22- Thanks for loving me

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They went for a deep and passionate kiss. Their tongues want to consume each other and fighting to enter. Kim let Vegas enter, their saliva met, they can feel the sweetness of their mouth though this kiss. But the sweetness break from a voice which interrupt the sweet moment

Porsche: hey love birds!!! We're here. Just stop, it's raining.

Both shocked and apart their kiss to look back at, everyone is here including little Venice, standing with umbrella. Both of them got a little embarrassed. Kim try to push Vegas but Vegas pulled him by the waist. Everyone is smiling. They went to a villa they've already booked for staying. Kim and Vegas change their clothes when everyone is waiting for them. Kim is still feeling embarrassed to came in front of everyone but Vegas hold his hand and came down.

Tankhun: let's cheers for the new couple...( Everyone clapping their hands, suddenly Tankhun starts crying and went to Kim for a tight hug) oiii.... Kim... I'm so much happy and also disappointed...this Vegas also steal you from me too.....I hope you'll be happy.

Kim: hia ... I can't breathe...

Tankhun lose the grip. They sit down.

Porsche: congratulations to both of you.

Macau: well it's kinda shocking but we can tell for a long time that something is going between you guys. But I didn't thought that you would made up this fast

Porchay: stop it P'Macau. I'm really happy P'Kim and for you too P'Vegas.

They sit together and holding hands.

Kinn: I can't believe it's happening. All of you know about this for a long time but why I didn't know.

Vegas: you're dumb that's why you didn't know...(everyone laugh at kinn)
BTY how did you guys find out that we're here?

Porsche: it's all about Arm's tracking device in your car.

Vegas: you guys are cunning!

Kim: where's Nic?

Venice: here...

Venice jump upon Kim.

- you haven't visit me. You tried to go away from me. I'm so much angry with you.

Venice make a pout face.

Kim: how can I leave? I've already promised you right.

Venice hold Kim's nack and give a kiss to his lips. Kim is shocked so as Vegas.

Kim: Nic why did you kiss me like that?

Venice: I saw you said you love pa also kissed pa like this. I asked uncle Tankhun, he said we can kiss like this to the people we love. That's why I kissed you. Don't you love me?

Everyone is feeling akward. Vegas looked at Tankhun. Kim smiles a little to Venice.

Kim: Nic it's not like that. I mean I love you too and I love your pa too. But it's different. You'll understand when you'll grownup ok .

Venice: can't you tell me now?

Kim: no. I'll when you'll turned 18. My sweet sugar. Don't be mad.

Kim kiss Venice's cheek. After that they talk about many things, they take dinner. Kim helped Venice to sleep. Everyone went to bed. Kim come to the room, saw Vegas is standing by the window, the cold wind hitting him. Kim slowly walked to him and hugged from back. Vegas smiles and turned around. Vegas kiss Kim.

Kim: what are you thinking?

Vegas: nothing much. It's just.... I don't know how to explain it to you.

Kim: I can tell. it about Pete, right?

Vegas looked down.

- Vegas...(hold Vegas's face with his plans to face him) you don't need to feel down or guilty...... I know that you still love Pete. I want you to love him. I never want you to forget about him. He's an important parson in your life. Your first love..... I know I won't be able to take his place in your heart and I never want to...... I just want you to give me a space in your heart too. I just want you to love me a little. I want you to stay by my side and that's enough for me.

Tears falling from Vegas's eyes. Kim slightly wipes it away and kiss his forehead.

Vegas: thanks Kim. Thanks for love me and stand by me.

They went for a kiss. They kiss slowly and deepen the kiss. Vegas pulled up Kim, as Kim wrapped his legs around Vegas. Vegas slowly put down Kim on the bed. They're still kissing, Vegas started unbuttoning Kim's shirt and throws it. Vegas put off his shirt and went for a kiss again. The kiss is long, wet, deep and sweet. This time Vegas let Kim enter his mouth. Both lost themselves in the kiss. They apart when they runs out of breath. They both panting but don't want to hold back. They went for another kiss. After the sweet taste of Kim's mouth Vegas went down to Kim's nack,kissing softly, bitting slowly but enough hard to leave hickeys. Then went down for more. He started kissing and sucking Kim's nipples, playing with it, hit Kim's sensitive spot made Kim moan a little. Kim's moan made him go crazy, Vegas also bite Kim's nipples. Kim's grabbing Vegas's hair and back, trying not to moan out but Vegas's every touch make him losing his control. He can't do anything but moan. Vegas went down and down, kissing the whole torso and also his navel. Vegas pull down Kim's pant, looking at the hard core made more sensation in his body. Vegas rub both their hard members against each other, faster, he went for a kiss again. After few moments, Vegas started kissing Kim's feet and coming up for knee and thigh. Vegas give some bites to Kim's beautiful white pale thighs. He parted Kim's legs wide for a closer look. Vegas put his fingers in his mouth, makes it wet with his saliva and pushed one finger in Kim's tight hole, made him moan with pain. Kim closed his eyes, grabbed VEGAS'S hair and scratching his back. Vegas starts moving slowly to made it lose. In a while he put his another finger and then another, moving slowly, loosen the hole. Kim's in pain, Vegas kissing him to distract.

Vegas: look at me...into my eyes.

Kim slowly opens his eyes and looks at Vegas. Vegas move his fingers faster. He pulls out when Kim is loosen a little. Vegas put a condom in his hard core and asked for permission

- I'm going in. Tell me if it's hurts so much.

Kim: don't ask...just do it.

Vegas pushed his member into Kim, tears caming from his eyes from the pain, Vegas kissing Kim and let adjust. Vegas starts moving his hips slowly when he felt that Kim's ready. Vegas also rubbing Kim's member to give him much pleasure. Pain starts turning into pleasure. Kim moan out a little. Vegas then pushed himself into Kim as much as he can. Keep thrusting, trying to find Kim's sensitive spot. Every thrust is making more pleasure. When Vegas find that spot he keeps thrusting faster and faster. Kim moan out his name asking for more. the room is now full of lust and moans. Sweats running down.

Kim: aghhh..... Ve...gas....ahh.... give me.... Ahh...more...aghhh... Vegas...

Vegas: as you wish baby kitten.... You're so tight and warm inside. You're screeching so much. you're making me crazy.

Vegas keeps moving himself until they reached their climax and they both cum. They both panting. Vegas again kiss Kim's forehead and Kim hugged him tight.

- thanks babe. Thanks for trusting me. I love you.

Kim smiles at Vegas with satisfaction.

Kim: thanks for loving me and giving me more then I deserve. I love you too.

They both kiss each other.....


End of this part😩.

I'm too shy to write about this. Use your wild imagination

Love you all🤍😊

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