6- Like Old Times

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In the morning _

Everyone get up . At the breakfast table They discussed about the wedding place. Vegas told everyone that he wants to have a destination wedding in Pete's island. Pete's so happy because he didn't get to meet with his grandma too. Everyone supports this idea. They also get a chance to freshen up their mood.

After a long discussion Macau and Chay went to uni. Porsche called to the major family for business purposes and also meet with his love. Because kinn is handling the businesses big part. Pete is also going to meet his friends and Tankhun too. They're gonna tell the others about the destination wedding. Vegas was sulking a little bit but he let Pete go. He also remembers that he has to meet Kim. Everyone went out so as Vegas.

He called Kim few times but no answer. He thought that Kim was ignoring him because of last night's teasing. He drives to Kim's apartment. He took a extra key from the manger. He didn't have to wait for long, this is the plus point of being a mafia. He went to Kim's room door. He knocks for a few times but no answer. He used the key to enter.

Kim is not in the hall. He went to the bedroom and see that Kim is still sleeping with blanket covered around him. Hair falls in face. Vegas opens the curtain. The morning light hit Kim's face makes it more gorgeous. Vegas keeps looking for a few moments.

Then he sits beside Kim and slightly moves hair from Kim's face. In a while Kim starts moving , slowly opened his eyes and saw Vegas in front of him. Both looking at each other but Kim shout out loud as soon as he realizes that it's not a dream.


Vegas: OHH ... Come down kitty...clam down. If you ask me lots of questions at a time how can I answer?

Kim sighed.

- well, your first question's answer is I'm here to wake you up, second answer is I got a key and came in, third answer is I'm here to return the suit you forgot last night and forth answer is I came a little while ago. Are you satisfied with my answers?

Kim: (with rolling his eyes) stop being dramatic. Who give you the permission to enter? Can't you bell the ring? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?

Vegas: you were having a good nap so I didn't dare to wake you up. I called you so many times but you didn't answer so I had to come in without your permission... sir.

(Vegas smirks)

Kim: ahh..ok. I understand. Stop talking. You're making my head hurts. Now you can leave.

Vegas: first time I come to your house. Don't you think that you should at least offer me a glass of water?

Kim: then wait here. Let me fresh up. I'll offer you a glass of water.( Said with annoyed)

Kim tried to get up from bed. He just took two steps but suddenly falls. Vegas hurriedly holds Kim in his arms. Vegas can feel the temperature of Kim's body. Vegas quickly runs his hand to Kim's forehead, cheek and Kim's nack .

Vegas: hey!! You're burning up. Sit down first. Are you ok?

Kim: I'm ok. Don't worry. Just a little headache. I'll be alright.

Vegas: yeah I can see how ok you're. You're burning. Maybe yesterday you soaked too much in the water. Just lay down. I'll get something for you to eat. It's almost 10 am. And you didn't eat something.

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