23- Happy birthday!!!

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They both kiss each other.

Kim just cried into VEGAS'S arms. Vegas hold Kim tight_

Vegas: hey what happened my little kitten? Tears doesn't suits in your beautiful eyes.

Vegas wipes away tears with his thumb and caressing Kim's cheek.

Kim: it's feel like a dream to me, Vegas. I still can't believe that we're together.... You won't leave me right?

Vegas: no I'll not. I'm always here to tease you. Now give me a smile.

Kim smiles a little. Vegas took him to the shower, wash his hair. They both take bath and went to sleep, cuddling each other.

Next morning _

Everyone is getting ready to go back to Bangkok. Vegas and Kim also went downstairs. No one noticed but Porsche does, red hickeys in Kim's nack which couldn't cover with the shirt's collar. Everyone went to car but Porsche hold Kim

Porsche: wait!

Kim: what?

Porsche: how was last night? I can tell it was not so easy on you.

Kim: huh!?... What are you talking about?(embarrassing in front of Porsche)

Porsche: be careful from next time. Red marks can expose you.

Kim: ok ok... stop teasing me. You're more experienced, give me tips form next time. Now let's go , we're getting late.

Both laughed and went to the car. They reached Bangkok, Porsche and others including Kim went to the major family to meet Mr Korn.

Few days later _

Kim now starts staying in the minor family though Mr Korn don't know anything about this. Kim went out for some of his work in the music company. Vegas went to the major family for some business talk. After that they discussing about a birthday party.

Vegas: tomorrow is Kim's birthday. I think this time we should surprise him. It'll be easy because he's out of the town for a business meeting. He'll back at night.

Porsche: ohh... You wanna surprise him after he got back your boyfriend. But you never surprise him before.

Vegas: it's not that. I always wished him happy birthday at 12 by msg. But I really wanna do something new because we've been through a lot of things..... We never got a chance to celebrate birthdays expect for Venice when Pete was with us.......And we haven't celebrate good times for a long time.

Porsche: you're right. Then should we throw a party without let him know.

Vegas: I think it would be better.

Tankhun: then I'll arrange the gifts with my choice, since you've already got my brother. Macau, chay follow me. And you two prepare other things. And kinn will handle the meeting stuffs for you guys.

Kinn: why I have to always handle the meeting?

Tankhun: because you're the head.

Everyone nodded and they left to prepare the surprise party.

Time skip_

It's almost 12. Kim's on his way. Everything is ready, decorations, cake and lots of gifts. While Kim is driving, a msg popped up.

Veggie (my luv)



After reading the msg smile appears in Kim's face. He drives fast. In a while he reached the minor family. Lights is off. When Kim enter, everyone suddenly wishes him happy birthday. Kim's kinda shocked but also happy. He looks at Vegas who's smiling. Venice is also awake. Everyone sing the birthday song, including Venice. He comes to Kim with a flower in his hand

Venice: Happy birthday to you kim. ( he kissed Kim's cheek, Kim just cried. They hug each other)

They cut the cake. The first piece is for Venice then for the others.

Vegas: hey! Where's mine?

Kim: it's not for you. Where's my gift?

Everyone give him gifts but Vegas forgot.

- where's my gift Vegas? You don't have anything for me?

Vegas: huh!?...well....I ordered but it haven't reached yet.

Kim: just admit that you forgot.

Vegas: it's not that Kim. Actually I was busy arranging this things so I didn't get time to buy.... But I'll surely give you a gift.

Kim smiles.

Kim: it's ok. I'm not mad at you. I'm really happy that you guys arrange a party like this. Thank you everyone.

They eat dinner and drink wine, champagne. Kim let sleep Venice in his arms and went to his room to lay him down on bed. Everyone got drunk, sleep randomly. Vegas is not that much drunk so as Kim. But their cheeks are red. Vegas is waiting for Kim. Kim just enter the room, Vegas just pulled him into a kiss and pushed Kim against the wall. They both lost themselves into the Kim. It tastes like wine.......


End of this part. Sorry for late update and short chapter.

I had drafted it but for the lack of the WiFi network my drafts was gone 😭 so I have to drafted the whole chapter again.

Pls be considered. Trying to update fast.
Love you all🤍🥺

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