26- A Suspicious guy!

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The morning sun hit the face of both. Vegas took off the blindfold from Kim's eyes and also the chains and handcuff. Vegas kiss Kim's hands and forehead. Kim slowly opens his eyes and looks at Vegas. Vegas kiss his lips

Vegas: thanks babe.... Sorry for being to rough.... I love you na.... Stay with me forever.

Kim: I love you too babe.... I'm here... Always.

Kim kiss Vegas again. Vegas went to the bathroom and prepare a light bubble bath water with herbs and flower petals. Vegas carried Kim in a bridge style and first slightly wash Kim's whole body, wash his hair and let Kim rest in the bathtub. Vegas change the bedsheet, put a new one. Then he also wash himself and lay down on the tub, let Kim rest in his chest. Kim already fall asleep. After 1 hour Vegas got up, dry Kim's hair and body who's still in sleep. Vegas lay down Kim on the bed, cover with the blanket. Vegas put up clothes and went to bed with Kim in his arms. Vegas kissed his forehead again, ruffles the hair and sleep.

Time skip_

Kim wake up around 12:45 when he hard the door opens. Vegas is standing in the doorway with tray of food and a smiling face. Kim sit up and starching his sour body. Vegas come closer to Kim

Vegas: have you slept well? Here's some food and meds. Take it, you'll feel better.

Kim: hmm....

Vegas: just Humm..... Or you want me to continue like last night. Well... Your moans are still ringing in my ears.

Vegas smirks, Kim looked at him with a angry look and starts hitting with a pillow.

- hey... What are you doing?

Kim: you PERVERT! DIRTY MINDED!! You already make my whole body aches. And leaving red marks even my wrists are aching so bad. Get out!

Vegas: ohh.... I'm sorry. Clam down kitty.

Kim: don't call me that shit! Get out.

Kim is trying to push Vegas away but Vegas grabbed Kim's arms tight.

- Vegas... it's hurts.

Vegas lose the grip.

Vegas: I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you but I also couldn't control myself. You know I love you right? Please babe forgive me na...

Kim looked down and nodded. Vegas kissed his forehead. Vegas feed Kim and give meds.

- rest a bit more. You'll feel better.

Kim: where's Venice?

Vegas: don't worry about him. We'll take care of him.

Vegas covered Kim with the blanket. Kim falls asleep again.

Time Skip → few days later _

Vegas, Kim, Venice, Macau, Chay and crazy Tankhun made plans for shopping. They went to a mall. While walking through Kim got hit by someone. Both say sorry but Kim found this face so familiar. After finishing the shopping when they are about to went to home, Kim saw that man again. Kim found it suspicious.

Kim: you guys can go back first. I'll catch you in a moment.

Vegas: what's the matter?

Kim: just got some errands to run. Business purpose. Don't worry I'll be back soon.

Vegas hummed and they went to home as Kim followed the man. He can't remember where he saw this man. Suddenly he recall that he saw him in the CCTV footage of Pete's murder day.

Kim's POV_

I couldn't remember but I think I saw him in the CCTV footage. Yes. I saw him in the footage. This guy doesn't work for the major or minor family. kinn already found out the murderer and he's dead. Though I don't think that Pete's murder was just because of a simple thing like that. I don't understand what was he doing that day in side the major family. Is this man somehow involved with Pete's murder. I have to follow him.

Kim followed this guy. This guy met with few peoples in a abandoned house were they're making drugs and also weapons. Kim didn't do anything just keep watching over them. Suddenly a car come and stop by that. Someone is here to meet with them and give a briefcase then left. Kim saw this guy when he turned back. This guy is from one of the bodyguard in major family. Kim's confused. But he waited until that bodyguard has gone. There's money in that briefcase. After a moment Kim attack them. He killed all of them expect from the first one. Kim put his gun in his Head

Kim: kneel... Kneel down I say!.... Who was that guy? For whom you're working for?.... ANSWER ME!

.....: Pls don't kill me. Pls... I'll told you everything.

Kim: say now.

.....: Actually... We mainly supply drugs and illegal weapons to different groups of mafias....

Kim: then who was that guy?... Tell me!... Why he was here?

.....: He's just a bodyguard.... from our boss.... He gave us money.

Kim: why ?

.....: We helped our boss to kill a person and remove the evidence of killing. We also deliver drugs for him.

Kim: who's your boss?

.....: Khun.... Khun Korn.... Theerapanyakul.

Kim: what?!... Whom did you kill? Tell me.. where's the evidence?

.....: it was one of his bodyguard... Pete!

Kim: give me all the evidence. Now!

He give Kim all the documents about the money transfer from major family's account. The information about the guy whom kinn had killed that time. After that Kim shot that guy.


End of the chapter. Sorry for short and late update.

Thanks for reading 🤍😊

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