17- Become a part of my LIFE

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Next morning _

Kim opens his eyes and saw the blanket is covering him and Venice. But Vegas is not around. Venice also gets up. Kim freshen up and also make Venice ready. He went to the hall of the hotel where everyone was waiting for them.

They have breakfast. Everyone is planning to go out to another island. Which is not that far from here. They enjoy the boat riding. The island is small but beautiful. Vegas is around but Kim didn't talk with him.

Venice was running through the whole beach and Vegas was chasing him. They played in the water. The others went out of water but Vegas, Kim, chay and Macau are playing. Suddenly Kim's foot got cut by a broken piece of glass bottle while playing in the water.

Kim: ouch!!!

Vegas: what happened?...oh it's bleeding... Let me see.

Kim: no need to... it'll be fine.

Vegas: no it's not. It'll be infected. Hold on to me...can you walk a little.

Kim nodded. Vegas hold on Kim's waist and Kim's one arm on his shoulder. Few steps but Kim can't walk properly.

Vegas: are you ok?... It's bleeding more. Let me carry you.

Kim: No!!!No!!!No!!! It's totally fine. I can walk. I'm not a child. You no need to.

Vegas: will you listen to me? If you walk the wound will be inflamed. Let me carry you.

Before Kim could speak Vegas carry him in bridal style Infront of Macau and Chay. Though Vegas doesn't care but Kim just hides his face into Vegas's chest. Kim is feeling uncomfortable in front of them. Vegas carried him and let him sit in a bench.

Vegas: don't move. I'll get the med kit for you.

Macau and Chay come to Kim. Kim is kinda embarrassed.

Porchay: are you ok P'Kim? is it hurts a lot? It's a deep wound.

Kim: a little. It'll be fine.

Macau: it's good that hia carried you. Otherwise it would bleeds more. Don't walk too much.

Kim awkwardly smiles with embarrassment and nodded. Vegas already comes with kit.

Vegas: lift your foot.

Kim: ouch!!! Do it gently. It hurts.

Vegas: I'm doing it gently ok!! Don't be such a child.

Vegas cleaned the wound and bandage.

– it's done.... Let me take you to the room.

Kim: it's ok. I'll go with Macau and Chay. Go and check on Venice.

Vegas: ok then, I'm going. Get some rest.

Vegas left and Macau and Chay helped Kim to walk to the room.

Kim: thanks to both of you.

Porchay: don't say that P'Kim.... P'Macau you can go first, I'll talk to P'Kim a little.

Macau: ok. Take care bro.

Porchay: if you don't mind can I ask you something P'?

Kim: sure Chay. What is it?

Porchay: well...do you...have... I mean...do you have feelings for P'Vegas?

Kim: (silent for few minutes with shock)
What made you think like that?

Porchay: well.... Since P'pete is gone you're so close with P'Vegas. You have been taking care of him so well. And now he's way more better then before. He's also very caring to you. That's why I just casually asked you.

Kim: it's not like that. And you're still young to think about this kind of thing of others.(Kim gives a poke in Chay's forehead)

Porchay: oii.... P'Kim. It hurts. And I'm not child anymore. I'm about to graduate. I'm a grown up and also have a boyfriend.

Kim: yeah I know Mr. Grown up.

Porchay: P'Kim.... (Porchay holds Kim's hand) It's been years. If you really love someone I don't know if it's P'Vegas or someone else, pls open up your heart before it's too late. I also want you to be happy.

Kim: thanks chay. I think you're really grownup now. I'll think about it.

Porchay: thanks to you too. Now take some rest.

Kim nodded and Porchay left.


Porchay can tell. How? Am I that much relaying on Vegas. What if everyone knows about this. What if Vegas... No it's not possible. He doesn't have any feeling for me. He's caring for me because I took care of him. He always thinks about me as a brother and a friend. How can I tell him about my feelings. I already broke once I don't want to be broken again. I've to go far away from him.

Kim sighed heavily.

Time skip _

Everyone got back to Bangkok the next day. Vegas  got back to the minor family but Kim didn't come with him. Though Vegas dropped him at his condo. Vegas first took care of Venice and let him sleep beside him. Vegas is thinking about everything happened.


The day was tired but Kim didn't come. Well it's true that after a long time everyone had a lot of fun. (Vegas holds Pete's photo)  Everyone is really trying their best to convince me. though it's true that you're not with me anymore. I still miss you a lot Pete....

On the other hand it's also truth that I have a very good feeling for Kim at the same time... I don't know what kind of feeling it is, I just can't explain. Sometimes it feels like I'm falling for him like I've fallen for you.

What should I do Pete? Can you tell me? I'm confused...I like all the way he is. He's the one who supports me all the time since you've gone far away from me. I know I love you, I'll always love you. No one can take your place...

But why I'm feeling like this, why can't I recognize my feelings for him? Am I just feeling good because he's the one who comfort me, and support me all the time? I don't know.

Whatever just happened between me and Kim was it just for need or it was all because of the real emotion. I've never thought to love someone else expect of you. I don't know if I can love someone else except you.

Is it possible to love someone else when I know I love you with my all heart... Your suspense really made me so lonely until Kim is beside me. I know I miss you all the time but when he's not around I kinda miss him too.

I feel happy when he takes care of me. And you know, he takes care of our Venice too....(sighed heavily) Now the only thing I know is Kim's already attached to our family, Pete.

He has already become a part of my and Venice's life at the same time.

Now I'm also afraid to lose him too... From last few days he's continuously kinda ignoring me. Maybe I know the reason. I wanted to talk it out but I didn't have that much courage.

It's maybe because he'll feel uncomfortable or maybe I'm too much confused about myself.... I don't know what to do but I'll talk it out. Everything will be Same again. I promise to you, I'll always take care of Venice. You know, I love you, right? No matter what you'll always in my heart forever Pete, forever.

Then Vegas fall asleep.


End of this part. Sorry for delay. I didn't get much time to write. I'm trying my best to update fast.

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