20- Before it's too late

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Vegas went home, Venice was sleeping. Vegas sit down on the floor and thinking about what happened earlier.


SHIT!!! I don't know why I behaved like this. Why I say those words to him? I know he already broke once. Why I'm so stupid to say those kinds of words. What should I do now. ( Vegas keeps punching the floor, tears running down) Clam Down Vegas...clam down. (He breaths few times to control himself) I never want anyone to have an eye on him or any kind of attachment, feelings towards him. Sometimes I just wants to make him mine. I want his affection, his love and also his body. I want his everything. He belongs to me only. I never looked down on him. Though I was so much harsh on him. I didn't mean it. I shouldn't say those things. But what could I do? I just couldn't control myself. He thought me wrong. But it's also my fault that I say that kinds of things. I was so much angry that I said whatever just comes in my mind. I don't know what should I do now. Those bustards are talking shit about him but it was not his fault. He didn't know anything about it. There's no reason for me too being over possessive to him. I shouldn't because I never told him about my feelings either. He has his own life. I just mess up everything.

On the other hand

KIM is now in his dorm, laying on the bed, crying


Why Vegas? Why you thought like that? Do you know how much your words hurts me? I always thought about you. My love, heart, body everything belongs to you only. All the time I just wanted you to love me and I always carving for your affection and your touch on me. I always wanted to make you mine...... But you never wanted to know how I feel about you. I never could say how I feel about you. Then why you showing this affection to me now? If you keep doing this, I know I won't be able to hold my patience anymore. I'll be desperate to make you mine. But why ? Why you look down on me? Don't you believe me?..... How can I live without you and Venice? I really wants to be someone you love. I really love you, Vegas. I really do.

After that incident, few days passed. Vegas called Kim many times but the phone is switch off. Kim also didn't visit Venice. Though Vegas heard that Kim talk with Venice everyday by phone of Macau and Chay. Vegas is feeling more and more guilty about his behavior. Everyone can tell that there's something wrong between Kim and Vegas. Vegas don't take his food well, he can't concentrate in the businesses meeting or work as well. Sometimes he also behaving so harsh with Macau and Venice for last few days. Macau and Chay asked Porsche and others for help.

Today Porsche come early to visit Vegas. Tankhun, Arm and Pol are also with him. Vegas is in his room. Porsche went to VEGAS'S room when everyone is waiting in the downstairs. Knock in the door _

Vegas: Macau...I told you not to disturb.

Porsche: it's me. Porsche. Can I come in?

Vegas is silent so Porsche come inside.

- you're looking so down. What happened? Did you fight with Kim?

Vegas is still silent.

- Vegas.... Everything was alright in the consort. So what happened?.... Vegas .... If you're not gonna say anything how am I supposed to know what's going on between you guys? ( Porsche hold Vegas's hand) listen to me... Don't keep things inside you. Let it out. You'll feel better. Just tell me everything. Maybe I'll be able to help you out, if I can't at least your heart will be lighter. We all are gonna help you out.

Vegas slowly look up at Porsche, Porsche hold his hand tight and nodded. Tears starts falling form Vegas eyes. He told everything to Porsche. Everything that happened between him and Kim.

Vegas: Porsche.... Do you really think I'm wrong. I know I was harsh on him. I shouldn't say those things but he's still not talking to me. I really want to apologize to him.

Porsche: Vegas.... I think only apology is not enough. You should tell him about your feelings. And we know that he loves you so much.

Vegas: I don't know Porsche. I'm confused sometimes.

Porsche: don't hold yourself back anymore Vegas. Everyone need love and support to live. As you need him, he needs you too. I know it's hard for you. On the other hand you should accept the truth too. We all know that how much you love Pete but he's no more. Kim's the one who supports you more then anyone of us. We can tell that how much he cares about you. Your feelings are clear but you're not confident enough to let it out.... Vegas...we can love two Parsons at a time. It's natural. Love just happens. No one can control it. You don't need to feel guilty that you're betraying Pete. You love Kim that doesn't mean that you don't love Pete. I think Pete also wants you to be happy.... Life is difficult more than we thought. The chance of being happy doesn't come twice. Now when you got a chance to live your life with happiness with someone again why you're just pushing it away. You should cherish this chance. Not only you , Venice is also involved with Kim too. We're with you Vegas. If you love him, just go and get him before it's too late. Don't let go the parson you love.

Porsche nodded and Vegas hugged him.

Vegas: thanks Porsche.

Porsche: now go and get him, confess you feelings.

Vegas hurriedly went down as fast as could. Get in the car, drive to Kim's condo. Vegas knock the door few times but no response. He tried to enter, the door is not locked. He enter but Kim is not there. Suddenly Vegas noticed some documents in the table. This documents are about a contract with a music production in USA. Kim have to go to USA and today is his flight. It'll take off within one and a half hour. Vegas just don't know what to do. He rushed to the airport. He went to the checking counter.

Vegas: excuse me! Can you pls contact me with a passenger in the flight to USA, KIMHAN THEERAPANYAKUL?

Stuff: Sorry sir. The flight is already take off 10 minutes ago.

Vegas is so much disappointed but the stuff call him again

- sir... The passenger you're looking for didn't get on the flight.

Vegas: are you sure?

Stuff: yes. The passenger was about to check in but then he left.

Vegas: thanks.

Vegas went out from the airport. Porsche suddenly called while Vegas is driving.

Porsche: Vegas.. did you talk with Kim? It's been a while.

Vegas: hey Porsche, I was going to call you. I couldn't find Kim.

Porsche: what!?

Vegas: I went to his condo but he was not there. Then I found out that he was about to go to USA, today was his flight but he didn't check in too.

Porsche: so where's he now?

Vegas: maybe I know where he can be.

Vegas hang up the call. He's driving.....


End of this part. Thanks for reading.

Love you all 🤍😊

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