. I can't be like you. I can't kill you or can't see you die in front of me.... Pa... No one's gonna take what you build. It's all yours. Please don't involve us in this matter. I'm don't wanna be the head of this family. Let me go... please.

Kim hold Vegas's hand and about to leave the room.

Korn: everything is not going to end so easily.... what I built can't destroyed so easily.

Vegas and Kim looked back as Korn is about to shot Vegas. Kim come in front of Vegas

Kim: NO!!! VEG....(Bang)

Before Kim could finish his words the bullet hit his chest. As Porsche also shot Korn's heart. Both fall down as Kim fall in Vegas's arms.

Vegas: KIM!!!... No!No! No! Why!? Why you came in front of me.... Kim.... Open your eyes Kim.... I'm here....Kim....Kim...

Tankhun: pa!!!..Kim!!!... Vegas take Kim to the hospital.

Everything happened so sudden. Kinn doesn't know what to do. Porsche is also standing still. As Vegas is trying to make Kim awake. Arm, Pol and other bodyguard hurriedly help Vegas to take Kim to the hospital. They was about to take Korn but kinn stop them. Tankhun is crying. Kim slowly went near to his father, kneel down and closed Korn's eyes with his palm. Porsche also kneels down and put his hand on Kinn's shoulder.

Porsche: I'm.... I'm sorry kinn... I didn't mean....it just happened so sudden...

Kinn: it's alright Porsche. You don't need to explain. He got what he deserves.... Pa.... I hope you'll rest in heaven.

Tears falling from Kinn's eyes too. Tankhun comes closer to kinn. Porsche and Tankhun hugged kinn and crying. After few moments

- I think we should go to the hospital. Kim is injured.

The bodyguards takes care of Korn's dead body. They went to the hospital as fast as they could. As they reached, saw Vegas is sitting on the bench with empty mind. Porsche went to him. Vegas just cried

Vegas: everything just happened because of me. I couldn't save him.

Porsche: it's not your fault Vegas. Stop blaming yourself.

Vegas looks down on his hand covered with blood as his tears falling on his hand. Macau and Porchay also comes to the hospital as soon as they heard the news.

Time passes. After few hours doctor comes out

Doctor: nothing to worry. He's out of danger but still unconscious. We don't know when he'll woke up. It'll take time. Then excuse me.

Everyone is relieved a bit.

Few days later _

Kinn and others hold a funeral for Korn.
On the other hand, Kim's still unconscious. Vegas takes care of him. Vegas didn't leave Kim's side for a while. Vegas just fell asleep holding Kim's hand. Suddenly Kim wakes up. Slowly opened his eyes and saw his lover sleeping peacefully holding his hand tight. Kim tight his grip as Vegas wake up. Vegas's eyes got lit up with tears.

Vegas: Kim! You're awake. I was so worried about you. I thought I've lost you too.

Kim: clam down Vegas. I'm here. I'm totally fine. Please don't cry.

Vegas: promise me that you won't do that again.

Kim: i promise.

Kim wipes away the tears. Vegas kissed his forehead. After a while Porsche, kinn, Tankhun and Venice comes to meet with Kim. Venice went closer to Kim for a hug.

Venice: why you were sleeping for long time? Do you know how much I missed you?

Kim: I'm sorry Nic. I missed you too. From now on I'll never leave you, ok?

Venice smiles at Kim and give a kiss in his cheek. Kinn and Porsche give him flowers.

Kim recoverd within 2 months. Got back home. They have a party. Everything is now so perfect.

Vegas is standing in the 1st floor, watching Venice and others playing. Kim comes and stand beside him.

Kim: now everything is so perfect. Isn't it?

Vegas nodded.

- Vegas... I don't want anyone of us to get hurt anymore. I want a normal life with you and Venice.... Let's go far away from here and start a new life. Shell we?

Vegas: hmm. We will.... Thanks for always stand by my side, for took away my sorrow, for loving me, for coming Into my life and for making it meaningful.

Kim: thanks to you for loving me, for trusting me, for giving me a lovely son and a happy family.

Vegas: I love you.

Kim: I love you more.

Then they kiss each other.

Life took its turn over again and again and again but in the end their love wins against the difficult situation. And made them love each other more and more. Love wins against everything.


Thanks to everyone for giving love and support 🥺❤️

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