5- Just Like A Date_(part-1)

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Kim and Vegas went to the mall. On the other hand Porsche, Macau,Pete are going to the temple to get the holy water as tankhun said. They will go to the wedding planner after this.

After driving a while Porsche saw Porchay and took him in. Porchay had to sit behind with Macau though he didn't want it. Porchay is shocked when he saw Macau. Their eyes met but Porchay looked away.

A fear popped up both of their hearts. The ride was silent cause Porsche is driving, Pete is sleeping and the rest didn't talk with each other. But somehow Porsche realized that something had happened between them otherwise they won't be silent like this.

But he didn't interrupt. They reached the temple. Pete also wakes up. All of them went to the temple, they hear sermon . Porsche gets the holy water, while Macau tried to talk with chay.

Macau: Chay... Will you talk to me? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.

Porchay again tried to ignore and turned around but Macau grabbed his hand , that gives Porchay shiver. Then he turned to Macau with closed eyes. He doesn't have the courage to meet Macau's eyes. He's breathing heavily. Cheeks and ears turn red. Heart starts to beat faster even Macau can hear it. Macau can understand that Porchay is not ready to talk about it now.

Macau's POV__

If I don't get a chance to talk to him the situation will be more complicated. He's still ignoring me so I grabbed his hand. I know he's not okay with it. He's turning red, biting his lower lip and closed eyes can tell that I already made him embarrassed but I can't lose this chance. I can't endure it anymore. I have to make clear things up right now. I want him closer to me like before.

Macau: pls chay talk to me. If you think that you made me uneasy that time or I'll hate you for that sudden act then you're wrong. I'm ok. I don't hate you for that. ( Macau cupped Porchay's face that made him open his eyes. Macau pulled their faces closer) I never ever can hate you. You know that you have a special space in my heart, right? You're so much more then you though you are for me. You understand?

Porchay: (Nodded) I know. But all I did was foolishness. I didn't mean it like that. I don't know what to do . How to face you. You're not embarrassed for me, right?

Macau: no I'm not. We're brothers. And I also agreed to help you from P'Kim. It's alright. You're the one who over thinking it. (Ruffles Porchay's hair) don't be sad little rabbit. I'm always there for you.

(Porchay Nodded and both smiled at each other. They were holding hands but suddenly Porchay part away when they saw Porsche and Pete is coming their way. They get into the car)
Macau takes a long breath with satisfaction.

At least we made up. But it hurts when I say that we are brothers. I don't want to be just brother with you Chay but I left no choice. I'm happy that I got my first kiss from the parson I love though you don't love me like that way. I'll try my best to wait if you look at me once.

Porchay's POV__

At least we made up. I don't know if P'Macau didn't talk first how would I make up with him. When his face was closer to mine my heart was about to explode. I couldn't take off my eyes from him. He touched my face that made me a little clam. I'm happy that he doesn't hate me but somehow I also felt hurt when he said WE'RE BROTHERS. Why I should fell that way? I can't recognize my own feelings. What should I do? Do I really love P'Macau? It's impossible!!! Porchay calm down your mind and control yourself. I still don't know how he feels about me. He said that we're brothers. That means he just looks at me like that. I can't spoil our relationship. When I don't know about my feelings either. I should let it be like this.

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