29- History is written by the Victors

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Kim: I have to think about this kinds of stuffs Because it's already involved my life too. Do you ever thought that what will Vegas feel? What will Porsche feel?

Korn: clam down Kim. Why don't you understand that I did everything for you?

Kim: for me!? I never want anything from you. Why you have to kill them?

Korn: huh...(sighed) I don't understand why sometimes you act like a child.... I... The head of the major family. I really have to do many things to reach in this position.... Power comes when you have the ability to consume and control it. Well, as for you.... I tried my best to made you capable for the position and to give you that position. I believe after me you're the only one who can take over this family.

Kim: I never wanted that position pa. I want a normal life. And kinn is already holding this family then why should I?

Korn: as for your brother.... He's not that capable to hold this. Do you know why? Kinn is better but not best. He really can't handle complected things like you. See... Among all of the members of this family only you know about me the most. Kinn is not compatible with you because he's way more soft. If anyone in this family can compatible with you is Vegas. He's Sharp on the other hand he's also kinda soft like your brother after fell in love with Pete. Kinn is weak because of Porsche..... You should be wise while chosing a parson to love. Love makes us weak, Kim. If you love someone you'll always live in the fear of losing that parson.

Kim: it doesn't mean that we'll never love anyone. Everyone have their loving parson. You also used to love Mae. And how can you say that kinn can't handle things. All this years he's been handling the family business. He's capable enough. You should be greatful to him. He let go all of his dreams because of you.

Korn: I know that kinn wanted to be something else. but Kim.... You're Theerapanyakul. You can't forget that. Do you know what I had to do to get this position? Let me tell you from the beginning. The real story you don't know yet.... First of all, I was my father's favorite son. I always used to snatched everything from my brother, even his credit in everything. To get the position of major family....I killed my father. No one knows. Everything was going well. I married to your mother. Three of you born. Your mother could survive but I didn't put that much effort because I loved her and she was My weakness.... Again I have to kill Porsche's father for this business secret. I had to make Numphaung to lose her memory. Among three of you, I wanted Tankhun to be the next head of this family but an accident and everything was over. Kinn is always soft still I need him to run the businesses. But my brother always tried to get it. But he was not that much strong to get it. I hide everything from him, when he got to know I had to kill him too..... As for Vegas, I let go Pete but I also sent someone to kill him after that. Because if he knows about the real reason of his father's death, he wouldn't step back to get revenge. He's lucky, 5 bullets but still survive. He becomes so soft after his father's death so I didn't have to think to kill him until he and Porsche again trying to find out the past. Well...you already got the evidence as I told you but unfortunately Pete saw it. I asked him to kill Vegas, come back to the major family. As he denied, I had to kill Pete too. That's all.

Kim kneel down after hearing this words from his father. He can't believe his ears. Tears falling.

Kim: how simply you said that's all. How could you be so cruel like this? You killed your own father and brother to get this position.... You killed our mother.... You're using Kinn and Porsche.... You killed Pete.... You tried to kill Vegas.... And how stupid I am! You're also using me to cover up your shitty works. I always worked as you said without knowing nothing. I thought I was free from this shitty family but no.... You.... You controled me more then anyone. Why pa!? Why did you do that?

Korn: I did everything for you. You're gonna be the head of this family.

Kim: DON'T SAY THAT!!! YOU ARE SELFISH!! YOU DID NOTHING FOR ME NOT FOR KINN OR ANYONE. YOU DID EVERYTHING FOR YOURSELF..... You never cared about us. Never wanted to know what we want. You use me as an excuse to build your empire.... Pa... We still care about you. Me, hia, kinn... We still care about you.... Please don't do anything that could effect our relationship. Pa... I did everything for you, whatever you told me. I was far from this family but you always hold me back. I already lost a parson I loved. This time.... I really want a peaceful life with Vegas. I love him pa. I can't live without him.... This is the last time I'm asking you for something.... Please let us go pa. I really don't want to be the head of this family. Please pa... Give me a break from this.

Korn: I would let you go but it's too late now. You have to.... Kill Vegas.

Kim: PA!!! I love him.

Korn: if you don't kill him, he'll kill you. Do you really think that he loves you? Don't forget Kim... History is written by the Victors. If you step back someone else will take your place. This is your chance to win what you deserve.

Kim was silent for few moments. Tears falling.

Kim: I can't pa. I can't do this.

Korn: Kim.... you're doing wrong.

Suddenly the door slammed. Vegas, Porsche, Kinn, Tankhun is standing in the doorway. Korn and Kim turned around. Vegas run into Kim and hold him into his arms. Kim started crying. Everyone come inside in shock.

Kim: I'm sorry Vegas. I...I couldn't save the parson you love. I'm sorry.

Vegas: it's not your fault. Stop crying. We heard everything. It was not your fault Kim.

Kinn: pa... What was that? How could you do that pa?

Tankhun: pa.... You .... You really killed Pete?

Porsche aim his gun to Korn.

Porsche: I knew it. It was you for whom everything that happened.... You don't deserve to live.

Kinn: Porsche!!!

Korn: (smirks) you really think that you can kill me so easily?

Vegas: not only him.

Vegas also aimed his gun.


End of this part. The next part will be the last part of this story.

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Love you all🥰🤍

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