28- Flashbacks!!!

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Flashback _

When Porsche and Vegas were investigating about Porsche's father's death and link between the major family. Then Kim found the evidence and hand them to his father.

Kim enter the room _

Kim: suadeekhab Pa.

Korn: hmm. So do you find everything I've told you?

Kim: yes, pa. I've already collected everything. Here are the documents about the postmortem report of Porsche's father and the documents of money transfer to his uncle. there's some reports about aunt Numphaung's mental condition too. I've collected from the hospital. And you don't have to worry about the doctor. I've already settled it. He won't open his mouth.

Korn: hmm. Good. You really did well.

Kim: pa.....if you.... don't mind... Can I ask you something?

Korn: hmm. Go ahead.

Kim: why do you had to do all the things? I mean... You killed Porsche's father... You kept aunt Numphaung under cover even you made her forgot everything about her past. You know that Porsche and Porchay are aunt's own child still you kept them apart. Why? You also killed uncle Gun. Why you did All those things?

Korn: well... Numphaung is our adopted sister. We always keep her out of our family business because it's too much dangerous.... She got married with one of Gun's friend as they were in the same uni.... Gun had crush on Numphaung as he always wanted her. Because he knew that she is our adopted sister.... Our father forbid him but he didn't back off. So he had to marry vegas's mother as our father wanted. After you grandpa left, Gun was still trying to get Numphaung..... On the other hand, Porsche's father was a very responsible parson. When he found out about us, he was kinda angry and he wanted to expose our drug business. We were discussing but it didn't work..... So I just shot him. It was so sudden and Numphaung saw it. As Porsche's father was no more, Gun could try to get her. Also she saw her husband's death with her own eyes. So I just kept her under cover with the medicines. So she can forgot about everything.

Kim: so...you planned everything to show it as an accident because of uncle Gun?

Korn: something like that. Even that's the reason I had to keep Porsche and Porchay out of this. Their life could be in danger. I always send money to Porsche's uncle to take care of them. He also knew about everything. He also gave statement in the court that it was a car accident. I gave him a much amount of money for that too.

Kim: then why you killed uncle Gun? He was still in the minor family. I don't think he was about to kill aunt Numphaung as he used to love her.

Korn: he was about to kill me. As you know in our business you'll kill Or you'll be killed by someone. He was always jealous and angry with me because I got the position of major family and I'm the one who helped your grandpa for his marriage. He always thought that I took away everything from him. Even He didn't get Numphaung though he always thought it was also because of me. He could kill me so I saved myself by kill him. That's it.

Kim: hmm. I understand.

Korn: one more thing... You can't let anyone not even Porsche and Vegas about this.

Kim: why Pa? I think you should told them about it. I hope they'll understand.

Korn: I know but there's no need right now. You know Porsche, he'll get it wrong as Vegas will too. I'll told them when Time comes. Some secrets should be kept undercover for everyone's good. I hope a smart one got my words.

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