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Vegas drives for more then 2 hours and they reached at the destination. Kim went out from the car and saw it's amusement park.

Kim: what is all this about Vegas? Why you take me here?

Vegas: you're in such a bad mood so I think you should cheer up. And you have to perform in my wedding too. If you'd be like this how can you perform. I want everything perfect.

Kim: are you kidding me!!!? Huh... Well I'm so much tired. I'm going home now.

Vegas holds his hand and Kim get more angry. Kim pushed away again and this time Vegas holds him by his waist.

wtf are you doing? Let me go!!!

Kim is struggling in Vegas's tight grip. Trying to push away.

Vegas: come down kitty.

Kim: you want a dead wish huh?

Get out from the grip

– what do think you are? I'm not in the mood. Do you know what's going on in my mind. I'm already stressed with my problems and you're irritating me more.

Vegas: I'm just trying to help you out?

Kim: helping me out from what? Do you know any fuckin' thing about me?

Vegas: who said that? I already know everything about you. I know that you're having problems about Porchay. You just betrayed him and now he's gone. If I simply say you're heartbroken kitty.

Kim: *more then shocked* how do you know this?

Vegas: do you think you're the only detective in the family, huh? After everything shuttle down I always keep eyes on Macau and Porchay because I can't take any risk. We're still mafias . My man informed me that you had a fight with Porchay and Macau and after that you rarely go out from your house.

Kim: you're spying on me!? How dare you interfere in my parsonal life?

Vegas: clam down. I'm not interested in your parsonal life. I had to do that cause my brother is involved with your parsonal life. I don't want him to get hurt. That's the reason.

Kim: so you think I'm that bad that I'll hurt your brother. Ohh.... Now I get it. You're trying to make fun of me right? The parson I love already left and now you're trying to show me sympathy. Now I understand why you're so good to me. You're happy that I'm in Pain. Get the hell out of my site. I don't want to see you, you fuckin' bustard.

Vegas: Kim, you're getting it wrong. I didn't mean it that way.

Kim: don't call my name!! You can't change Vegas. I'm leaving. I don't want to waste my time with you.

Vegas: Kim!!! Kim!! Listen to me!!! Kim!!

Kim is  so much angry about to cross the road. A car is about to hit him but Vegas pulled him back and fall upon Kim. Both is looking at each other.

Vegas: are you insane!! You're about to hit the car!!! * They get up and Vegas yelled at Kim* why are you seeing it like that way? I didn't mean to make fun of yours or trying to hurt you. I've already told you that I don't want fighting among us. We never get along for our fathers and compilation between us. I'm trying to help you out.
I also don't know what's going on between the three of you. I tried to ask Macau but he didn't said anything. I don't want to involve. After years I went out with you. That's why I want you to enjoy. That's it. But you're getting it wrong. But lost control more than me. Clam down yourself. You'll be in an accident just for a little bit.

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