13- HE'S NO MORE!!!

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The morning sun hit the faces of them. Kim wake up first, Vegas's face Is still so close to Kim's. Kim's looking at him for a while. Kim let their noses touch and rub slightly, Kim slowly moved to Vegas's lips and give a soft pick with his lips. Their lips met for few seconds. Kim apart himself from vegas_

In Kim's mind: what am I doing? I can't be like this. He's not mine. I'm sorry Vegas. I'm sorry.

Kim gets up quick and went to the bathroom. Kim comes out after few minutes. He dressed up and wake up Vegas

Kim: Vegas....Vegas... wake up. It's late. Vegas.

Vegas slowly open his eyes, looks at Kim

- it's already late. We have to get some documents and left for Bangkok.

Vegas: ok. I'm wake now.

Vegas gets ready, they have breakfast and check out from the hotel, went to their business partner for some documents. Then they went to the airport.

Time skip_

Vegas is feeling guilty because he didn't talk with Pete for almost two days. Their flight lands, now they are heading to the major family, Vegas stoped by and brought Pete's favorite food because he knows that Pete might be angry. Suddenly a call from Porsche _

Vegas: hello, Porsche.

Porsche: Vegas, where are you? I've been calling for few hours. Why didn't you pick up?(panting)

Vegas: you know I went to Italy for business. I was in flight that's why I couldn't pick up. What happened? Why are you panting like this?

Porsche: I can't tell you right now. Just come to the xxx hospital right now.

Vegas: but what happened? Who's in hospital?( Porsche hang up) hello... Porsche... Porsche!!!

Kim: what happened?

Vegas: I don't know. Porsche want me to go to the hospital. He clearly didn't say anything.

Kim: let's drive fast.

Vegas and Kim went to the hospital as soon as possible. When they enter, Porsche, Kinn and others are standing still silent, tears falling, Tankhun is crying and Arm, Pol is trying to handle him. Vegas and Kim still don't understand what is happening. Vegas went to Porsche and Kim went to Tankhun. Tankhun hugged Kim tight and crying.

Vegas: Porsche... What's happening. Why everyone is looking like this.... Where's Venice? Is he all right? Where's Pete?... Why you're not answering? Tell me where are they?

Porsche: Venice is all right. He's sleeping and our bodyguards are with him.

Vegas: thank God. Then what's wrong. Who's sick? Where's Pete?..... Did something happens to him? Tell me Porsche.

Porsche now crying, Tankhun is screaming....

Tankhun: Peeeteee ..... My Pete.....

Tankhun's screaming made Vegas's heart pounding with fear.

Vegas: why everyone kept silent? Why are you guys not telling me anything?

Vegas is losing his temper. Suddenly a nurse comes with stretcher, white cloth covering the body.

Porsche: Vegas....(Porsche hold Vegas's shoulder and nodded)

Vegas is kinda shocked, he went to the dead body, his hand is shaking. Vegas hold the cloth and slide it and step back. It's Pete, his whole body is white pale, his pink lips turned white as paper. His head is covered with bandage and his clothes covered with blood. Vegas standing still for few minutes. Tears are flowing knew no bounds, Kim's also shocked. Vegas's mind Is totally blank . He step forward..

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